
Enlightenment Quotes

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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The joke is you keep coming back again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, having all sorts of experiences, until one century from now, or one billion years from now, you get tired of playing the game. And you say, "Wait a minute. I seem to be going around in a circle. Does it ever end?" And then you finally ask the question, "For whom is the game? Who believes in their humanity? Who believes in their experiences? Who is it that seems to suffer or who is it that seems to be happy?"

Remember human happiness and human suffering are two sides of the same coin. There is no difference. You get tired of the whole thing. So you pose the question to yourself, "For whom is this karma? For whom is this world? For whom is this game? Who has to go through these things?" But instead of doing this most people go to psychiatrists, to psychologists, to preachers, to ministers and so forth. They never get the right answer, because those aforementioned people tell you how to deal with effects. You go to a doctor and you say, "My arm hurts when I hold it like this." So he says, "Don't hold it like that." And that's what we all do. We’re looking for answers from external means, and you can never get an answer to your problems or to anything from the world, because the world changes continuously. One time the answer may be this way and another time the answer may be that way, depending on circumstances, depending on the time. As an example, fifty years ago if you had a cold and you went to a doctor they would draw blood. They would give you all kinds of antibiotics and they would give you everything that was in style in those days. Today if you have a cold they do something else. Everything changes and people who are going to do what's in vogue at the time, but the real answer is within yourself. The solution is within you. Yet you go about it in the wrong way when you're looking to solve a problem with another problem, which is your mind. You cannot use your mind to solve a problem, because your mind is the cause of the problem to begin with. And you cannot ask anybody else for the solution, because they are using their mind to give you the solution what they think is right. The answer of course is to know your Self.


Simply ask, "Who am I?"

Robert Adams, T42: The Fourth State Of Consciousness

Love Is The Answer

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" The very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory.
Why going anywhere?
Just realize that you are dreaming a dream you call the world, and stop looking for ways out.
The dream is not your problem.
Your problem is, that you like one part of your dream and not another.
Love all or none of it and stop complaining.
When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs to be done."

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj ~

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We dream that we are awake, we dream that we are asleep. The three states are only varieties of the dream state. Treating everything as a dream liberates. As long as you give reality to dreams, you are their slave. By imaging that you are born as so and so, you become a slave to the so-and-so. The essence of slavery is to imagine yourself to be a process, to have past and future, to have history.

Nisargadatta Maharaj _/\_

Edited by SoonHei

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We are wrongly persisting in unreality, that is, attachment to thoughts and worldly activities. Cessation of these will reveal the truth.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Is it by taking a high jump or perhaps by a rocket or through a mental leap [that you want to 'reach reality']? And where exactly out there is this reality, and what will it do for you, that you are so anxious to reach it? Don't you realize how funny all this is?

Trying to capture the unknown and unknowable within the parameters of the known is impossible: That which was prior to this body and consciousness, that which is ever-present . . . that is your true identity . . . that is reality.

When the impersonal consciousness personalized itself by identification with the sentient object, thinking of it as 'I', the effect was to transform the 'I', which was essentially the subject, into an object. It is this objectivation of pure subjectivity, this false identifying of the unlimited with the limited, which can be called bondage. It is from this entity-fication that freedom is sought. Liberation, therefore, can be nothing other than the immediate understanding that self-identification is false . . . . . – freedom is the unshakeable knowledge of your real nature; it is the total negation of entityness. Once it is understood that an entity is merely a conceptual notion, then what follows is a reintegration into universality. Then you just watch life 'being lived', realizing that relatively speaking, you as manifestation are but a puppet being manipulated in a dream world. When you apperceive this intuitively, spontaneously, thoughtlessly, then this itself will be the awakening from this maya-dream. Having understood that there can never be any individual entity with independent choice of action, then how could 'you' entertain any intentions? And in the absence of intentions how could there be any involvement with karma? Then, you become perfectly aligned with whatever happens, accepting events without any feeling either of achievement or frustration. Such living would then be non-volitional living, an absence of doing and deliberate non-doing, going through your allotted span of life wanting nothing and avoiding nothing, free of conceptualizing and objectivation. Then, when this phenomenal life disappears in due course it leaves you in absolute presence.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Peace is simply the absence of the one looking for peace.

