
Help! Persistent Diarrhea

42 posts in this topic

So I hope there is someone knowledgable or who went through something similar.

I had eaten cheese with mold and then got diarrhea for a few days. Then it suddenly had gotten worse and I got a temperature like 37.5C, so a doctor prescribed me Cotrimoxazolum. From this antibiotic, I had gotten itches and a white tongue. It didn't help much, so I got prescribed another antibiotic, Azithromycin. It was supposed to cure it in 10 days, but while it had worked and for a day or two I felt normal, then on the 12th day it started going back to the previous state, which is diarrhea and feeling poisoned. Just not that intense.

This whole story took one month and a week. Now I am waiting for a visit to a specialist office.

I wonder, what can I do while I am waiting?

Here's a list of what helps and what worsens the symptoms:

  • probiotics +
  • vinegar +/-
  • fiber --
  • diary -

Being sick for that long really takes the joy out of life. The doc is suspecting SIBO, but I think the doses of antibiotics might have been too small. He wanted to put me on Rifaximin which is supposed to be taken for 6 months and costs a fortune.

I really hope someone there has helpful insight into those kinds of issues.

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28 minutes ago, Girzo said:

I got a temperature like 37.5C, so a doctor prescribed me Cotrimoxazolum.


Here's a list of what helps and what worsens the symptoms:

  • probiotics +
  • vinegar +/-
  • fiber --
  • diary -

That sucks.

I think it's really weird that the doc prescribed you an antibiotic. 37.5C is barely a fever and not too much to worry about at all, and mold is a fungus so if it was actually what caused the diarrhea the antibiotics wouldn't help. Antibiotics can really rock your system because they'll wipe out your gut flora and you have to start from scratch. I think you probably know all that...

What do the + and - mean? Does plus mean it helps the symptoms?

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Not sure what your core issue(s) might be, that are causing this. I can only speak from my experience here, maybe it's something that can be of use. When I was in a psychiatric clinic, one day I simply got fever-like symptoms (feeling hot, sweating easily, upset stomach, diarrhea and so on, similar to hyperthyroid symptoms.) I thought that they would go away, but they just calmed down a bit once and then, yet overall bloating and diarrhea, sweating easily was still there, even the urge to vomit most of the day (although this might be because of the aftereffects caused by medication). Now, I'm skipping a few parts here of the story... so... eventually, I got tired of this sh*t, and ate only meat for two weeks (the body had to get used to it, and this process wasn't so pleasant). My stool was fine and the stomach wasn't bloated anymore, my urge to vomit went away (I think, it might've been gone before, can't remember this so well). Then, I introduced other foods again into my diet, such as eggs, salad and brown rice (I react to white rice).

A low-fodmap/low-carb diet worked well for me. If I eat sweets, certain fruits (fructose might be a trigger) and even honey, I seem to react negatively. Carbs are not so ideal for me, yet I eat them with some care which seems to work fine (usually).

In addition, I take probiotics that do help. Stress, anxiety or similar also trigger my colon issues. 

Edited by iTommy

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@outlandish yep, plus means it helps.

Fatty stuff worsens symptoms, with the exception of peanut butter, but I might try this FODMAP thing. Excess sugar is a good thing to clean from diet regardless of the sickness.

I was vegetarian for quite some time and it sucks I can't eat lentils now. I had to reintroduce meat.

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8 hours ago, Girzo said:

So I hope there is someone knowledgable or who went through something similar.

I had eaten cheese with mold and then got diarrhea for a few days. Then it suddenly had gotten worse and I got a temperature like 37.5C, so a doctor prescribed me Cotrimoxazolum. From this antibiotic, I had gotten itches and a white tongue. It didn't help much, so I got prescribed another antibiotic, Azithromycin. It was supposed to cure it in 10 days, but while it had worked and for a day or two I felt normal, then on the 12th day it started going back to the previous state, which is diarrhea and feeling poisoned. Just not that intense.

This whole story took one month and a week. Now I am waiting for a visit to a specialist office.

I wonder, what can I do while I am waiting?

Here's a list of what helps and what worsens the symptoms:

  • probiotics +
  • vinegar +/-
  • fiber --
  • diary -

Being sick for that long really takes the joy out of life. The doc is suspecting SIBO, but I think the doses of antibiotics might have been too small. He wanted to put me on Rifaximin which is supposed to be taken for 6 months and costs a fortune.

I really hope someone there has helpful insight into those kinds of issues.

The itches and white tongue thing reminds me a bit of Scarlet Fever. I know you said it was a reaction to the anti-biotic. But that's what popped to my mind reading this. 

Here are some symptoms...




