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Flickering white light when meditating.

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These last few weeks, I've been noticing bright lights showing up in my imagination. The first time that it became very apparent was when I tried to Astral Projecting and a flash of bright light covered my whole imagination (with an eye on the middle coming closer and closer) and then disappearing within seconds. I was only able to do it again one more time. There are many times when I do 10 minute meditations that I would notice near the top of my vision, it would look like lights are flickering. When I'm doing deep meditations, I would start to see little flashes of lights show up and I sometimes can't help but twitch because of them. They almost look like spotlights shining down from the middle of my eyebrows.

I've also been noticing the area in the middle of my eyebrows start to twitch and sort of move around. I kinda want it to explode because of all the "movement" happening on that area but nothing ever happens.

Everytime these bright white lights show up, I can't help but feel like something is happening or is about to happen.

Is this a common experience when meditating?

I got nothing.

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@Swagala its good that you see the light. There are receptors in that area which can sense light also this means your pineal gland is active. You are fully opening the 3rd eye. Dont be afraid of it. And that light is not an illusion, its real! Read about it and embrace it, go deeper, its just the starting point


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On 8.11.2019 at 7:03 PM, Swagala said:

It would look like lights are flickering.

That's what I have been experiencing for a while now as well. I always think it must be the light source that's flickering but as soon as I stop the "empty gaze" to look around, nothing is flickering at all. But hadn't had these further experiences you're describing. 

I don't worry about it or anything, but I'm also not really making any story out of that or interpret anything into it. It's all just showing that things are changing.

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