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Amy Irene

The Importance Of Shared Experiences

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Here I see people discussing self actualization, higher consciousness and self improvement. Seems like these things are seen as a way to live the best possible life.

I've been thinking what actually makes a good life by using the "deathbed" scenario. As I look at the things that I would remember in my deathbed and what I would regret, the concept of shared experiences comes to my mind.

In my deathbed, I probably would think about the best moments of my childhood, the words of my mother. The most touching discussions I had with my friends in my life. The intimate moments with the people I loved, the feeling of the first kiss. The spontaneous adventures I did with my friends, like going to walk at the part at the midnight with my best friend and talking deep stuff.

For me, these seem at least as important as my achievements. And probably many of you'll disagree, but for me it seems even more valuable than achieving a higher state of consciousness.

Anyways, I feel like this part of life is being constantly underrated in these forums. I feel like this is a big part of the human experience. I think we should talk about how to get more meaningful experiences in life, preferably shared with a loved person. Without this, the journey seems quite dry, in my opinion. I'm personally going to set a goal to gather more meaningful memories on my way. We are here to experience life, don't let it slip away without experiences.

Any opinions?

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I agree with you. We need substance to our lives, we need art, poetry, self expression, meanwhil higher state of consciousness is just a way to connect even more with the world, so it's also worth it to achieve it, it is not necessearly a loner track.


I do understand that a higher state of consciousness is like "I don't need anything else in my life", but that would take a permament state of pure bliss and non attachment with the external world that for me is currently in my POV impossible to grasp. Just be your friend and understand your own limits, enlightenment is not a rat race 

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According to Leo we create meaning, in reality everything is meaningless and it's us who give meaning to things. I have also experienced this directly, when you strip everything down there is nothing there but the stories we play in our brains. Higher consciousness is a solo path, you might think it is counter intuitive but through the path you will feel more connected to everything not just your friends and family. The same way you wouldn't share a phychologist session with somebody else this path is yours to take because it would be particular to your experiences. It doesn't mean you won't have the beautiful life experiences that you want, if fact when you live consciously you will be able to live them and appreciate them in moment down to every breath. 

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