
Why is the human being so fucked up?

18 posts in this topic

Hey guys, 

I just find it weird why we humans are so Degenerated. 

Of course not all but many many many. 

I know you'll be saying its all me and everything is perfect but I just keep asking myself is the human being the creation god wanted in order to experience utmost cruelty? 

Lets list things that happen regularly by humans and which is even widely accepted and a few things that are not widely accepted but still practiced. 

-Animal mass slaughter fabrics, where animals live without sublight and space to move there entire life not forgetting the various diseases and illnesses they carry with them in those conditions all so that humans  can eat cheap meat. 

-Having an animal at home and mostly imprisoning him like a cat, a dog, a rabbit, guinea pig, who are involuntarily castrated so that they dont "spread" and then taken on a leash to go for a walk (talking about dogs here, whereas we know in many third world countries dogs walk around happily and peacefully in freedom coexisting without owner but with the humans) . 




-mass destruction of our precious nature and its inhabitants

-spontaneous killings of insects because they "look ugly" 

-homelessness and abandonment by society


The list goes on 


Everything is perfect because everything is god and there is only god. 

But honestly I think god wants to experience cruelty and suffering in emphasis with the human beings, human beings seem like the most primitive of all creations that god could think of. 

That might also be that Jesus died for the sins of humans and humans a re kind of inherently sinfull (just have to understand this in the bigger picture, this is not bad as ultimately all is god, but it is showing the reality and truth that humans create constantly a dystopia aming all living beings). 





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4 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Lets list things that happen regularly by humans and which is even widely accepted and a few things that are not widely accepted but still practiced. 





You would have to weigh a negative list against a positive list

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@Schahin Believe it or not, mankind is getting better everyday. Recommend read: Factfulness.

unborn Truth

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“We “are not human. Human and humanity dont exist. “ We “are One. The problem arises when you start to fragment One and attach labels to fragments.

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1 hour ago, Eu Sint said:

“We “are not human. Human and humanity dont exist. “ We “are One. The problem arises when you start to fragment One and attach labels to fragments.

Obviously incorrect. Humanity clearly exists. 


The reason humanity is in such a state is that we still think we are human havings and doings, not human beings. 

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Unaware of their Absolute nature. Strong beleif that they are body or spirit in a body (same thing) thus creating their own Hell. 

self deceiving, manipulating, liars, etc,what is in your Heart is "out there". 

Living life of false self Brings you false life, survival fear based life. 

Reminds of my parents, never happy always neurotic and it is All about survival, enemies All around but body is King. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Infinite power of Love kills devil. That's Why devils are so afraid of  "IT". 

That's Why humans are so in Rush for pleasure and egoic power, they have to save somehow false self while All the while True Self smiles within. Problem is the more devil is devoid from True Self it Will Try to punish destroy "other" in which he recognizes True Self. 

If your True Self lurks out and you are joyfull and happy you Will most likely be giant target for false self. 

True and Only reason Why Humanity is in such state that it is. 

God gave you Godhood. That is Infinite Goodness and Selflessness of God. You are not Created as small self. 

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

Hey guys, 

I just find it weird why we humans are so Degenerated. 

Of course not all but many many many. 

I know you'll be saying its all me and everything is perfect but I just keep asking myself is the human being the creation god wanted in order to experience utmost cruelty? 

Lets list things that happen regularly by humans and which is even widely accepted and a few things that are not widely accepted but still practiced. 

-Animal mass slaughter fabrics, where animals live without sublight and space to move there entire life not forgetting the various diseases and illnesses they carry with them in those conditions all so that humans  can eat cheap meat. 

-Having an animal at home and mostly imprisoning him like a cat, a dog, a rabbit, guinea pig, who are involuntarily castrated so that they dont "spread" and then taken on a leash to go for a walk (talking about dogs here, whereas we know in many third world countries dogs walk around happily and peacefully in freedom coexisting without owner but with the humans) . 




-mass destruction of our precious nature and its inhabitants

-spontaneous killings of insects because they "look ugly" 

-homelessness and abandonment by society


The list goes on 


Everything is perfect because everything is god and there is only god. 

But honestly I think god wants to experience cruelty and suffering in emphasis with the human beings, human beings seem like the most primitive of all creations that god could think of. 

