
Enlightenment Quotes

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The universe is not what you think it is. No thing is what you think it is. You are not what you think you are. Do not concern yourself about your life. Do not concern yourself about your body, about your affairs. You can only live like this when you live spontaneously. When you live in the very second of existence. In this very second there is only 'That'. Which always was and will always be. You have to catch yourself in that split second. That split second of eternity. You are that eternity. Do not bother to look for eternity. Do not even look for that split second. Just be it. For when you look for it you're using your mind and your mind is a product of time and space. Therefore if you try to find that split second with your mind you'll never find it. When you just are in that very beingness you are in that split second of eternity. It's really so simple I tell you this all the time, just be! Do not be this or that. Just be! Just say to yourself, "I-am." When you say to yourself, "I-am," you're just being. You feel just wonderful when you just are as some of you are feeling right now. It's wonderful to drop everything. To let go of everything. And begin to understand there is nothing to fear and there is nothing to fight. That feeling comes to you without the words. You just become that. If you have to say it, "There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to fight," then you are lying to yourself because you feel fear and you feel there is something to fight. You cannot voice these things. You cannot voice these things I'm telling you. For remember to voice it there has to be someone left to voice it. There has to be an experiencer and an experience. When the experience and the experiencer are gone then you are at home in the ineffable. Some of you still believe that realization is when you resolve your problems. You believe that when you become liberated then things will be the way that you want them to be. I tell you this is a bunch of hogwash.


Robert Adams, T148: Be “That”

Love Is The Answer

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Question : Even plants have life.

Ramana Maharshi : So too the slabs you sit on!

Question : May we gradually get ourselves accustomed to vegetarian food?

Ramana Maharshi : Yes. That is the way.

Question : Is it harmless to continue smoking?

Ramana Maharshi : No, for tobacco is a poison. It is better to do without it. It is good that you have given up smoking. Men are enslaved by tobacco and cannot give it up. But tobacco only gives a temporary stimulation to which there must be a reaction with craving for more. It is also not good for meditation practice.

Question : Do you recommend that meat and alcoholic drinks be given up?

Ramana Maharshi : It is advisable to give them up because this abstention is a useful aid for beginners. The difficulty in surrendering them does not arise because they are really necessary, but merely because we have become inured by custom and habit to them.

Question : Generally speaking, what are the rules of conduct which an aspirant should follow?

Ramana Maharshi : Moderation in food, moderation in sleep and moderation in speech.

Question: Is it not killing life to prepare meat diet?

Ramana Maharshi : Ahimsa [non-violence] stands foremost in the code of discipline for the yogis.


Love Is The Answer

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Where do you as a seeker look? There is no path, there is no door, you are already that which you seek, but you don't recognise it for what it is, because it is otherworldly, formless, timeless, transparent and non-physical in nature. You identify only with what you see, that which is physical, but not the greater being that is behind it. Being blind to this truth, you say "I don't believe in a higher power" but if you are alive, you are, in essence, that power. You can awaken to this truth at any time. It is not a journey, but just a simple change in perception. It is not for the chosen few, or just those who deserve it. Neither is it only for those who have read great books or participated in certain rituals, or for the limited resources of the mind to understand it. As your true nature is unchanging all you need to do is look beyond everything that is non-permanent, everything that is physical. You are, as you have always been.

Love Is The Answer

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Hope you will understand,

Otherwise, good unnecessary suffering ?


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, SoonHei said:

If you put on sunglasses the world doesn't tint for everyone else.

-Leo Gura



-Lil Leo Gura

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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4 minutes ago, Shin said:



-Lil Leo Gura


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Infinite fucking love ?



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Found some old quotes from when I got myself into this! :D 



There is nothing noble about being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self.


There are two wolfs and they are always fighting, one is darkness and despair,

other is light and hope, whichever you feed wins.


I am the only problem I will ever have and I am its solution.


We do not beat Reaper by living longer, we beat it by living well and fully.


Do not live your day as if it would be your last, live it as if it would be your first.


Do not let your past determine your future 







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You are a reader, reading the book to find himself. You only know and can only know the world of the book. You are not in the book, you are the one reading it! You cannot see yourself or find yourself. You can only realize that you are already and have always been yourself. Your thinking that you will find yourself in the next page, or the next chapter or the next book in the series is what's keeping you from discovering that you are yourself right now! You, the reader are self aware but overtime have been pulled so deeply into the world of the book you're reading that you think you are the main character in the book. The character in the book cannot know you, only you can know you. The mistake is trying to know yourself as the character... The impossibility of a protagonist in a book being able to find/know the reader is quite obvious. End your futile search and recognize your ever-present self now! You are already that! If only there was a page in the book which had no paper or words but a mirror, you would get a gilmpse of yourself. Maybe you're reading that page right now? ?

Love Is The Answer

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44 minutes ago, Pateedm said:

But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.
--Alan Watts

The amazing moment when you feel trees are saying "I love you".

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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