
Enlightenment Quotes

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5 hours ago, Shin said:

Are you sure ? ?


 If me, you and everyone and everything is "the higher power",  then I am not a higher power. Higher than what? 

In other words, if everything is blue, there is no blue. There needs to be a contrast. I am the lower power contrast to the higher powers that be

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The Desire for Absence

I have always felt that there is such a thin line between what is here and what is not. All of this ‘stuff’ is only pretending to be real and solid. In fact none of it has any real substance. Even this person that I am supposed to be, when I look to find myself, I don’t find anyone or anything. It is all very surreal. I am here, and yet I am not. I feel, see, hear, experience and seem to fully participate in living as a person in this life, and yet nothing is happening at all. Time seems to tick, and I seem to be getting older and closer to the ultimate disappearance that is death, and yet death is here all the time - beyond time. The mind deals in time and space, negotiating between me and the rest of the world. But beyond all of that, there is no need for any negotiation, because there is no time or space. I love to see it like Death is only pretending to be alive. Nothing is only playing at being something.

And in this playing at being something or someone, there is always the pull to disappear into the nothing. The absence calls out from beyond all the ‘stuff’, constantly stating the only true reality. It is the mystery of life, and we long to fall into that mystery and disappear. But at the same time, all that seems to be here is the play of this and that, you and me. We all have some sense of that nothingness. It underlies everything that we do or feel. Mostly we are struggling to avoid being swallowed up into the void. Without all of that effort to prove our importance and worth as a person, we are terrified to fall into that emptiness. We long for it, and at the same time, run from it. The push/pull of life and death is the great paradox of reality.

Living in the world as someone, sometimes has felt such an effort. Being the nothing that I am, there is no effort required. There is no problem, no discomfort, no issues, no drama. But being someone, it can seem as if I have to carry the world on my shoulders. I am supposed to know the rules of this society. I am supposed to have a purpose and a goal. I am supposed to know how to live, and even how to die. I have always felt that push/pull of longing for the total loss of control, and absolute surrender and peace of death, and then also the everyday reality of living as this person. Sometimes I longed to lose myself totally, and not have to live this life of being someone. It seemed to be such a burden to have to carry. I longed for it all to just stop. It was too much to handle. It was too much to deal with. I became very depressed and even suicidal, because I felt I couldn’t deal with it all. I was trying so hard to do it. In order to be someone, I was desperately struggling against the nothingness. Trying to push myself into the world. Trying to hold it all together. 

After a while I discovered that I couldn’t win this struggle. I had to let go and drown. When I let go of control and fall into the emptiness that is always here right now, it is so much easier. There is no conflict between what is, and what isn’t. It is only the mind that wants to land in one side or the other. It is in fact a paradox of both. I don’t need to even understand it. All that is happening, is simultaneously not happening. Consciously acknowledging that, brings peace. Death is already here. The absence that I long for is already here, and at the same time life seems to go on being lived. I am not in control of any of it. I don’t need to do any of it. In fact, it, is doing me.

Article written for the Dutch magazine Inzicht.

Love Is The Answer

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8 hours ago, Dodo said:


 If me, you and everyone and everything is "the higher power",  then I am not a higher power. Higher than what? 

In other words, if everything is blue, there is no blue. There needs to be a contrast. I am the lower power contrast to the higher powers that be

That's a logical reasoning.

Is it basked in present experience of the truth ?

If not, this is just mental masturbation.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 hours ago, Shin said:

That's a logical reasoning.

Is it basked in present experience of the truth ?

If not, this is just mental masturbation.

its backed, if I were any type of higher power, I would be able to get out of debt by clicking my fingers 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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11 hours ago, Aakash said:

whats it all about.jpg

What's it all about? Well the species before you knew very well, ask them ?

-1/12 is Infinity 

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"An infinitely hot, small, dense point erupts.
Creating space, time, matter, our universe itself"

End of the "Journey to the edge of the Universe"


I'm sure I already heard that somewhere 9_9

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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24 minutes ago, Shin said:

End of the "Journey to the edge of the Universe"


Touch the edge of the known universe and you touch the face of God.

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3 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

Touch the edge of the known universe and you touch the face of God.

Can you show me the direction ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 1/18/2019 at 4:39 PM, Dodo said:

its backed, if I were any type of higher power, I would be able to get out of debt by clicking my fingers 

im so sorry that life sucks like this for you.
It sucks for me right now too... I am in a lot of pain. Maybe we can be friends in our pain. :-) 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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We learn as much as possible

in the smallest possible range

to get to .. nothing. 


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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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