
The Path, Living & The Dream Board

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damn, i keep forgetting to  through this. Dream board is something I NEED to do

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“I know this doesn’t have a ‘how to guideline’, but for me it is quite difficult to do. Sometimes comes a sad emotion, i start to observe, in first thing come a idea and energy like "this world is boring af" and second, when I don’t supress that emotion, a desire comes to cry (it's not too strong), the only thing i feel this hour is to lay on bed and stay there, but i dont see any thoughts.” 

Ps: when the cry desire came, something was on my mind "its all shit, nothing is good in life.” But my life is awesome, the way i see life is cool, my life purpose is fantastic. Wtf is this emotion bro?


You are the creator of your reality. Continue listening to your intuition, as there indeed is much more to this place that it would appear. It is likely that you don’t know this, but you can discover this by ‘listening’ acutely to how you feel, and what you think. Listen to your intuition as it is telling you this. Instead of settling for feeling sad, or assuming that is a natural feeling for you, or that it is a ‘feature of life, or reality’, notice that some thoughts feel good to you, and some thoughts do not feel good to you. Don’t ignore the feeling, explore & understand the feeling. It is guidance for your life, and it is coming just as it appears, from deeper within you. It is of your true and ‘higher’ infinite self. 

Thoughts which feel good to you are in alignment with what you are wanting. Thoughts which do not feel good to you are not in alignment with what you are wanting. Get more clear about what you are wanting, by writing it on a dreamboard, and seeing it each day. Change it whenever you like. Fantasize, imagine, visualize, the visceral unfolding, of what you are wanting. Like a child excited about imaging a coming trip to Disneyland - feel great about knowing what you want, knowing it is unfolding, and imagining the experience of it as if it were here right now, happening already. Ride the rides, taste the cotton candy, hear the music - in your mind. Begin to notice that you don’t need any of it to happen - for you to feel good. You are the good feeling. You are the magic, the ‘secret ingredient’, which brings magic to life. You can feel great just in the expressing of your genuine desires, and in the imagining of experiencing what you are wanting.  

Having your vision on your board connects you more deeply with goodness in feeling, in your body, and in your mind, via the sincere expression of your unique desires - creating. You will more & more come to know this goodness, this wonderful feeling, as you. Having what you want on your dreamboard will make it incredibly easier to recognize any resistant thoughts which arise. It will be very clear to you that the nature of some thoughts which don’t feel good, is self doubt. Recognizing those thoughts more easily, you can inspect them more easily, and you will realize more & more the effortlessness of letting go of thoughts which do not feel good to you, and the choosing of thoughts which do feel good to you. You will experience the momentum of choosing thoughts which feel good to you, and are aligned with what you are wanting - what you’ve written on your dreamboard. As you experience this momentum, and hone the choosing of thoughts, use the the emotional scale to more & more understand the guidance of the source of you, via emotional intelligence. 

You’ll notice there are some things you want to change about your choices. A cleaner diet is typically one of the first things one desires to address, as it is key to mood and quality of thoughts, as well as quality of the clarity of mind in which they arise. If you’re ever at a loss for what to eat which is aligned with the true nature of well being of the body, try this

You will also begin to notice with more detail & nuance, that self love is the most important aspect of this life experience. You will notice that it does not jive, does not feel good, when you put more focus on thoughts about a potential future which don’t feel good, than you are putting on this moment you are presently experiencing. Noticing this will help you ‘return’ to this present moment, by letting any thoughts which do not resonate, as well as any overthinking, go. You will more deeply realize the falsity & futility of comparing the actuality of this experience now, to a thought about a potential future moment. You will begin to see that you are not going to things & experiences as it would initially seem, but are attracting all of it to you. Knowing what you are wanting, seeing it daily on your board, and seeing it unfolding as the reality you are experiencing, makes it much easier to spot, and let go of, overthinking - to, ‘get out of your own way’. You will come to know the truth, as you feel the true magic of this place.  

You do not need to know how things will go, to feel good. When you think you do need to know how things will go with the changes in your life that you are anticipating, to feel good...notice that way of thinking, doesn’t feel good. You don’t need to know how anything will go. You just need to put how you feel, first. Then, things will go in accordance, because reality is you, and reality is unconditional. You, choose the conditions, and hold conditions, by the thoughts you choose, and how you choose to focus. Being acutely in tune with understanding how you feel, and the relationship between feeling & thought, is paramount. 

Be incredibly honest with yourself, acknowledging that you can feel your best - without knowing how anything will go. It is the journey, the dreaming-up of things, the wanting of things, and seeing unconditional reality becoming what you are wanting, which is the greatest thrill. This is what you had n mind in coming here. Not complacency, not boredom...but being the hero of your own life, and living it on the edge of creation. Not just the experience of the ‘stuff’ and experiences, and not just the amazement that what you focus on with nonresistance does come - but knowing you can feel amazing without any of it presently in your life, knowing it is coming by feeling - without seeing any evidence of it. 

