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I felt it: Universe is My Own Mind

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Last night sleep was strangely full of insights, even though I was sleeping. I had some blured semi-lucid dreaming, preety much "materialistic" ;) just like the awake state, and by the time I was awaking in the morning, I had some sort of sleep paralysis, some thoughts were following me along the feeling that I was like in a void without nothing, and that the universe was literally gone, and reapeared as soons as my eyes opened. But this was totally normal for me. I wonder how much this things that sound to weird for the common materialistic, but it turns out to be a very natural thing, but at the same time everyone will think this is madness. But I understand, without a good theoretical foundation, how come can someone understand...


But at the same time, some questions are poping up. If there were no humans on earth, how come the universe was about to be experienced? Because the mind belong's to nothing and not specifically to humans, right? And that would mean that the universe is the mind everywhere, in every pixel possible

Edited by oMarcos

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