
Enlightenment Quotes

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin I see JP is shifting to more serious content in his videos and quotes these days :)

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10 minutes ago, Natasha said:

@Shin I see JP is shifting to more serious content in his videos and quotes these days :)

Those are actually old videos, and the quote I just liked, I have no idea he said that xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. ~ Eckhart Tolle


If you don't have very strong emotions or very intense thoughts about something, you cannot get depressed. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Life is rooted in reality, not in your thoughts and emotions. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them. ~ Eckhart Tolle

The most beautiful moments in your life – moments of bliss, moments of joy, moments of ecstasy, moments of utter peace – were moments when you were not thinking about anything. You were just living. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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May I propose there is a more important question than "Who am I" and it is "Is it love?" 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Only the one True Love can separate the poison from the milk. May you never say you Know, for God is beyond all knowing. We are all one, but only in Love. I do not know. I do not know! Forgive me, God, for my ignorance and everything I've done out of my delusions and desires for grandeur. I have hurt more than I have helped, and for this, I am forever sorry.

All I ever did was out of the darkness of my own ignorance, out of my own dream, which was so true to me, it was my God. Now I know you are beyond me and beyond all and I will never know or come even close to your glory. But I can only ever do my best to serve you from here , from my truest place of unknowing - forgive me if what I do is not enough, for I know you will always be outside my reach and I will never arrive at the perfection that You are.

If there is poison in this milk, I call on You, to separate it, for all I want is to help the one who reads this, not to poison with my own delusions. If I am unconsciously adding poison from my own ignorance, may You dispel that and let only the Good enter the good and give the poison to the poison.



Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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If you hold it, you may get stuck with it, so don't hold.


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Warning: Love.exe could not be uninstalled.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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An awakened French woman asked:

"In this materialistic age the real feeling of love is disappearing from our life, Most of the love we receive from others and express to others is superficial. How can we reinforce the real feeling of love in our own life and in others."

False prophet says: 


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Michael Alan Singer



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Awareness is who we are and forgetting that leads to suffering. ~ Vicki Woodyard

Being unconscious means you’re lost in thought, in the pictures and stories your mind is producing. You have entered the made-up content of your mind and are occupying it as if it were reality itself. Your ego is invested in this content as being real and important, and very likely as a result you are experiencing some kind of emotion (stirred up by the thinking). You have forgotten that all of it is the product of your mind (even if its content appears to be true or important). As a result, you are missing actual reality, what’s happening in the now — including that you are inventing the thoughts. ~ Jan Frasier

Your true nature is awareness and not what your mind is producing. ~ Burt Harding

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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