Here are some ideas & basic practices which can be helpful in letting go of thoughts which do not resonate with you, as well as uncovering deeper relaxation & happiness as you go. 



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Even if the sky is raining fire, even if hell is at your door, even if you can not readily see the way  - believe in yourself. 



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lovely thread with a lot of well matched words, thanks a lot.

I think I have a difficulty in differentiating between the feelings and the emotions.  -feelings are just bodily sensations and emotions are just relative states of mind? Emotion is triggered through perception and beliefs, and feeling is unconditional?

When do people label feelings as bad and good? -in case of muscular strain as bad?

How are feelings interlocked with attention/focus? -the notion of "feeling good/bad" is just out of attention on specific body part and its sensation combined with an arising thought for labelling it?

It's difficult to determine my feelings. My feelings are always in nowhere, just are, maybe similiar yourself put it in words. Most of the time I have strong emotions. For years I was oftentimes stucked in them, sometimes over a period of weeks or months. Now they swing very heavily between extremes. States of bliss and states of limiting identification (sometimes frustration arises then). But after all the years it's just a relief they are flowing in higher frequencies between these different states. The dreamboard seems like a good idea to hold more stabilisation, maybe potential for alertness, when the pendulum swings back to frustration. Just for the 'benefit' of knowing and handling the swing more in alignment. Letting go the thought of being dependend of that crazy strong swing. Nevertheless being always in that rollercoaster makes everything colorful and alive but until now its different to integrate my behaviour in groups. it takes a lot of energy to align to other dynamics. After writing the text it seems it just lacks on clear sight letting this troubled root thought go (getting integration done).

maybe you have some clear words for further understanding?

sending love

Edited by juni

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Does posting pictures work? Sometimes much easier then writing stuff. It should? Everything me, Infinite Conciousness s no escape from Reality


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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I remembered that I wanted to have a big dream board. And I have it ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:


If what you want is to put pictures up, and you put pictures up, then it is already working

Nothing extraordinary. Source alignement and to start freaking out. 

Fantasy is what I am best at. 

Also can add I want to not get guilt tripped? 

Honestly I do not feel I deserve that at all for anything at all. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Nahm Have question about Imagine world . You also mentoined:

"What you think about the world". 

Well it's God but can you give me some ideas regarding that. 

Can I say. People are always smiling are happy joyful, estatic, optimistic etc. 

Would really like some ideas. 

Also dreaming together is quite fun. Today I fulfilled one of her dreams and she done same to me. No it's not about sex she made me lunch completelly unexpected and something that I really like. Yes she kinda improved her cooking skills. ☺️


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Not sure if you’ve tried telling anyone what to do, or how to think & feel, but it can often prove to be fruitless. Sure as the sun will be shining, people will be peopling, and each is infinite being. 

So instead, bring attention back home - with ease, as of course, that is where it already is, and recognize the God-powers within, of feeling, and focus. Notice you can turn neither ‘on & off’. There is feeling, and there is focus, as sure as you are being. Try to ‘turn these on & off’, so you see this in direct experience, with absolute clarity, such that it is never again in question. Catch yourself, should you find yourself pretending you are without feeling & focus, and have a laugh at the silliness of being, and take comfort in the profound intelligence of this apparent world, which is always at the ready to play with you. 

Then, in appreciating your God-power, allow the arising of a thought about what you want. Notice the thought arises effortlessly, intrinsically, downright magically, from nowhere. Then, focus on that thought that feels good to you. You will see, that in your effortless focusing upon that thought, about what you want, which feels good to you - that another thought, in kind appears. 

Notice the true nature of this effortless arising of thought and the focusing upon it, and see that it does attract more of the same. Feel the effortlessness & innocence of this child’s play, and weave your dream of it. Allow others to do the same, without any expectations or conditions upon them. Should any thoughts arise which are not in accordance with what you are wanting, you will know it in feeling. Simply, effortlessly, focus on a thought which feels better to you. You will see that in doing so, focus is so magic, that it creates. A momentum builds within you, as you feel better & better, more & more confident, more knowing of, seeing of, and accepting of, the coming of all that you are wanting. 



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@Nahm What do you when you struggle to find thoughts that feel good to focus on?

I tried to find good feeling thoughts after a meditation session, but nothing was coming up that felt good.

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@Nahm No worry I never talk about this stuff, have any ideology I Absolutelly accept everything exactly as it is without holding opinion about it. Fully relaxed and Absolutelly safe. Fully Effortless. Why would I try to change anyone when "they" are perfect exactly as "they" presently are. I only can love "them" nothing else. 

I just write what I want and why judging "unfoldment" in process when it's exactly how it is supposed to be. 

"unfoldment" is fully me. All Love. 

