
Help! Persistent Diarrhea

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@pink Yes, I am aware they are not the same, but you know a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So until I source the Manuka one I might as well use what I have.

BTW I have a funny story. I went to register for a visit to a gastroenterologists office in a public system. I got signed for a visit on 15th April 2020. Great joke, very funny indeed.

At least I can get my stool tested for free by my general practitioner in the next week. So maybe something can be confirmed or ruled out.

Some people would think this is an argument against public health system, but I think the opposite - it's a very good reason to justify raising health insurance contributions. And the government should force MDs who studied for free to work in the public system more or force them to pay back for their education.

But everyone is so scared of mending with the healthcare system and the public is extremely unwelcoming of raising anything, even if it would result in the greater good.

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kinda funny - as a newbie l am thinking a lot about purpose yet talking about poo--   just try it . . . Manuka honey

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Have you ever tried a lower fat fruit based raw vegan diet with the exclusion of all animal products and cooked food? (Also known as the fruitarian diet but typically still consuming greens, maybe some vegetables and maybe small amounts of nuts and seeds), Maybe with the exception of raw honey. I’ve found this diet to not only being the best for healing the body from digestion issues and so many other ailments but possibly the most optimal diet for our bodies especially combined with spiritual practice. Eating this way can completely open our bodies and minds up energetically,spiritually and I believe can naturally raise our level of consciousness to actually pretty high degrees. A whole foods plant based diet, fully vegan can also be very healing and a great foundation. But the fresh raw living foods with an emphasis of your calories coming fresh high water content fruit I believe can truly transform our lives in magical ways. Could even potentially help solve a lot of systemic problems we encounter in the world if more people adopted this lifestyle and way of eating (violence, greed, gluttony, selfishness, obesity, environmental destruction, anger, low consciousness, lack of empathy towards other beings, etc) I would love to hear Leo research this lifestyle and experiment with it and share his experience one day as well. @Leo Gura  A great book imo that explains most that you need to know about this lifestyle and how to start is the 801010 diet by Doug Graham. If you’re looking for some inspirational content on YouTube, you can check out some raw vegan YouTube channels like Raw Healing Mastery, RawFoodRomance, LifeRegenerator, Loren Lockman, Robert Morse, Sweet Natural Living,  Ted Carr (who does include some cooked food now to help more easily put on muscle weight, but he still advocates a fruit based diet, did it for 10 years and actually put on a considerable amount of muscle doing so) Raw Intuition, OkRaw, Robert Lockhart, LightSampsLiving, John Rose. A lot of these people’s content seem to have a grasp on spirituality and seem to have a higher level of consciousness. Raw Healing Mastery, Robert Morse, Even Loren Lockman. Very similar, non dual style teachings and messages that coincide with Leo’s content. Would love to hear feedback from anyone who explores this lifestyle (:

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@JalenS23 Thanks for the effort put in writing this up, but as I have probably already said I was on an almost vegan diet for 2 months prior to that event and I got these symptoms anyways after eating stale food. So it's probably some opportunistic bug or something, not a chronic issue. I can't even imagine eating a raw diet right now.

I will get my stool tested soon and if nothing comes up I will try the honey first.

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Here is info on the use of the flower essence aspects in healing:     Manuka – The Essence of Purification- Exercise and practice lighter. Self-regeneration, metamorphosis, in touch with own power, depth of inner experience, balanced sexuality/sensuality. (imbalance) blame, victim, Jealousy, hatred, suspicion, intense frustration, rage, temper.

Manuka tree raw Honey from manuka flowers.

Edited by pink

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On 16/11/2019 at 9:55 PM, Girzo said:

BTW I have a funny story. I went to register for a visit to a gastroenterologists office in a public system. I got signed for a visit on 15th April 2020. Great joke, very funny indeed.

Get a private testing mate. It is not as expensive and can be very comprehensive. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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I am doing it. It still takes over a week.

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Test for bacteria in stool has showed nothing.

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On 11/24/2019 at 3:58 PM, Girzo said:

@JalenS23 Thanks for the effort put in writing this up, but as I have probably already said I was on an almost vegan diet for 2 months prior to that event and I got these symptoms anyways after eating stale food. So it's probably some opportunistic bug or something, not a chronic issue. I can't even imagine eating a raw diet right now.

I will get my stool tested soon and if nothing comes up I will try the honey first.

@Girzo no problem! And I feel you. But honestly I think there’s a big difference in an almost vegan diet, which can be very broad, there’s tons foods that are vegan that can really irritate our bodies imo, even some whole foods like grains and legumes can be very hard to digest for some people and be problematic, and a fully raw fruit based vegan diet. If you’ve never experienced going a considerable amount of time eating fully raw, at least 30 days excluding all cooked foods, all animal products, eating relatively low fat (less than 20% of your total calories coming from fat) and being sure that you’re still consuming the amount of calories that your body needs from fresh fruits and vegetables. (Mostly fruit and leafy greens is how I personally eat) You might be very surprised at the complete transformation and healing that can happen not only to your body, but your mind, and can even help immensely with spiritual work imo. Of course though, going fully raw vegan can take a lot of time to fully transition into. But, you could possibly give it a 30 day trial just to see what it effects it has, it could potentially be life changing. 

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On 03/12/2019 at 9:59 PM, Girzo said:

Test for bacteria in stool has showed nothing.

are you still having the symptoms? 


Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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Oh, I forgot to write how it all ended. I will leave a note there for anyone who stumbles upon this thread in the future.

So, the whole comedy show lasted about 4 months in total.

Started with diarrhea, then there were stomach aches and all kinds of weird hardly digested poops.

Doc has prescribed me some generic proton pump inhibitor medicine, that blocks the production of acid in the stomach. I was taking it for like 25 days and after a few days from discontinuing to take it, I could say that everything was completely back to normal.

Has medicine helped or was it just time? I don't know. Now I am on a vegan diet and experience no gastric issues.

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35 minutes ago, Girzo said:

Doc has prescribed me some generic proton pump inhibitor medicine, that blocks the production of acid in the stomach.

This is an extremely common prescription for digestion issues.

If you want to try a more natural solution, look into Mastic Acid and Slippery Elm Bark. They both help heal stomach problems when used for a month or more.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I might look into it if the problem ever returns.

*Click, opens OneNote* The info goes into the personal journal. :P

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Doctors are not trained in nutrition, find people who have experienced this exact illness and learn how they went about solving it. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@Leo Gura you got any tip for IBS?

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Bone broth from  grass fed bones, gelatin and  collagen will seal your gut like nothing else in this world. 
You don’t want to block the production of acid in your stomach, having an acidic stomach is essential for proper digestion ! And is the cornerstone of a healthy digestive system, high in Hydrochloric acid. 
tell your doc to do hand back his medical license. 

Edited by MartinMaggio

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is an extremely common prescription for digestion issues.

If you want to try a more natural solution, look into Mastic Acid and Slippery Elm Bark. They both help heal stomach problems when used for a month or more.

Leo, I recommend you get into metabolic type health literature- 

Look into Kate deerings book: 

“how to heal your metabolism”

if you want to go to get deeper 

look at Ray Peats Principles. The OG of nutritional physiology 


I’ve heard you got thyroid issues?  he’s the guy for you. 

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Reduce the amount of cruciferous veg intake. 
they have self protecting anti nutrients which demage the gut- 

If you’re going to consume vegetables make sure they are cooked to reduce the amount of anti nutrients/oxalates. 
steaming, light sautéing helps ! 

feel free to private message if you need more help 


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