
I need some advice

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I have almost no experience with girls whatsoever and also have social problems in general. Now let's say I had the possibility to go on a date, is it even a good idea? I am SO unsure about that. I guess if I want to move forward in my dating life I have to face that fear but I dont even have any idea how to initiate a date if a girl would be attracted to me because I have no idea where to go or what to do. Any advice?

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Go on the date and get some experience.

Also get some guy friends, this will help you learn social skills without the pressure of sexual/romantic notions.

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Go for a walk in a park? Or for drinks. Or bowling? Select something that you are most comfortable at first.

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"Hello I have almost no experience with girls, is it a good idea to get some experience?"

What do you think :D

Go for a walk, girls like that. Do whatever you want to do! If you dont enjoy the date she will notice. Girls want you to have fun on a date and they want you to lead, lead them where to go, lead the conversation and lead the physical touch.

In general, some girls might want to lead but they are rare.

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Hm okay, thank you.

3 minutes ago, universe said:

"Hello I have almost no experience with girls, is it a good idea to get some experience?"

What do you think :D


Well I guess it is, but I am so fucking scared I think im gonna die if I go on a date haha

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Doing something outdoorsy/in nature is a good idea. Like going on a hike. You and your date are doing something healthy for your body, are focused externally on the environment more than just sitting at a table in a restaurant. So in nature walking the conversation should flow more freely, it is more intimate. There could be some romantic views. Plus it might seem like a unique idea/opportunity to the right girl and she could be more excited than a typical "go out to eat/go to a movie" date. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise Good idea, but not on a first date.

Girls want to go on a first date in a safe area. One where they have the option to leave anytime.

I would recommend a sushi train. Its busy, but not too loud, and has the option to leave anytime. Additionally, you get a small glimpse on her spending habits by seeing which plates she goes for and how many. Afterwards, if the mood suits and the date is going well, an ice cream to wash all the salty food away is always on the cards too ;)

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2 hours ago, Florian said:

Any tips on where to go on a date?

If its an afternoon date then something casual, like bowling or putt-putt.

If its evening something where they can dress up a bit, like going out to dinner, then activity after (movie, comedy club, dancing, etc)

Edited by Anna1

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Oh, something just came to me from my past that you should NOT do.

I had a guy a million years ago ask me (would've been first date) if I wanted to go get pizza (it was a Sunday afternoon).

I said, yeah sure. He said, okay sounds great, have any money? I said, um why? He says, cause I'm broke and have no money. I hung the phone up on him.

Don't do that shit.?

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Thank you all, now I have to go get a date.

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