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With enlightenment and full healing you pretty much end up as I AM there is really no single beleif anymore that you are like "chimp in universe". 

It's like waking up from life completelly. Fun part and best part of show. 

You become Conciosness Creator lets explain it like that rather then someone lost in eden. 

It's game over and I can't play games with you Jed. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Understand what is coming up, and why. Breathe deeply to bring the emotions fully & completely to the surface, feel into the emotions and write about how you feel. Clarity and understanding arise.

Notice you focused on a thought about ‘struggling to focus on good feeling thoughts’. Let it go. 

By focusing on seeing, hearing, breathing and or feeling instead, that thought goes as readily as it came. Relax. Do something you enjoy, go for a walk. If momentum is such that only thoughts of what you don’t want arise, write the opposite down & add to your dreamboard. Take an interest in understanding the emotions. Put how you feel, now, first. The momentum will shift. There’s also some applicable answers here



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Don’t believe thought stories about awakening & chasing enlightenment.

Love is The Truth and is always present, now. 


(1) If when you talk about yourself and or your life, it’s “depression, anxiety, anger, self doubt, frustration, worry, boredom, jealousy, blame, resentment, overwhelment, insecurity, guilt, shame, fear, despair, disappointment, dissatisfaction”, etc.


(2) When you talk about enlightenment, it’s “real happiness”, “the answer to my problems”, “when I’ll be happy”, etc.  

Your main belief at play is that there are two

Number 1 has no truth to it at all, zero, and that’s why it feels terrible. Stop repeating that story, or you’ll continue creating suffering. Don’t analyze it, don’t figure it out, don’t give thoughts about it attention at all. It’s dilutive of feeling to continue focusing on what doesn’t feel good, while expecting to feel good. 

Number 2 is the truth, which is you, and that’s why it feels wonderful. Stop repeating the story about it being some other thing in the future, or a thing to figure out, or a thing someone else could or does have... or you’ll continue creating suffering. Don’t think about it, don’t strategize about it - relax, feel the body, breathe from the stomach. Be present in seeing, hearing, breathing and feeling. 


When you’re complaining that you feel is that you are complaining, which feels terrible. The attitude of “I don’t feel good enough”, is why you don’t feel good enough. The perspective that “your life sucks” is why the experience of your life sucks. By the time you’re speaking such, you’ve already believed & repeated thoughts about yourself & life which are not objectively true, but seem true subjectively to “you”. Speaking it reinforces and recreates it.

Meditation every morning is great for relaxation and allowing reactional living via attachment to thoughts & retelling the same story of unwanted, to dissipate.  

Instead of believing the thought narratives about yourself, others, the past or future, remain present with feeling & breathe, and release emotion. Don’t believe any thought story about releasing emotion, it has nothing to do with thinking. Get out of the way so to speak, so the body can release. Don’t think & talk about how. Silence is most honest & clear. There’s nothing for “you” to do. There is only for “you” to do less - to stop talking about yourself & your life in ways that don’t feel good, and are not aligned with what you want. 

When “you” do, or rather - when You no longer do...happiness & love is very obviously ever present. “It” always was - You always are.

Yoga is very good for breath-work and the allowing of releasing emotion from the body.

Neglecting the body as such, is suppressing emotion, and insures over activity of the mind in a million and one attempts of thinking, to feel better. Feeling can not be thought. Feeling is guidance about thought. Thought is for creating the life you actually want, and contributing to the general well being of this place. Don’t continue poking yourself in the eye with it, use it properly, in it’s proper place of creation creating. 



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@Nahm Wow, what a beautiful contribution of Love and Joy... I want a dream board too and it's on its way! Very excited to start using it! ? ?

I resonate a lot with what you write here. Especially aligning with the heart/ source. I've been really opening my heart more and more the past 9 months, going through life coaching training and started working with psychedelics. I literally feel it, my heart beats, radiating Love from my heart. Especially when I think, speak or act accordingly (to source). It brings me to tears.

A week ago I had a most breathtaking and blissful awakening while on LSD into that EVERYTHING IS LOVE - everything, everything, EVERYTHING. After that wow... life is very very different... I often have an overwhelming sense of joy, knowing that I am in heaven and always have been. Actually I am heaven haha. As I listen to my heart it is dying to share this joy more with others. There's also a sense of great ease and serenity. I used to have a strong restlessness, but as I've spent the past two months focused on Being, here - now, it has subsided.

Let's keep dancing friends! ? I think the first thing to go on my dream board will be enlightenment - awakening to who I really am in the sense of I am God, I am Love, I am ALL. I've started to see through the illusion of reality in the previous trips and I've peaked into Oneness, and the ego is more relaxed than before. Still I want to go deeper and really feel it, as I felt what Love IS.

I know it is coming, and am joyously anticipating this. Life is amazing. We are amazing!

Love mu! ? ❤️

Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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