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Emotional Intelligent

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Hi everyone how are you ? Please some one tell me affirmations which i use to become highly emotional intelligent and also suggest me a book how to become emotional intelligent

Edited by jes

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Meditate everyday. You can MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS .

Edited by Abhijeeth

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I do curious about whether if leo has read any books on emotional intelligent, so far i have been reading online article or I just google it. there is a lot of blog out there about this. I know that you are asking about a book I will let you know if i see of any  

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9 hours ago, jes said:

Hi everyone how are you ? Please some one tell me affirmations which i use to become highly emotional intelligent and also suggest me a book how to become emotional intelligent

your emotions will always deceive you as a human being,  when you experience the real you, you rise above emotions and mental states of being as a human being and you have the opportunity to see reality for the first time, it allows you to function above emotional and mental states and begin to have some control over the human identity, its ego, and desires of the flesh,  and to direct your own destiny.  Unless you have a deeper connection with the real you, you will always be at the mercy of the human identity with its issues and consequences.  Be one with the life force within you and the rest will take care of itself.

Forget what you think you know

drop your belief system

understand that you are not this body

The real you is a being of consciousness that existed before this body, be that, experience that, forget everything else.

Then you will have the experience of a self realized being and the student will have become the master.

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1 hour ago, Abhijeeth said:

Meditate everyday. You can MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS .

Can I meditate thrice ,20mins,20mins 20mins

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1 hour ago, wonderman26 said:

I do curious about whether if leo has read any books on emotional intelligent, so far i have been reading online article or I just google it. there is a lot of blog out there about this. I know that you are asking about a book I will let you know if i see of any  

Thanks :)

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