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Does the past and future exist now?

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I believe I heard Leo say that the past and future exist in the present moment or something like that. What does that mean? If my dog died a year ago does he exist in the present somehow? 

Edited by sausagehead

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Time is like a book, your dog dies on page 100, you ask your question on page 130.

On what page does the book itself exist? Nonsensical question, as the book is not bound by the limitations of the story contained within. You and your dog are in the book, and you will always be in the book at the same time, just not on the same page. The existence of the pages is the now, and that is why you and the dog exist NOW eventhough in the story the dog has died. 

Further than that, you ARE the book, but right now the book's story is being perceived by the charecter sausagehead that gets born at page 10 and dies at page 500. 

When you wake up, you realize your bookness and the fact that you cant die, as the real self, the book, has never even born to begin with. 

Edited by molosku

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Your dog only exists in your thoughts. The past and the future only exist in your thoughts. Your thoughts are always in the present moment.

It's easy to confuse thoughts for the things they stand for. Your thoughts about your dog are not the same thing as your dog. 

57% paranoid

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

It's easy to confuse thoughts for the things they stand for. Your thoughts about your dog are not the same thing as your dog. 

And even if the dog come back to life and stand in front of him. The dog is not what he thinks it is. It's not an object it's pure imagination of God. Right? 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri a dog is a dog on many different levels. It's like a cake with different layers:

  • Nothing/infinity
  • Pure non-duality
  • God's imagination/dream
  • Concepts and dividing up the world (duality, objects and so on)
  • Raw perceptions and experiences and the present moment
  • Thoughts, memories
  • Language and concepts and categorisation (animal, mammal, friend etc)

That's just a very rough (conceptual) outline. A dog exists on all those levels. 

57% paranoid

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@molosku lovely. when i read the thread, and before i clicked it, that book example came to mind. and looks like it came to your mind as well


the heck am i saying... your mind is mine!

Love Is The Answer

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What about your dog never existed? 

Ahahah, im joking ;)

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In a certain sense, yes the past and future exist now. From a certain sense no. From a certain sense, yes and no. And from another certain sense, neither yes or no. ?

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I don't think practicality works well in those paradigms. Time (duality) is a practical concept, if we're to collapse it on itself (non-duality), it would lose its value and become meaningless.

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@molosku I love your book metaphor. Very powerful.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:32 AM, sausagehead said:

Does the past and future exist now?

Only the present exists

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:42 AM, molosku said:

When you wake up, you realize your bookness and the fact that you cant die, as the real self, the book, has never even born to begin with. 

You are the book's author though, you lovingly imagined and created all the other characters in your life and you love them as yourself. 

@sausagehead Yes, and you can to learn to interact with what you loved about your dog in a different way. Look for what is there, not for what isn't. We're so conditioned to think of things as forms, and are so distracted by them sometimes we don't actually even get to know a person until after they die. 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Who/what is the author of the book about sausagehead and his dog?

Who/what is the author of the book about an author that wrote a book about sausagehead and his dog?

Who/what is the author of the book about an author that wrote a book about an author that wrote a book about sausagehead and his dog?

Off we go into infinity. . .  No Authors = All Authors

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