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King Merk

Psychedelic Reverse Tolerance

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I've been doing psychedelics and meditating for a little over 5 years now. Something interesting I've noticed along the way is how much more powerful psychedelics seem to be to me now days.

I find myself favoring smaller doses rather than the larger "heroic" doses of my younger self. It feels like as I become more conscious, my sensitivity to psychedelics increases. 

Or perhaps I'm just more familiar with the terrain and can make my way deeper down the rabbit hole at an accelerated rate?

What do y'all think? Has anyone had a similar experience? 

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Yes, this is something I notice myself and hear from others aswell. The more open we are and the less we are shackled by our lower conciousness/the ego mind, the less "artificial" means we need to enter a "higher" state of conciousness.

I also notice that it varies time to time, depending on how clearheaded I am and I tend to adjust my dose to this.

A Couple of weeks ago I volunteered as a tripsitter/space holder on a non-duality/psilocybin retreat. We did a total of 3 ceremonies in 6 days and every participant described that they were able to go deeper in the second and third trip, while we did not increase the dosage. This could also be concluded by listening to their sharings after the trip. After the first trip, people were mainly talking about personal stuff and experiences while most people were describing non-dual states and experiences after their third trip.

Which is funny since science says there should be a physical tolerance to psilocybin. Maybe this doesn`t apply to large dosages, maybe the meditation, sharing, exercises and atmosphere of the retreat canceled out the physical tolerance. I don`t know but sure find it interesting.


Edited by DaneV

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Of course. If that wasn't the case, how could people reach high states of consciousness without any psychedelics at all?

The more psychedelics you do the more you will realize that there is no difference between a trip and real life. They are identical. You are always high.

The more you trip the more your mind tunes into seeing the Absolute. And the psychedelics purify the mind and body of defilements which limit consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course. If that wasn't the case, how could people reach high states of consciousness without any psychedelics at all?

The more psychedelics you do the more you will realize that there is not difference between a trip and real life. They are identical. You are always high.

The more you trip the more your mind tunes into seeing the Absolute. And the psychedelics purify the mind and body of defilements which limit consciousness.

You just blew my fucking mind Leo. I knew all that experientially but never had the words to describe it. Woah. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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11 hours ago, King Merk said:

You just blew my fucking mind Leo. I knew all that experientially but never had the words to describe it. Woah. 

I thought that was pretty obvious.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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