If it's tasted, then on your seeming return you may say "Wow! .. what the fuck was that!?" ..

.. and then set about trying to find it again.

I know life's just not fair!

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If I am were just a thought or a belief I wouldn't be so convincing.

But the illusion of being me is such a powerful bodily felt sense that separation feels utterly real for most human beings.

The felt sense of being me is so convincing that most don't ever entertain the notion that "my truth, and my reality" might be an illusion.

I didn't choose to question the reality of me .. I am knows better than to look at itself .. it has an idea of what might be seen.

No, it's life .. it's this ... it's love that drags me kicking and screaming to my death ..

... and in the seeming annihilation of me, no one died, nothing is lost, nothing happened.

There really is no one to recognize the absence of me.

There really is no me who lived and died.

How terribly wonderful is that.


T. Cliss

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What is Agnosticism?

Agnosticism is the portal to the awakening of Knowing that does not attach to any form. I don't know who I am, is what Buddhadharma said to Emporer Wu when he asked the Zen monk who he was."I don't know." This does not mean that in time I will know, this means that I'm fixed, and being unfixed undefined. So I cannot know who I am as something defined, something fixed.

So in this context, I would say Agnosticism is Not Knowing, but not the knowledge that needs more evidence.

Agnosticism in my context means being OK with the question: I don't know. This keeps the mind open to the breeze of wonder. Impermanence means everything is change, not things change. Things ARE change. You ARE change. You are a verb, but we function as nouns. The open question is a mind that does not fixate on form, which is death, because all things are dying. Remember, things don't change in time: things are change. Things are time. You are time. Time cannot die. The realization that you are Time, change, is Zen.

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It's so beautiful to realize that you are nobody and be able to sit in a chair and the whole universe is under your command. 

You are no longer a puppet being manipulated by the strings of life. You have realized the phoniness, the nonsense of everything. Everything has become nonsensical and you just rest in peace. Usually the term "rest in peace" means you're dead. You are dead. You are dead to the body. It's funny how you give the right terms to the wrong situations. You actually do rest in peace and you are dead to the body. You have no desire to go anywhere, or to do anything, to live any one place. Yet remember also it does not mean that you're going to stay, necessarily, in one place. Whatever has to happen will happen. You may find yourself going to Japan or to Timbuktu, or anywhere, but it has nothing to do with you. You are at peace. You have a quiet mind. It doesn't function. The mind has become the Self. You are free. But yet to others it appears as if you're acting because you appear normal and go through experiences like everybody else. But you realize the truth. You're doing absolutely nothing. 

The observer may see you working, chopping wood, drinking wine, building houses, yet you're doing nothing. This sounds strange. It sounds like a contradiction, but it's not really. When you discover you are the Self, remember the Self is all-pervading. Absolute reality is omnipresence. Therefore everything is taking place within you. All the so-called actions of the universe are taking place within you because you are self-contained consciousness. That's why there's nothing you can really do, as self-contained consciousness, for you occupy every space, every atom, every universe, and you permeate what appears to be creation. There's nowhere for you to go because there's no room. There's nothing else. There's no space. Space is only for the body, the mind. But when you discover that you're pure awareness there is no space. You encompass all in all. This is the reason why there's nowhere to go and there's nothing to do.

It´s like you're a gigantic screen that takes up the entire universe, it is the universe, that takes up all of space. Yet forms appear on the screen. The forms appear on the screen and there's a lot of space between them. The forms appear to be going places, doing things, working, being born and dying, but you are that eternal screen, unflinching, immovable, sat-chit-ananda, parabrahman, and the whole play of consciousness is taking place on the screen, all within yourself. There's no place for the screen to go because it already takes up all the space there is. The only movement there is, is in the images on the screen. But the screen itself has no room where to go, what to do. It just is as it is. That's the way it is. Your true nature is absolute reality, the screen. There's nothing you have to do when you understand that you are omnipresence. There's no room for karma, or for sins, or for anything else. 

The game is being played by the beings who are projected on the screen. They're going through karma because they have a lot of space. They can go through all kinds of things if there's space. They're going through different experiences of birth and death, of happy and sad, of healthy and sick, of poverty and riches. The images are going through these things. Then they die and they appear to be born again in different lives, and the game continues for ever. But you are consciousness, you are the screen, and you remain the same, always. There never was a time when you were different. There never will be a time when you change. Consciousness is consciousness. The Self is the Self. It has no manifestations, no attributes. It just is. That is your true nature. The question therefore is, "What have you been thinking about yourself? What do you believe you are?" 

