
We eat our colds ?

90 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Aquarius said:

I was considering eating raw semi-vegan... (raw fruits/veggies + milk, honey, eggs and fish)

what about it is vegan? if you don`t beat yourself up for eating milk, honey, eggs and fish only rarely once in a while the semi vegan would make sense - i find it quite funny it´s difficult to make the differences. some vegans are really straight and extreme about it what i can understand, although i guess some vegans eat butter or honney or eggs once in a while when it`s difficult, but fish is not even vegetarian.

although i guess i understand what you are pointing at. mostly vegan with sspecial situation excuses?

had this discussion with a lot of vegans - so there is a consensus problem about what makes sense - but i also know a vegetarian who eats liver once in a while to get her b levels met. liver is mostly a waste product - so if it is for political reasons i think some products are less incorrect than others, for health reasons. although there are people who just can`t eat it because they are disgusted by the taste.

Edited by remember

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1 minute ago, Nickyy said:

I sense some inconsistency here. 

I live with my family. It's hard to tell them not to buy unhealthy food. When I lived with my friends, I ate healthier.

1 minute ago, remember said:

what about it is vegan? if you don`t beat yourself up for eating milk, honey, eggs and fish once in a while the semi vegan would make sense - i find it quite funny it´s difficult to make the differences. some vegans are really straight and extreme about it what i can understand, although i guess some vegans eat butter or honney or eggs once in a while when it`s difficult, but fiesh is not even vegetarian.

although i guess i understand what you are pointing at. mostly vegan with sspecial situation excuses?

Hmm true. What about pescatarianism? No milk or eggs. 

I think it might be vegetarianism, if you don't consume meat. 

I didn't start this journey yet, I'm just daydreaming about it... but yeah, thanks for the comment! 

I need to stick to Leo's health guide....


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53 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

I live with my family. It's hard to tell them not to buy unhealthy food. When I lived with my friends, I ate healthier.

maybe you can make them more aware. my older sis was a vegetarian from age 4 or 5 and my whole family started to live mainly a vegetarian diet. maybe if you start to cook at home from time to time and include them as a team or so they will also learn more about food and maybe start to adapt a little.

sea fish can be full of heavy metals. you don`t really know.

actually everything can be full of antibiotics and pesticides and so on so the source is really important, too. especially with all animal based foods it gets pretty dirty, most sweets are animal based foods. they mostly contain gelatin what is the substance directly underneath the skin or out of their bones, if you don`t want to eat sweets anymore just watch some movies about how that is made it`s utterly disgusting. sweet gummybears sweet lips ;)

don`t know if that helps in the conversation.

(and organic is not everywhere a lie - so well find out how trustable they are and if not contact their brands and the shops they sell it in and talk about it online. they will get better in the process)

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@Nickyy Listen to this interview video. We are looking for cures to our suffering, we gotta understand the chemistry behind it and how we have created it. This is Robert Morse and he's a healer who understands how our body functions and how to heal it, literally from anything, and without getting lost in the world of diseases. 

@mandyjwYou still operate from the allopathic way of thinking/understanding how to treat illness, so i'd recommend you give this a watch/listen as well 

@Aquarius glad you liked it, health and wellness, vitality, all part of our personal journey in life. EVERYTHING is connected. 

@LfcCharlie4we can learn a lot from the sickest of the sick people who overcome the odds, i think you'd be intrigued if you watched this interview




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@Nickyy Also I just want to say thank you for bringing all this up! 

Here’s another video for people curious “everything you need to know about food” 


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18 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Nickyy Listen to this interview video. We are looking for cures to our suffering, we gotta understand the chemistry behind it and how we have created it. This is Robert Morse and he's a healer who understands how our body functions and how to heal it, literally from anything, and without getting lost in the world of diseases. 

@mandyjwYou still operate from the allopathic way of thinking/understanding how to treat illness, so i'd recommend you give this a watch/listen as well 

@Aquarius glad you liked it, health and wellness, vitality, all part of our personal journey in life. EVERYTHING is connected. 

@LfcCharlie4we can learn a lot from the sickest of the sick people who overcome the odds, i think you'd be intrigued if you watched this interview




1 hour and 27 minutes?

I'm still trying to make my way through the shilajit links. Have you got something shorter? 

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4 hours ago, Nickyy said:

I don't know. 

The reason I say clean eating is neurotic is because if you go spend some amount of time in that community you will see that it's not too healthy. It's excessively focused on hygiene and cleansing. You get the feeling that they would rather starve themselves than eat a processed food.

Processed foods aren't bad in moderation. It's ok to let go once in a while and eat something bad for a change. 


