
Enlightenment Quotes

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On 27/05/2021 at 3:20 AM, Natasha said:

Life is a play :)





Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Sometimes this forum needs balancing with some less deep stuff. Oh my!

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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"I always tell the truth, even when I lie"

Al Pacino, Scarface. 1983.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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It is neither in the meeting, nor in the getting to know that we see who a being really is. It is in our departing that we show our true colors.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Those very words is eternity, infinity, freedom, love, God talking to you.

Everything is you !

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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What appears is never known or experienced.

Authenticity is the collapse of both denial and acceptance.

There is only what appears to arise, but nothing ever becomes something that arose.

Edited by The0Self

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This is an extract from "I am that" by Nisargadatta Maharaj:



Question: You seem to be so very indifferent to everything! 

Maharaj: I am not indifferent, I am impartial. I give no preference to the me and the mine. A basket of earth and a basket of jewels are both unwanted. Life and death are all the same to me.

Question: Impartiality makes you indifferent.

Maharaj: On the contrary, compassion and love are my very core. Void of all predilections, I am free to love.


I think this passage sums up @Leo Gura video about nihilism quite well.

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As you evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable. Evolve anyway.

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'Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth. They are looking outside for pleasure or fulfilment, for validation, security, or love, while they have a treasure within that not only includes all those things but is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer.' - Eckhart Tolle


'Longing is love directed towards an object, and as long as our attention is directed towards the object, it is directed away from its essence. So, as long as our longing is directed towards an object - even the ultimate object called God - it is directed away from that for which it truly longs.' - Rupert Spira

Edited by RickyFitts

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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'Have you noticed how the times you're tempted to reach out for something you think you need are the times you're not wanting to stop and face your discomfort?' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Jeevan

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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