
easy hack for reprogramming your subconscious mind?

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dr.bruce lipton explains that reprogramming your subconcious mind is so ridiculously easy that all you have to do is put on headphones at night and play a program of desired affirmations while you sleep and soon enough your mind will be reprogrammed. It seems way too good to be true but his explanation kind of makes sense to me. He says that 95% of our lives are played out by subconscious beliefs that were embedded in us when we were 0-7 years old because during this time our brains are operating on theta waves which are more susceptible to influence. Those same theta waves are happening in a brief window of time just as you are about to fall asleep and when you hear those affirmations your subconscious will pick up on them. it's basically autohypnosis except you don't need to pay for these services ,there are free programs everywhere or you could just record affirmations on a loop.

i was wondering what are your thoughts on this and if any of you have actually done this?? i've heard of this concept before with neville goddard about visualizing your goals as you fall asleep that makes the strongest indent on your subconscious but that still requires some mental effort this just seems like way too good of a life hack but he's a doctor so i'm biased lol 


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43 minutes ago, iceprincess said:

dr.bruce lipton explains that reprogramming your subconcious mind is so ridiculously easy that all you have to do is put on headphones at night and play a program of desired affirmations while you sleep and soon enough your mind will be reprogrammed. It seems way too good to be true but his explanation kind of makes sense to me. He says that 95% of our lives are played out by subconscious beliefs that were embedded in us when we were 0-7 years old because during this time our brains are operating on theta waves which are more susceptible to influence. Those same theta waves are happening in a brief window of time just as you are about to fall asleep and when you hear those affirmations your subconscious will pick up on them. it's basically autohypnosis except you don't need to pay for these services ,there are free programs everywhere or you could just record affirmations on a loop.

i was wondering what are your thoughts on this and if any of you have actually done this?? i've heard of this concept before with neville goddard about visualizing your goals as you fall asleep that makes the strongest indent on your subconscious but that still requires some mental effort this just seems like way too good of a life hack but he's a doctor so i'm biased lol 


Do you think swapping one kind of hypnosis for another is ultimately healthy?


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repetition of information awake or asleep will ingrain that information to an extent just like a
popular song you hear played all the time can become ingrained. 
Writing down something repeatedly is also an effective way of doing this

553 x 67  x 5  =

 if you write this down 50 times or play it on a loop recording as you sleep

the next it's likely you will remember

553 x 67  x 5  =

However that doesn't mean your brain will give you an answer

but it might. So test this.  Write down the above or a similar math operation
50 times before you go to sleep to a loop recording of it (but it must be set to end before you wake up)
It should not be something you know how to solve by a math shortcut you might know

Then when you wake up see if you can both remember the problem and see if you awake with a solution

The percentages Bruce Lipton speaks of are made up and exaggerates things
However he is right that repetition can be used to ingrain information. 
You might decide you want to have a  loop in your mind of something. 
It won't play all the time but you can spark it to if you concentrate for a moment.
It may help you to remind you of something and it could be something you build on.
However if it's something you sees as negative or useless you may recall it but your conscious mind will reject it.





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2 hours ago, Nickyy said:

Do you think swapping one kind of hypnosis for another is ultimately healthy?


Not everybody is looking for enlightenment. Why not swapping bad beliefs to some good.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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3 hours ago, Nickyy said:

Do you think swapping one kind of hypnosis for another is ultimately healthy?


i just wanna reprogram some beliefs regarding my confidence, self esteem etc. just a few personal development goals, obviously i will take action on these things but i just wanna know if there is any merit to what he's saying. i dont wanna waste my time listening to affirmations every night for weeks if it's just bs 


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2 hours ago, iceprincess said:

i just wanna reprogram some beliefs regarding my confidence, self esteem etc. just a few personal development goals, obviously i will take action on these things but i just wanna know if there is any merit to what he's saying. i dont wanna waste my time listening to affirmations every night for weeks if it's just bs 


I recommend reading the following  article, a quote from it below, tyep the title in quotes in google for the full article

"Why Positive Affirmations Don’t Work"
By Sophie Henshaw

if affirmations don’t work, what does? The good news is that there is a simple method you can use, apply immediately and have instant and excellent results.

A recent groundbreaking study holds the key. It sheds light on the effectiveness of declarative versus interrogative self-talk (Senay, Albarracín & Noguchi, 2010).

Declarative self-talk is about making self-statements, either positive (e.g., affirmations) or negative (e.g., core beliefs). In contrast, interrogative self-talk is about asking questions.

In the study, four groups of participants were asked to solve anagrams. Before completing the task, the researchers told them that they were interested in handwriting practices
and asked them to write 20 times on a sheet of paper either:
“I will,”
“Will I,”
“I” or

The group that wrote “Will I” solved nearly twice as many anagrams as any of the other groups.


full research article title, type in quotes in google

" Motivating Goal-Directed Behavior Through Introspective Self-Talk: The Role of the Interrogative Form of Simple Future Tense. "


Try applying this technique with plenty of repetition, diligently for a week.  Pick one goal and make it reasonable not too over-the top 
I predict you will get positive results if you stick to it




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7 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

Not everybody is looking for enlightenment.

Everybody is looking for enlightenment. Whether they are aware of it or not is another topic ?

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6 hours ago, iceprincess said:

i just wanna reprogram some beliefs regarding my confidence, self esteem etc. just a few personal development goals, obviously i will take action on these things but i just wanna know if there is any merit to what he's saying. i dont wanna waste my time listening to affirmations every night for weeks if it's just bs 


You can fix all of your self esteem problems by getting into the present moment.

You can fix a lot of things by being present. A lot of delusions just go away. 

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48 minutes ago, Nickyy said:

Everybody is looking for enlightenment. Whether they are aware of it or not is another topic ?

Yes. I had that inisght one day while lying on bed bored and i felt like i am missing something in whatever i am doing. That very moment i realized what i wanted from deep level. 

But i get distracted again to stories.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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49 minutes ago, Nickyy said:

You can fix all of your self esteem problems by getting into the present moment.

You can fix a lot of things by being present. A lot of delusions just go away. 

It is not that easy. Yes you are right in a sense, i also agree some of my problems went away being present, but it took a lot of practice to be present at a level to see my own delusions. You dont know what level a guy is and for people starting reprogramming old bad beliefs with new one is good. They are like scafoldings, u destroy it after work.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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54 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

It is not that easy. Yes you are right in a sense, i also agree some of my problems went away being present, but it took a lot of practice to be present at a level to see my own delusions. You dont know what level a guy is and for people starting reprogramming old bad beliefs with new one is good. They are like scafoldings, u destroy it after work.

Thanks for the discussion :)

I agree, not everyone is ready for such a simple realization. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't plant the seeds of it now.

In time the seed will flower. It took me ten years between my first awakening experience until I was able to just appreciate the simplicity of the now and how powerful it is. 

Edited by Nickyy

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