I agree people take it overboard.

But the whole reason you get the cravings for process foods is because you eat them in the first place. Your brain craves those cheap sugars which cause glucose spikes and give you quick energy and hits of dopamine. You can rewire your brain so that healthy whole foods taste good, and if you want to let go, you can still do so with healthy ingredients. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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giving some credit to the topics slogan - since i`m almost vegan (butter and eggs from time to time - chicken produce eggs if there is a tap or not, if they live organic and relatively free or not, and butter because it`s a loooooot more healthy than mineral oil based margarine, and because it`s the most difficult to avoid). the interesting thing is these are also the only animal based products my body lets me eat because of health issues.

but to go back to the topics title, i`m not sure if i get less colds since i`m vegan, i got two this year they where nasty but that`s it - maybe a little due to more fresh food and more whole food but i also don`t feel so tired in winter anymore. when i still used to eat dairy products and meat or fish from time to time, i was always feeling heavy and tired around christmas - that has gotten muuuch better. so food can make an enormous difference in how energetic we feel. although to not get a cold it`s probably also important what exactly to eat.

Edited by remember

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33 minutes ago, Nickyy said:

1 hour and 27 minutes?

I'm still trying to make my way through the shilajit links. Have you got something shorter? 

Ehh this one here is 37 min and it’s a good starter 


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What do you think about these guys? 


They eat nothing but fruit (as per instructed by Doug Graham) and get good results. However they are more science based and have a different understanding of how the body works than Morse does. 

Do you think that there could be something to eating fruit, enough fruit to sustain you? And that's what actually gets the results, rather than the "detoxing" and fasting practices and mentality of the raw foodists? 

Do you really need herbs, a rebounder and endless water and dry fasting to be healthy? Do you not think that the raw foodists have a kind of religious belief system and misinterpret what's really going on when animal products are taken out of the diet and replaced with enough fruit to supply all of the bodies needs? 


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@DrewNows mhhh - he is controversial because well, cancer is a very difficult topic. i met some cancer therapists (also did other medicine) who do a special treatment with inducing fever to the body and also put patients on a special diet, but they are highly specialized and also are not always successfull. so if people are not able to find such doctors it`s in a lot of cases much more safe to do chemo therapy if they don`t succeed with other methods or time is running. there are different kind of tumors and it`s more complex than that. i fear a little, that some people might get the idea they could fight cancer alone with a small diet change. i know people who survived cancer with and without chemo but if without they were lucky because the tumor reacted to francincense tabletts (only special kind of brain tumor). although what all of them did additionally was supporting their body with fresh foods. and well for my autoimmune disease it`s somehow accurate what he says about the milk and meat - don`t know if it`s the acidity or the proteins. so i would take it more as a preventive nutrition advice than as a wonder treatment, although he is right despite doing chemo and radiation or not, but the kind of food people can eat is more important than only eating raw. brokkoli and brokkoli sprouts are the number one anticarcinogenic foods against any kind of cancer preventive or additional to any therapy.

brokkoli is love.

Edited by remember
can also be eaten raw or blanched in salads.

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13 hours ago, Nickyy said:

What do you think about these guys? 


They eat nothing but fruit (as per instructed by Doug Graham) and get good results. However they are more science based and have a different understanding of how the body works than Morse does

Yes they seem to have a more limited understanding yet more complex (trapped in the modality/box of treating symptoms), that video is pretty cringy for me to listen to ?

13 hours ago, Nickyy said:

Do you think that there could be something to eating fruit, enough fruit to sustain you? And that's what actually gets the results, rather than the "detoxing" and fasting practices and mentality of the raw foodists? 

Of course fruit is key to hydrating a stagnant lymphatic system. Plants do not help with the regenerative process like fasting. Herbs help with parasites and targeting specific areas of weakness. I used iridology to confirm the areas I am working on. Raw foodists are not necessarily detoxers but they understand how their body responds best to less acid forming foods, the role of gut bacteria on our food habits. Those who went through their detox process received such profound benefits from going off the food that (does not serve them) builds up acid in the lymph, drys out cells, stresses the organs, causes congestion, fungus, unwanted parasites/bacteria, and various impairments, they choose to lead by example as a raw foodist and educate others. Unfortunately it’s inevitable for our minds to create all these categories/fads/meanings in belief systems surrounding all the diets related 

13 hours ago, Nickyy said:

Do you really need herbs, a rebounder and endless water and dry fasting to be healthy? Do you not think that the raw foodists have a kind of religious belief system and misinterpret what's really going on when animal products are taken out of the diet and replaced with enough fruit to supply all of the bodies needs? 

