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Angered and depressed by others not having motivation problems while I do

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I finished the "going meta is a superpower" video and am considering the difference in structure between somebody with zero motivation problems easily succeeding and someone who gets easily depressed and easily gives up.

If I am disadvantaged, I am then further disadvantaged by realizing that I am or realizing the ease with which some successful people succeeded, sure they worked hard, but they didn't go through what others have while those others didn't succeed - or realizing how much effort is required of me and being unmotivated by that.

The structure is that I am wired differently, with different emotional buttons, in a different setting than someone who learned an entire coding language well enough to create a video game at age 12, but realizing this doesn't give me a solution.

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A comparison of scenarios might be helpful to draw out the differences:


Creator A:  Considers the starting places & success of other’s, what they’re up against and what they’ve overcome, and how hard they’ve worked to get to where they are. 

Creator B: Establishes what they want from where they’re at, focuses on enjoying each step of that journey, appreciates any help available from those who have found success in what they are interested in. 


Creator A: Has indirectly created a sense of self worth, via an idea of an identity as a ‘coder’, deriving their worth from the comparisons... “how good of a coder am I?”  - but is actually referencing their own thoughts about others, not the actual experiential known experience of any other. If the comparison is favorable, Creator A feels good about the idea of who they are. If the comparison is unfavorable, Creator A feels bad about the idea of who they are. Is in competition with everyone involved in the comparisons. Has put the logical deduction & analysis, before how they feel. 

Creator B: Is not focused on comparison, is focused on what they want & discovering more of it, and is enjoying the process for the experience of it as it unfolds, of what they established they want. They see people who are successful in the their areas of interest as examples & resources of help. Does less ‘reinventing the wheel’, and more ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, reaching heights of experience previously unimagined. Has put how they feel before any logical analysis.




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