
Enlightenment Quotes

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God dwells in you, as you, and you don't have to 'do' anything to be God-realized or Self-realized, it is already your true and natural state.

Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward, and sacrifice your ego mind to the One Self radiating in the Heart of your very being.

For this to be your own presently lived experience, Self-Inquiry Meditation is a direct and immediate way.

Sri Ramana Maharshi


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Right hand fighting with the left hand to feed the same one mouth...

That's what separation leads to.


Not-Two = wholeness = oneness = truth

Wholeness will make your life a love affair with itself.



Love Is The Answer

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Your day, Your life, Your everything. Enjoy it! You are its own creator.

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in this world, I am HE, living as ME.

and there's an evolution which takes the me to he and then he to HE

and then HE is the World+ME and I am HE.

Love Is The Answer

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"Nothing Matters"

- VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The Seeker: Does it make me a better person if I quit non veg and become a vegetarian?

The Master: If that was the case then all vegetarians would be saints and all non vegetarians would be sinners. In fact what comes out of the mouth is more important than what goes in.



@Nahm :x

Love Is The Answer

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WHEN SUBJECT looks—subject sees object. When subject is seen looking at object Subject becomes object, and is no longer subject. When subject looks at itself, it no longer sees any thing, for there cannot be anything to see, since subject, not being an object as subject, cannot be seen. That is the 'mirror-void'—the absence of anything seen, of anything seeable, which subject is. But it is neither 'mirror' nor 'void' nor any thing at all. It is not even 'it'. That is the transcendence of subject and object— which is pure is-ness. That is what is—the total absence which is the presence of all that seems to be. Perhaps it could be said better, but there can be little more to be said.

Love Is The Answer

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i am nothing without you

without you I cannot be

i was afraid of losing you once... but now i am wise, so i realize, i am never, ever without you because you're always with me

Love Is The Answer

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To Whom it may concern:
You cannot find your higher self while searching as the lower self because you are playing both parts! Can an Actor and the character he is portraying, both be speaking at the SAME time?

Love Is The Answer

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A day will dawn when you will laugh at your past efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also here and now.

~ Ramana Maharshi

Love Is The Answer

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@Leo Gura




Edited by Hardik

All of your life you have been told that God created you. God come now to tell you this:  You are creating God❤️

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“Don’t be a storehouse of memories. Leave past, future and even present thoughts behind. Be a witness to life unfolding by itself. Be free of all attachments, fears, and concerns by keeping your mind inside your own heart. Rest in being.”



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