Edited by Emerald

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@Girzo My mom ended up with a chronic diarrhea, and intolerance to fatty foods after taking antibiotics (for a chest cold) then found she could not tolerate gluten or dairy. Slowly she was able to add back in some fats and discovered that coconut oil didn't bother her at all for some reason. 

Last year I started getting chronic stomach pain and after many attempts to figure it out ended up following low FODMAPS too. It took me a long time to figure out what bothered me and what didn't but it was a great framework to start from. I still have to follow it loosely. Before the stomach pain started I was on a diet where I was eating a TON of beans and lentils and I wonder if that caused the issue. Now I can only tolerate lentils if they are canned, and only sometimes. I've been adding more higher fodmaps foods in lately and doing ok. 

I feel a little silly about mentioning this, but this past year I also uncovered a weird sort of connection with a clairvoyant herbal doctor from the 1800's who grew up where I live. He had written a book and has a recipe in it for chronic diarrhea. It's really old and it's a lot of work to make the recipe in full but it might point you towards some herbs to look into if you're interested in herbal remedies. If you're interested I can post it here. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Girzo you could try it with a probiotic that contains e-coli of a certain kind  it`s the only one i know in that direction that is used in chronic diarrhea. it`s called mutaflor. additionally you could try it with neem but that you can`t take for too long. also cinnamon seems to be a good helper.tumeric. coconut fat should work as a fat.

Edited by remember

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16 hours ago, Girzo said:

I had gotten itches and a white tongue

This is more often than not a sign of candida overgrowth. All of us have it laying dormant being in check by the adaptive immune system however perhaps in your case, your immunity took hit after you've had the reaction to cheese after which your microbiome has been damaged by several cycles of antibiotics -> these are perfect tools to unleash candida. To confirm you need a stool testing. Either from your doctor or through a functional testing

Also there are ways to confirm SIBO, they shouldn't be putting you on Rifaximin unles it has been confirmed. Again there is a private testing (quite cheap) called Hydrogen/Methane breath testing that is very reliable diagnosis of SIBO. 

FYI - dont go chugging down probiotics before you have worked on the pathogen removal, you may give yourself trouble. 

* For SIBO - you need to go on low fodmap diet followed by herbal (or pharmaceutical) antibiotics and then the repopulation starts with powerful probiotics

* For Candida - that's a bit more taugh to handle and you'd need to work with a nutritional therapist. 

So if you are not sure what to do, google places that do: hydrogen/methane testing and stool testing and call them if they could test you and for how much Good luck. 


Edited by Michael569

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I will get tested for free. I just have to wait for a visit to a gastroenterologist's office, which is about 20-40 days, and I wonder what I can do in that time.

14 hours ago, mandyjw said:

if you're interested in herbal remedies.

I am not, but only because I have no experience with it and don't know anyone who does to ask for help if something went wrong. Otherwise, I would be eager to try it.

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Check out this real salad for gut bacteria restoration, oh yeah and don’t forget spiritual wholistic healing :D 

opps it’s this video for the salad 


Edited by DrewNows

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@DrewNows Salad sounds nice, but not when you are going to have to poo-poo it 6 hours later undigested. I am cool with cooked veggies, but raw is a big no-no at the moment.

I was eating turmeric and ginger daily for months prior to this infection and it didn't protect me from it, so I guess it's beyond what turmeric can heal.

Yeah, the main problem at the moment is not so much the frequency of poop, because I do it once or twice after all these antibiotics, but that food is still partly undigested, I mean like you can see what you have eaten.

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@Girzo here’s a post you may likely find guidance from: 

Undigested foods in your stools!? 

What’s going on here? If you see undigested foods in your stools especially fruits, vegetables, and other fibrous plant food sources then you are dealing with a weak pancreas. Your pancreas is an endocrine and exocrine gland and this glands main purpose is to break down your carbohydrate foods so that you can properly absorb the nutrition from them and to get the energy to protect structure-function to your cells. 

There can be many reasons why your pancreas is not working. The main reason for all organ and gland failure is congestion and chemistry that is acid dominate in the body. Specifically, acid ash that is stagnate in the lymph system and the tissue in the location that is stagnant with metabolic waste and these acids are damaging the tissue causing dis-ease and dysfunction. This only happens when the body is acidic and dehydrated and full of mucus and deposits that would block the flow of energy and the flow of cleaning, removal of the waste ash that enters the body. 

