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Leo's latest video : some observations and questions

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I have finished watching Leo's latest video.

I have found it quite amazing (though i think that i have to rewatch again for better understanding)

It's wonderful in a sense that after hearing for a while,  i could resonate it with stage yellow wisdom.

Another good thing is that it kinda fusioned spirituality with practicality. So we get twice benefit from it.

My questions:

1. Leo has mostly talked about structure changes but didn't go deep. Like particular ways to change it. Is the structure  unique and therefore different for different people?

2. How to recognise what is structure and what is content?

3. Does this video implies that no matter how much change one makes externally, his/her situation will not be changed if it is not done internally by structural changes?

Last of all, yeah i get the point that structural change is way more useful and important than content change but i am not sure how to recognise a structure and eventually change it. 

Edited by Annoynymous

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@Annoynymous Structures within education, politics, consumerism, religion, the possibilities are endless.  The important thing while changing things is not to be verbally radical and judging the structure too harshly because there will be resistance if people feel alienated.  Speaking from compassion takes a lot of skill.  Another thing that can be done is to actively become an agent of change, this can be done by building something greater than what exist already.  Tearing something or someone down takes up more energy.  For example, you can always volunteer and work in a school, or you can develop an education portal like what Leo has done with his content and forum..... 
Perhaps something more mainstream and not existential for example.    
Find one thing that sings in your heart and go for it...a human being is lucky to change one major thing in their lives.   

Sociology books and lectures online is a good start to understand structure.  

Edited by Tanz

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