That might also be that Jesus died for the sins of humans and humans a re kind of inherently sinfull (just have to understand this in the bigger picture, this is not bad as ultimately all is god, but it is showing the reality and truth that humans create constantly a dystopia aming all living beings). 





@Schahin Thats a common mistake to assume that humans are "bad". Steven Pinker writes extensively showing that humans suffer much less at each others hands now than in the past.

Humans are capable of much evil and much beauty. To just focus on evil is incomplete. Also, without suffering, there is no evolution, which is the way of the universe.

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@Schahin Things are the way they are so you can transcend yourself and realize its all LOVE.  Another way to look at it is: The world only sucks because you suck.  You failed to imagine yourself into something greater than the things you judge.... If you do enough work on yourself you will realize those things you judge are from your own doing instead of the world you think is outside of you.   


Edited by Tanz

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2 hours ago, Shaun said:

Obviously incorrect. Humanity clearly exists. 

What is the “human “body? One form like any other of the infinity of forms / fragments of which The Whole/The One is composed. But in order to be able to distinguish between forms then you start putting labels and placing them in categories, subcategories, etc. If we attach to this form the label "human" we have already created a distinction from the whole. Now to this form labeled "human" we can add another label, and to it we add another label again and so on. This is the example construction: "Tall, handsome , good and smart human". Now if we unite all the forms cataloged as "human" into one whole, we get a new form which we label as "humanity". This is a game that never ends. We have the form included in another form, which in turn is included in another form, and so on. Like a russian Matroshka. But when you are unconscious of your true nature, you identify with the form no matter what it is. You must return to the source of all forms, which is Pure Consciousness. You are Pure Consciousness and all forms are created by you and dissolve in you. You are the Infinite Singularity. You can hold your teeth as much as you want for your limited humanity, but in the end you will have to let go and unite with Source.?

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4 hours ago, ajasatya said:

@Schahin Believe it or not, mankind is getting better everyday. Recommend read: Factfulness.

I agree. The mass consciousness is waking up, slowly but surely.  Of course we have cycles where we go to sleep again, but the overall arc to the story is that we are waking up, especially in specific areas of the planet.  

@Schahin Humans are fucked up. But we are also self-learning creatures. There will be HUUUGE growing pains. We have been growing since we became self aware.  What you are witnessing is thousands of years of growth. There will probably be thousands more to go.  You can do your part by waking up and spreading higher consciousness. Volunteer. Be an activist. Or just witness and enjoy.  Have fun!

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Since you mention dogs, not long ago I saw a friend with his dog who was recently castrated, it was as happy as always and didn't care it can't make new dogs anymore. 
Same with all the "bad" things u mentioned:

5 hours ago, Schahin said:


-war they don't do that they just fight when they feel like fighting and they seem to enjoy it

-adultery dogs just fuck when they feel like fucking they don't feel sad about geting cheated on by a spouse

-mass destruction of our precious nature and its inhabitants they don't care about that at all

-spontaneous killings of insects because they "look ugly" naaah

-homelessness and abandonment by society when dog is homless it just lives homless when it have an owner it lives with an owner

-corruption nope


How are dogs free from all these horrible things ? 
It's becouse they don't know they are dogs and don't know what these things arexD

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9 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@Schahin Thats a common mistake to assume that humans are "bad". Steven Pinker writes extensively showing that humans suffer much less at each others hands now than in the past.

Humans are capable of much evil and much beauty. To just focus on evil is incomplete. Also, without suffering, there is no evolution, which is the way of the universe.

That is interesting but evolution to what? 

They might not suffer at each others hands but do make lots of animals and plants suffer way more than in the past. It is definitely not a utopia, for me it is already so annoying to see humans walking around With their dogs on leashes and castrating them, at if they are their slaves. 

8 hours ago, wavydude said:

Since you mention dogs, not long ago I saw a friend with his dog who was recently castrated, it was as happy as always and didn't care it can't make new dogs anymore. 
Same with all the "bad" things u mentioned:

How are dogs free from all these horrible things ? 
It's becouse they don't know they are dogs and don't know what these things arexD

Have you been to India already or similar "third world" countries (whatever that means) , dogs there Walk freely in huge crowds not bothering each other not fighting and enjoy their lives as free non castrated animals. They still come and make friendship with humans, because dogs are just awesome friends. I have seen castrated dogs here that still wanted to mate but couldn't though, its because they have no education about what happened to them that they don't care, it's still cruel though, not the business of the human of the dogs want to reproduce. 