In this case If you’re dealing with a congested lymphatic system and dealing with systemic acidosis your pancreas has been dealing with acids trapped in the spaces around the cells in the pancreas and that’s why your pancreas is not doing its job and the pancreas also helps the body buffer acids with helping the body remain a proper ph balance that’s more alkaline by using insulin and bicarbonate which is alkaline to neutralize acids. The pancreas also helps the body produce enzymes that help aid in digestion to break down the foods into a liquid so that you can properly absorb and assimilate the nutrition. So when acids damage the pancreas and your kidneys fail to remove acids out of the body then the pancreas will fail to do its job and you will partially digest your foods and this will cause lots of gas and can lead to malabsorption as well because you are not properly absorbing chemistry that strengthens the body. This can also lead to candida overgrowth because if you have undigested debris in the colon from the foods then you will create excess fermentation in the body which invite the candida fungus in the body to help clean up the alcohol. 

Your gallbladder helps the body break down fatty acids so if you see oily stools in your bowel movements then your liver and gallbladder are damaged due to a stagnant lymph system and eating too many fatty foods such as cooked fats and foods that are high in fat not designed to be eaten regarding the Homo sapiens design. Nuts and seed are not properly digested because they are not designed for the human anatomy to break them down properly and the same goes for animal fat sources. 

The gallbladder is designed to break down fatty acids not burdened by fatty food sources. Fruits and tender greens are high in fatty acids and are not hard on the gallbladder. 

You also want to consider that poor food combining wears out the pancreas and overworks the pancreas and gallbladder to a point to where the pancreas and gallbladder shut down, falls asleep and fails to do there job. 

Overeating is hard on the pancreas, and gallbladder and eating when stressed can cause this to occur and eating to fast and not chewing properly can cause this to occur. 

You don’t want undigested foods creating fermentation because this leads to more acid build-up and dehydration. 

Focus on ripe fruit eat mono meals, chew well, don’t eat fast, learn how to combine your foods properly, don’t overeat, give digestion a rest and fast and clean out your colon and lymphatic system and create a alkaline environment in the body and focus on the living foods that don’t overwork the pancreas and gallbladder  and of course alkaline dominate foods will help the body remains a proper ph balance and acid dominate foods lead to systemic acidosis. 

Get your kidneys to filter and get in the sauna or tropical sun and sweat and clean out the impacted harden mucus out of the colon on a fruit diet along with fasting because if you don’t take out the trash the trash in your body that accumulates will take you out. 

Read this 2 books on more information on the topic regarding regenerative detoxification ??

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biologically design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive! 

Written by Jonathan RA Stearns

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@Girzo also I might try green smoothie if you haven’t already, my grandmother had 5 years of diarrhea after antibiotics she could never get her gut healthy long term because she refuses to change her diet 

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Vegetarian diet for diarrhea

 Low fiber , Low Fat, No raw vegetables, reduce fruits

potato, no skin

white rice

toasted white bread

white pasta with cooked pureed red bell pepper as sauce

(but test to see if you have any issues with gluten)



banana ( test them, may have positive or negative effect)


zuccini, carrots, string beans, squash , bell pepper, peeled cucumber

melon (moderate amounts( (no watermelon

hulled hemp seed


non fat yogurt (moderate amount)

papaya, mango




Oil (except low amounts)


red pepper, spicy foods

vitamin c

food products that contain vegetable gums

whole grain

green peas

citrus fruit


dried fruit

Beans, lentils



carbonated beverages

high fiber vegetables



Brussel's sprouts









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Just do this....MANUKA HONEY MGO 550 . . . FOR SURE!!!!! Bees will work miracles.

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11 minutes ago, pink said:

Just do this....MANUKA HONEY MGO 550 . . . FOR SURE!!!!! Bees will work miracles.

Good that you mentioned it, I almost forgot about it. My flatmate was cured from really serious gastroenteritis after repeatedly getting food poisoning, whilst studying in China. Nothing else worked and he was getting the best possible care after he moved to Singapore. In the end he started taking manuka honey, the really expensive authentic stuff with a high pollen count, just one teaspoon every night before going to bed. He was actually scheduled to go into surgery, but he was completely cured within a month. Manuka Honey has extremely strong natural biotic properties and will restore your gut health. It is probably the best suggestion here yet. You have to get the UMF-certified one with a high UMF factor, they have a chart to help you decide which type to get.

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@pink @Dumuzzi Looks interesting, but the price is cosmic. Nevertheless, I might try it. For now I will try just eating my local honey, it should have some antimicrobial qualities, too.

I have found Gelatine tannate and it works wonders together with a zinc supplement. Consuming it for 3 days and finally I have had a semi-normal solid poo. The problem is that the white tongue has returned, but not that intense.

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Local Honey is wonderful and nourishing and at the same time it is not From The Manuka Flower so it will not have the Medicinal Properties as the miracle Manuka Honey does- just sayin . . . 

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