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I have two mediation books, which one would be best to start with?

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I have Om Swami's book regarding yoga and mediation techniques, and also the book"Mastering Buddha" (I'm using shortened names as I do not want to leak any copyright information).

I'm experiencing Kundalini symptoms, which is explicitly addressed in "Mastering the buddha", yet it also states that a prerequisite is having an established practice. At the height of my practice, which I slowed down recently due to inflamed Kundalini symptoms, I was doing Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya for about half an hour, and self-inquiry for one hour. Does this count as an established practice? I was always really shit at self-inquiry so I don't know if it counts.


I was thinking perhaps I could practice Om Swami's basic focus techniques before getting fully into intensive meditation. But then again I am experiencing Kundalini quite preavlently, and the theory in "Mastering Buddha" is quite in-depth so maybe I should just go for it.

What do ya'll think?

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@Mada_ Maybe take it slow, read both and integrate into your practice what helps you right now. 

3 hours ago, Mada_ said:

I was always really shit at self-inquiry so I don't know if it counts.

Yes it's a tricky one because it's not what most people tell you. Even those who heard Ramana speak misunderstood him. And most explanations didn't really do it for me honestly. I think Ruper Spira is one of the most down-to-earth guiding points you can find for what Self Inquiry really means. Inquiry implies an active approach. But that can mislead quickly. It's more of a resting in Silence really, and the question "Who Am I" has to be understood correctly to do anything. Either way, I think as long as you explore for yourself, one hour is a solid practice!!

By the way, focus is always great as a side practice, can help greatly!

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