
If I want to make my Youtube channel popular

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Is it good enough that the name of the channel will be my own name (Niv Schleifer), or another name?

Because there are a lot of singers (I learn singing for 5 years so far) that their channel = their name and they are very popular.

I want to mention that I dont want that my channel will include only singing videos of me, but also videos in which i talk about my insights and what helped me the most in personal development, and introduce my opinions about things and make my own voice and my personality being heard and give value and help others.

Also I am highly interested, and I am very good at (because I have been learning it for years) Meteorology and I want to introduce it to people because almost nobody really knows this subject and it highly interesting and magical when you know it.

In summary, I have at least 3 topics which are equaly reflect my deepest interesting topics (not to say I cant discover more in the future) but It feels quite clear to me that at least these 3 topic i want to introduce in my youtube channel. there is not one topic which is above the others and i just can't choose one. The all three are significant.

So i want to incorporate the all three in my channel.

Having said that, is it enough, if i want popularity, that the name will stay my own name or that it will be a new brand name which covers and connecting the all 3 topic?


Edited by Nivsch

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Popularity isn't about what you want. It is about the customers needs. Is there a need in the YouTube market for a singing/insights/meteorology channel?

What pain points are you solving for the customers? What is your unique selling points? 

I know it's just a YouTube channel and not a business, but if you want to attract eyeballs, you have to be marketing like a business.

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Your name is fine if that is what you want. Singing, meteorology, and  personal development are very different. I would suggest trying one topic or category and you could branch it out or alter it later.  It's going to be really hard for you to gain traction with so many different things going on. A person will come to look at your other content and not really even be sure what the channel is about. 

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The name of your channel is irrelevant to its popularity.

Achieving popularity is a lot harder than finding a popular name. It's about creating the right kind of content and marketing it in the right ways to the right people.

If you get those 3 things right you could name your channel HairyMonkeyBallz and it would do great.

Be careful naming things using your full real name because everything you put out will be permanently tied to you forever. It's very easy to screw up your reputation forever.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The name of your channel is irrelevant to its popularity.

Sorry Leo that's a complete lie.

Your Brand's name matters enormously.

For instance is very well chosen = it's not an accident it's framed as an .org (higher purpose) while it's a LLC for instance.

And also since it starts with Ac it's always at the very beginning of youtube subcriptions.

Marketing is in the details.

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I recommend the name "Voice of Niv"  and it would be about singing and personal development and try to tie the singing in with the  personal development if it ties in with signing.

and a second channel  "Magic of Meteorology" or "Divine Meteorology"  



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14 hours ago, Lynnel said:

Your Brand's name matters enormously

It matters enormously to you, in your mind.

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@Nak Khid haha less ? i want something short but thanks! I want also one channel 

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 5.11.2019 at 10:20 PM, Average Investor said:

Your name is fine if that is what you want. Singing, meteorology, and  personal development are very different. I would suggest trying one topic or category and you could branch it out or alter it later.  It's going to be really hard for you to gain traction with so many different things going on. A person will come to look at your other content and not really even be sure what the channel is about. 

Its interesting because in MY subjective feeling the all 3 topics are foundamently the same "thing" in their essense. It feels to me connected enough. Of course that from outside it will be seen differently, but again i cant choose one or two above the others.

Actually SynOptic is a brand name that covers greatly both meteorology (Synoptic maps - the pressure systems) and personal development and consciousness.


Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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13 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Its interesting because in MY subjective feeling the all 3 topics are foundamently the same "thing" in their essense. It feels to me connected enough. Of course that from outside it will be seen differently, but again i cant choose one or two above the others.

Actually SynOptic is a brand name that covers greatly both meteorology (Synoptic maps - the pressure systems) and personal development and consciousness.


If someone looks at a video from 1 of those 3 topics, what are the chances they would be interested in the others? I would do a little more research. If youtube puts your video in front of another viewer who also likes watching videos on singing but has no interests in meteorology the algorithm will penalize you and show your video to less people. Relavancy is key, I wish you luck. 

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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@Nivsch Of course it's helpful if your name is something people can understand.

"Niv Sch" will confuse people because it will mean nothing to them. They will not even recognize that as your name and they won't know how to pronounce it or spell it.

It is helpful to create a catchy brand name that's unique and easy to remember and pronounce. That alone won't ever make you successful or popular, but having a low quality brand name just makes your life needlessly difficult.

If I named by channel: "dksfulxkjNdfww", that would be a problem.

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:14 AM, Nivsch said:

I want to mention that I dont want that my channel will include only singing videos of me, but also videos in which i talk about my insights and what helped me the most in personal development, and introduce my opinions about things and make my own voice and my personality being heard and give value and help others.

Also I am highly interested, and I am very good at (because I have been learning it for years) Meteorology and I want to introduce it to people because almost nobody really knows this subject and it highly interesting and magical when you know it.