Its putting them on a leash taking ownership and castrating it that makes dogs in our countries fight with each other because they lost all their social dog to dog abilities. 

On the topic of adultery, of course dogs are different here, but the human nature mostly is one of wanting to find love and binding to some certain person, but still so many humans manage to simply be unfaithful. 

Dogs don't have these issues they don't marry and want one person forever, although I have seen one dog couple already (in Brazil). 


The question though is, regarding what is said in the Bible and that Jesus died for the humans and their desire to be sinful, is it possible that God knew exactly that it will experience a form of animal that can bring on so many social problems? 

Certainly in gods infinite consciousness there are worlds and species that are just utopian, living in great harmony with absolute love for each other and nothing but goodness

Edited by Schahin

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16 hours ago, Schahin said:

Hey guys, 

I just find it weird why we humans are so Degenerated. 

Of course not all but many many many. 

I know you'll be saying its all me and everything is perfect but I just keep asking myself is the human being the creation god wanted in order to experience utmost cruelty? 

Lets list things that happen regularly by humans and which is even widely accepted and a few things that are not widely accepted but still practiced. 

-Animal mass slaughter fabrics, where animals live without sublight and space to move there entire life not forgetting the various diseases and illnesses they carry with them in those conditions all so that humans  can eat cheap meat. 

-Having an animal at home and mostly imprisoning him like a cat, a dog, a rabbit, guinea pig, who are involuntarily castrated so that they dont "spread" and then taken on a leash to go for a walk (talking about dogs here, whereas we know in many third world countries dogs walk around happily and peacefully in freedom coexisting without owner but with the humans) . 




-mass destruction of our precious nature and its inhabitants

-spontaneous killings of insects because they "look ugly" 

-homelessness and abandonment by society


The list goes on 


Everything is perfect because everything is god and there is only god. 

But honestly I think god wants to experience cruelty and suffering in emphasis with the human beings, human beings seem like the most primitive of all creations that god could think of. 

That might also be that Jesus died for the sins of humans and humans a re kind of inherently sinfull (just have to understand this in the bigger picture, this is not bad as ultimately all is god, but it is showing the reality and truth that humans create constantly a dystopia aming all living beings). 





A lot of the things you mentioned here are actually harmless , but sometimes they are taken to extremes and become handful.

It's helpful to start to see how you yourself are shaping these things, in the respect that you seem to be suffering by clinging to things to tightly, taking things too seriously 

A lot of what you describe is down to unconscious identification with thought. But it's better to see the identification in yourself rather than continue to focus on it in others . That way you can get a more realistic perspective and learn to make peace with what's going on 

Ultimately none of this should affect you when you're aware of your wholeness. 

That's why enlightenment is liberation, it not just liberation from your own mind, but liberation from being affected by what's going on in the world.

I wouldn't say it's "perfect". The only thing that's perfect is your natural state when you cease seeking anything. 

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Human is perfect, the mind is fucked up because of what one feeds the mind/body and all his/her senses on a daily basis and the environment which he/she surrounds oneself in. Thus all that man creates = fucked up because his mind/body is in chaos.

When the body becomes purified and the mind becomes still, whatever one creates will be a work of ART and Intelligence.


Edited by pluto


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13 hours ago, Schahin said:

. I have seen castrated dogs here that still wanted to mate but couldn't though, its because they have no education about what happened to them that they don't care, it's still cruel though, not the business of the human of the dogs want to reproduce. 

Its putting them on a leash taking ownership and castrating it that makes dogs in our countries fight with each other because they lost all their social dog to dog abilities. 

I also feel like castrating dogs is cruel but the cruelty is a concept, you sympathise with the dog becouse you image how you would feel when u was castrated, the dog is unaware of that, it does not suffer it

Making dogs domectic does not make them fight and loose social abilited it depends on how you rais it and if you allow it to socialize with other dogs.

My dog would't run away from me even if it could, it's a mutual benefit relationship.

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