Bridge to Infinity

I might have developed Depression

9 posts in this topic

So im 18, I recently graduated high school I have a year until im in college.  I spend most days alone since all my friends are in school still (I graduated a year earlier).

The symptoms I am about to tell you about have happened only recently and have been accumulating for the past 2 months (when I moved out of my parents house)

Some info about me that is relevant:

  • I have some low self esteem issues.
  • I am 15-20 pounds overweight
  • Don't have a dating life 
  • Don't really know what I wanna do in life yet
  • I always worry about what others think of me 


  • Sleepyness (sleeping uptown 14 hours somedays)
  • Fatigue (No energy and lack of motivation)
  • Lack of concentration (I cannot read a sentence of words without my mind drifting off) 
  • Lack of Drive 
  • Lack of sense of humour
  • Feeling anxious 


Im starting to put 2 and 2 together and I think I have depression. 

What can I do?


Edit for all those reading:

This post was a bit unclear. I exercise, I have muscles, I don't have general feelings of sadness or self destructive thoughts. I am however am extremely fatigued and always sleepy and can't really have motivation cuz im feeling like I wanna sleep all the time. I think getting Modafinil or Ritalin for now is a good move.

Edited by Bridge to Infinity

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Consider seeing a naturopath or functional medicine doctor. It sounds like something health-related OR it could very well be depression. A typical doctor more than likely won't find anything wrong or will just prescribe medication that won't get to the cause of what's creating the symptoms. 

It may be a mild form of adrenal fatigue OR depression Check out this quiz and see your results as far as adrenal fatigue.

Edited by Austin Actualizing

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Well shit, it doesn´t take a ** genius to see that depression might be an effect of all the things you listed there. You probably feel helpless of all of the baggage you gotta clean and that´s why depression.

My advice is go one by a time. Focus in one single tick of that list and get it solved. I would advice self-esteem since In my opinion is the most important and solving that will solve probably the anxiety or lack of socialization.

So when you have decided one item. You have again to break it little parts. Because you just don´t "fix self-esteem". People usually fix self-esteem by:

- Going to the therapist

- Reading books related to self esteem


Don´t fall into the rabbit hole of implementing a shit ton of healthy changes in your life and expect your life to go 180º. Shit just don´t work that way and you will end burn out. 

Just pick one item and start working on it. When you feel tired relax. Dont burn out.

Also if you want to talk related to this you DM. (I´m also working on my self-esteem). But i´m older than you (24). Trust me take this seriously. You are "lucky" by being consciouss and honest of all the things you have listed there. I only became consciouss like 3-4months ago and trust me the shock you get it´s brutal. 

I say to you from my heart that your effort will be worth it.

Edited by Javfly33

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3 hours ago, Bridge to Infinity said:
  • I have some low self esteem issues.
  • I am 15-20 pounds overweight
  • Don't have a dating life 
  • Don't really know what I wanna do in life yet
  • I always worry about what others think of me 

Work on one of these one at a time. My best suggestion is the weight. Pick diet or exercise first and work you way into it. You will start feeling so much better improving either one. I would really suggest exercise though. How about you walk 15 minutes a day and work from there? Or walk a few miles. Listen to some actualized or some music while you go. You will start to get a good increase in motivation and happiness, but it will take while. Do it where it is something you can go do every day. And if you miss a day that is alright, but try to not miss two in a row. Just focus on keeping one habit up for now and it will make a large difference. You could pick any other habit or whatever, but getting outside and doing that will be a big help to you. Do it for a month and you will see what I mean. 

I've been exactly where you are right now. It is strange to see if from this side of the fence as there is not really an instant cure for this. It is something you really have to go through. But know that this is not permanent.  You will have a cycle of major happiness come up as it always goes in a circle it seems. 

Don't look for some sort of quick fix like getting a girlfriend either. Knock out all those other things first and they will literally be begging for you to date them. 

Edited by Average Investor

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First of all you are going through a major transition and most people your age have depression and weight gain when they move out for the first time. You've heard of the freshman 15 right? Its actually a really big life change so give yourself a break and focus on the things that are going right, so matter how small. I second the exercise suggestion a short run or walk daily will improve so many of those areas at once. Good luck! :x

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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BEFORE anything make sure your diet is on point and start meditation 30min everyday this should help a lot with energy. 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Bridge to Infinity  I have struggled with depression and still struggling. 

One thing are not alone .


Second thing ...great news .you are young so you have time to make huge changes and by recognizing your issue you have already made a headway

Third thing. ... exercise...helped me a lot

Fourth thing...therapy..I'm going to a therapist these days. It's awesome. Big changes in every area of life 

Good luck 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Great advice so far. I second "one thing at a time". You'll never get anywhere without focus. That said, if you are suffering deeply, it might help to get a therapist to keep you on track and offer guidance. I used to see one who specialized in self-esteem, life crisis' and depression. Good stuff.

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