The obvious solution to integrating the content of this channel is to is to sing about meteorology. 

Whatever city or town you're in, do a daily song that reports the weather
and additional songs with meteorological topics. 
That would perfectly express oneness and make the actualized community proud

Do judge this right now, sleep on it


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You could name it sleeping judge ?‍⚖️ I personally would prefer a magical name, but other than that add an air of authority to it.


so make sure it feels soft too. ✌️ 

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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@Nivsch it would be better for SEO to use words that are relevant to the topic in your channel name.

Like rather than just some random guys unusual name, you could make the name of the channel something like:

"How to Sing like a Meteorologist, with Niv Schleifer"

just an idea ...

Edited by mikelyons
Filling whitespace, without increasing font-size, since it is against the guidelines.

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@Leo Gura Really? How aggressive a marketing plan do you need for Youtube? Doesn't the algorithm take care of it itself if you provide quality content?

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@Leo Gura same question as "emind" (above)  +  >  "Should one have a strategic plan for releasing YT content when on intend to speak on "deep", edgy topics (metaphysics, spirituality, esoterism, symbolism ...) , should you "game" your viewers first with a kind of broader, clickbait type of content in order to build a quantitatively large audience or should you aim towards quality and trying to make a few people feel "home" in an edgy niche ? ... ESPECIALLY if you want to conceit to your LP and make it a possible source of revenue AND if you come from a turquoise/yellow level where mind games and having to put a pragmatic facade in a first period feel like compromission ... 

My approach of spirituality and metaphysics, unlike yours, is quite influenced, as I said, by esoterism (completely different from occultism and "magick") symbolism, alchemy and astrology ( qualitative cyclical conception of time and of the influence of the cosmical era mankind goes through)  I have been seriously searching in that direction for almost 15 years (I am 31) and realized that an aspect of the driving force of my spiritual quest (aside from the metaphysic aspect : What is Reality ? etc ...) was a feeling of inadequacy and revolt towards the dark aspects of the modern world . However, especially in the last few years and particularly this very few months listening to you and researching about Spiral Dynamics, I understood how dangerous and counterproductive (both spiritually and strategically) positioning oneself in a "crusader" , reactive almost  ranting mode could be extremely attractive for some people ( and at the same time oddly satisfactory for me) ... but the wrong kind and over a misunderstanding : criticizing from above or from below: SD blue devils etc ...  . In a nutshell I feel my LP could revolve around helping people integrate their spiritual development with immanent life challenge of the modern world and overcome a feeling of inadequacy thanks to tools and methods from traditional wisdom and from the insights of my own journey ... however, on the other hands, I am passionate by Alchemy since childhood and have always wanted to know in what exactly it consists beyond the mysteries it is wrapped in , throughout the years I have come to discover that it is "real" (very much related with Quantum mechanics, Tesla and some "alternative" theory about ether ... ) and that you can actually practice and apply it in the mundane world and even make products such as extremely powerful essential oils and medicines (it is called spagyric in this case) , there are people who do it and actually earn a living by it but is a LOT of work, practice (and money to purchase the materials needed) : so my question presently is how to make this two possibilities work together, given that I am both very interested in sharing "theoretical" (not necessarily abstract )  knowledge with people  AND applying it in the matter with my own little hands ... where both options seem to me absolutely vital ! ... 

I am also not really at ease with putting myself out there with my real name and face talking on potentially very edgy and provocative topics and on how it could backfire (yes, I know this is shadow projection but it nevertheless make my belly tingles sometimes ), what would be the ratio between provocative clickbaity edginess versus mainstream polished social proof ?  you understand what I mean ;) 

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On 11/12/2019 at 6:55 AM, emind said:

@Leo Gura Really? How aggressive a marketing plan do you need for Youtube? Doesn't the algorithm take care of it itself if you provide quality content?

These days YT is very over-saturated. You have no idea how competitive and manipulative marketing is. It's a blood sport. This is not a game. You are talking about money here. Tens of millions of dollars. People are ready to kill you for money. Never forget that.

Internet success is highly manipulated behind the scenes in ways which most of you cannot imagine. It is a Wild West for hacking, spaming, bots, money exchanges, politics, deal-making, backstabbing, lying, manipulating, stealing, bribery, exploitation, etc. This is how business works. It's ugly behind the scenes. Do not assume that internet success is "natural". There's nothing natural about most of it.

Many giant internet companies defrauded their way to success and all of it is kept secret, creating the illusion of "natural" growth.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Many giant internet companies defrauded their way to success and all of it is kept secret, creating the illusion of "natural" growth.

So true 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Nivsch  I think you should just keep your original full name . Because that's your identity. 

It reflects authenticity and the need to be you and not something that pleases people. 

But then again it's just my opinion. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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