Water is actually hard on our kidneys, water from fruit is better absorbed into the cells. For detox on a high fruit diet I hardly need any water and the key for detoxing effectively is filtering kidneys, which requires healthy adrenals. Dr Morse understands how all the organs impact each other. It’s funny we all have belief systems we operate from but they key is knowing we are not these beliefs and imo many raw foodists faced spiritual or existential shifts/obstacles aiding in their journey and psychological development if they went through detox. Detox is extremely challenging as it brings up all your weaknesses, even trauma attachment issues from childhood. Sure someone could go raw food without detox and be trapped in their religious beliefs but with detox there’s a purification process or transformation, which is a true test for the psyche 

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@remember most people including you may not understand how and why cancer occurs and what it is. This is the trouble with allopathic medicine today is their focus on treatment rather than finding the why and addressing the root cause. When it comes to fighting cancer, this is like fighting ourselves because we cannot understand what we are doing wrong. Treating the symptoms as in throwing acid on top of acid might be enough to temporarily rid a body of cancer but at what cost? Most of the time it’s Unsuccessful, does more damage than good and returns with a. Vengeance on an even weaker immune system. 

dr Morse has helped people with stage 4  cancers and others who doctors said are on their way out. Detoxification is not about supplementing, many patients have found their tumors leaving their body’s. We don’t want to attack a tumor, it’s a response, the body protecting itself from the acid fluid build up destroying cells 

Check this vid out if you’d like 


Edited by DrewNows

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Just now, Nickyy said:

@DrewNows What do you think about Dr. Morse buying his qualifications from diploma mills? 

Look. I’m not here to worship the guy, I highly respect what he does, giving people back their power in understanding and healing their own health and vitality. He has videos about himself and his story, he’s credentials etc if you’re interested but am not looking for reasons to believe someone, this stuff has to be verified by experience. 
it’s often much better to gauge someone on their integrity and personality, of course experience, rather than in degrees and qualifications. He’s a highly aware naturpath who knows theres many corrupt or ignorant doctor and fellow naturpaths who haven’t connected all the dots because they have never personally experienced detoxification 

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2 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@remember most people including you may not understand how and why cancer occurs and what it is. This is the trouble with allopathic medicine today is their focus on treatment rather than finding the why and addressing the root cause. When it comes to fighting cancer, this is like fighting ourselves because we cannot understand what we are doing wrong. Treating the symptoms as in throwing acid on top of acid might be enough to temporarily rid a body of cancer but at what cost? Most of the time it’s Unsuccessful, does more damage than good and returns with a. Vengeance on an even weaker immune system. 

dr Morse has helped people with stage 4  cancers and others who doctors said are on their way out. Detoxification is not about supplementing, many patients have found their tumors leaving their body’s. We don’t want to attack a tumor, it’s a response, the body protecting itself from the acid fluid build up destroying cells 

Check this vid out if you’d like 


did i talk about supplementing? well if they have a doctor like him that might all be well, and working. but what you don`t understand about what i`m saying is that there are people who die also because they believe they can heal cancer only by changing their diet. what is not really clear about the other videos is how closely a trustable cancer therapy has to be accompanied by a doctor who knows exactly what he does. and believe me or not a cancer patient in the end does not care what made them live, in a lot of cases it is chemo therapy. of course returning to old food habbits is not the right way to go. what i wanted to point out is that there are some people who fell into the hands of some cult docs who told them some kind of woo woo and died because it didn`t work out so, i don`t know dr. morse, but i know something about people who fell in trapps and some who found cures.

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1 minute ago, DrewNows said:

Look. I’m not here to worship the guy, I highly respect what he does, giving people back their power in understanding and healing their own health and vitality. He has videos about himself and his story, he’s credentials etc if you’re interested but am not looking for reasons to believe someone, this stuff has to be verified by experience. 
it’s often much better to gauge someone on their integrity and personality, of course experience, rather than in degrees and qualifications. He’s a highly aware naturpath who knows theres many corrupt or ignorant doctor and fellow naturpaths who haven’t connected all the dots because they have never personally experienced detoxification 

I agree. Pointing to credentials as a way of supporting a poor argument is a logical fallacy. 

But I'm wondering why he felt the need to pay for his credentials. It doesn't make sense to me.  Something feels incongruent 

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I’m defensive because people like to attack him based off his background and stuff, even though he’s working miracles and giving people answers that doctors chock up to autoimmune diseases etc. and claiming diet doesn’t effect health and disregarding they large importance and connection of the lymphatic system. when people learn why they aren’t healthy they can finally take back their power and stop handing it over to the medical doctors and relying on pharmaceuticals 

Edited by DrewNows

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