And you can tell by the way you look at yourself, how you address yourself, what you imagine you are. Most people get up in the morning believing they're a body, and right away their mind is filled with their personal problems. They go through the day trying to solve problems, and thinking of ways they can enjoy themselves. There's no end to it. But for the self-realized being there's no one who sleeps, there's no one who wakes, there's no one who does anything and there's no one who does not do anything. There is absolutely nothing going on. Now can you see the truth about yourself? The more you fear, the more you worry, the more you fret, the more you desire, the more you think you've got to make the world turn the way you want it to turn, the greater the delusion and you're pulled deeper and deeper and deeper into the mire of delusion. It becomes difficult to awaken. 


This is why it is written in all the great spiritual manuals - like auto manuals, they've got spiritual manuals - where it tells you that unless you are mature spiritually you can never really understand this. It looks like a bunch of ludicrous sayings. "I am the Self. I am consciousness. I am pure awareness. I am not the body. I am not the mind." It sounds totally ludicrous to the average person, for the collective unconscious is so strong. The collective unconscious is another name for maya. It appears to be strong and it pulls you in very deeply. The more you identify with it, the greater the pull. And you identify with it when you feel sorry for yourself, when you believe something is wrong with you, when you have wants and needs, when you're human. You do not want to be human. Simply because a human being goes through all the nonsense of the world. A human being has to experience all of the worldly conditions that all the other human beings experience. Therefore you do not want to be human. You want to be inhuman.

You want people to tell you you're not human. When you can see that you're not human, that's when you'll begin to bloom, and you'll realize happiness you never knew before. Do not read the newspapers, or listen to the TV too much, or go along with all the news that's going on in the world. That's for human beings. Be yourself. You are selfcontained. If you have eternal happiness what in this world can give you something better than that? All you really have to do is to realize that you are eternal happiness. You cannot get eternal happiness from anything in the world, or from anyone. Eternal happiness is your true nature. You are that. You do not have to acquire it, or look for it, or find it, or beg for it or pray for it. Eternal happiness is what you really are. But that only comes when you let go of your morbidity, when you let go of all your nonsense, your fears, your foolishness, preconceived ideas, judgments. You have to empty yourself out. When you empty yourself out you become filled with consciousness. 


Can you imagine yourself as nothing, where there's no God, and no universe, and no world, no people, no body, no mind? Sounds scary, doesn't it? But it's not. 

Robert Adams, T105: You Are No-Thing

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A fool is not someone that doesn't know, rather a person who simultaneously doesn't know and walks as if he does. 

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The more aware you are that you create your reality, the less it needs to fall apart to get your attention.


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It’s not all in your head. It’s all in your heart. It’s all in your feet. It’s all in your hips. It’s all in your shoulders. It’s all in your breath. It’s all in your body. Anything unattended to, unresolved, unhealed, and unprocessed lives in your tissues, your cells, your musculature. It may be manifest in your stinking thinking, but it doesn’t begin there. The mind does not source itself—the body does. The trick is to not try to shift the thinking from within the mind itself. You can’t. You may be able to subdue it there, but you won’t be able to resolve it. Because the troubling thoughts are merely a symptom of the deeper issues. They are a reflection of our emotional holdings and constricted musculature. They emanate from the fleshy trauma tunnels that we dug in order to survive this world. Many of us sit in the waiting room of awakening for decades, waiting impatiently for our new birth. And it never arrives, because we are looking for it where it isn’t—within the mind, itself. Babies aren’t born that way. You have to go down into the depths of the body to bring a new birth to life. Down, down, down…. into the alchemical chambers of new thought—YOUR MAGNIFICENT BODY. This is where we are born again.


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On 11/27/2019 at 6:50 PM, SoonHei said:

" The very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory.
Why going anywhere?
Just realize that you are dreaming a dream you call the world, and stop looking for ways out.
The dream is not your problem.
Your problem is, that you like one part of your dream and not another.
Love all or none of it and stop complaining.
When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs to be done."

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj ~


Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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