
Nobody actually has truth.

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The more and more i go on the more i realize what others say are mind fantasies. Including leo. If you study all those teachers you will get nothing out of it, only waste of time.

The only way to go is to work on it Yourself.

And the funny thing is, you can do the practices and you can have a very different awakening.

For example, you might get the insight that the universe got created by an alien and you can communicate with him. 

He can tell you every secret and you can become his best friend, but how does this prove that it is true? What about those other teachings? What are they?

You can have a very unique strange insight that nobody here on earth has, and you can be convinced that since you are the only one knowing it, you must have the truth (Like Leo does).

If everybody can have it's own awakening, does all of this work make no sense?

But more interestingly, does this not prove that maybe there is nothing beyond nothingness and we all the meaning we give to certain experiences, are just, like somebody else pointed out, ego trips?

The idea that nothingness=Love or god is aware of himself can be false.

You can have the same awakening and realize that nothingness=Alien can't you?

It's just the ego interpreting it in a different way when it comes back.

Good luck finding the truth.

Edited by arlin

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I think, this work is not about proving. Since being is prio to thinking. Everything happens inside Being, you can't prove it. 

I can have high states on psychodelics where I may realize that I am. I see that these mistical experiences improve my relationship, my life in general. 

But you are right you need to do the practices by yourself. Every teachings are just pointers. 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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54 minutes ago, arlin said:

The more and more i go on the more i realize what others say are mind fantasies. Including leo. If you study all those teachers you will get nothing out of it, only waste of time.

The only way to go is to work on it Yourself.

And the funny thing is, you can do the practices and you can have a very different awakening.

For example, you might get the insight that the universe got created by an alien and you can communicate with him. 

He can tell you every secret and you can become his best friend, but how does this prove that it is true? What about those other teachings? What are they?

You can have a very unique strange insight that nobody here on earth has, and you can be convinced that since you are the only one knowing it, you must have the truth (Like Leo does).

If everybody can have it's own awakening, does all of this work make no sense?

But more interestingly, does this not prove that maybe there is nothing beyond nothingness and we all the meaning we give to certain experiences, are just, like somebody else pointed out, ego trips?

The idea that nothingness=Love or god is aware of himself can be false.

You can have the same awakening and realize that nothingness=Alien can't you?

It's just the ego interpreting it in a different way when it comes back.

Good luck finding the truth.

Brings a tear to my 3rd eye when I see someone who can truly think for themselves ?‍????‍♂️ in proud of you lol

But seriously that's what I did o even went so far as to not listen to any religious or philosophical audios I did not watch movies or TV I only checked my social media when I had two for work and stayed completely blacked out from all news and everything for the first 5 years. 

When I came back it was to a brainwashed world 

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38 minutes ago, dimitri said:

Every teachings are just pointers


9 minutes ago, MAYA EL said:

But seriously that's what I did o even went so far as to not listen to any religious or philosophical audios I did not watch movies or TV I only checked my social media when I had two for work and stayed completely blacked out from all news and everything for the first 5 years. 

What did you discover?


27 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

You do (tip look within ❤️) and it's Everywhere. ?

I appreciate it ahahah

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I would tend to agree that everything spoken is ultimately a fantasy, interpretation, projection, representation, conceptual, etc., etc., but I can say from direct experience what people like Leo, Peter Ralston, Mooji, Rubert Spira, all these woke people, they’re all on to something. 

Ive had direct experiences of nothingness, infinity, but it’s not a perceptual thing, it’s not a mental thing. It’s literally nothing... but it’s the most significant fullest nothing you’ll ever encounter. At least that’s been my experience. 

I think you’re spot on though in that you cannot rely on what other people say. And in fact, filling the mind with a bunch of non dual philosophy and teachings seems to set people back on the path. Because the mind is so effective at coopting and projecting beliefs into experience... it’s all a balancing act. Theory can be very useful though because it opens us up to possibilities we may have overlooked. That all being said, practice > theory. Just make sure not to fall into the skepticism trap 

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@arlin False.

You do not understand what Truth or awakening is.

How convenient for you to say it's all a wash. It isn't a wash if you do the work.

What you're doing is tricking yourself with armchair philosophy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, arlin said:

The more and more i go on the more i realize what others say are mind fantasies. Including leo. If you study all those teachers you will get nothing out of it, only waste of time.

The only way to go is to work on it Yourself.

And the funny thing is, you can do the practices and you can have a very different awakening.

For example, you might get the insight that the universe got created by an alien and you can communicate with him. 

He can tell you every secret and you can become his best friend, but how does this prove that it is true? What about those other teachings? What are they?

You can have a very unique strange insight that nobody here on earth has, and you can be convinced that since you are the only one knowing it, you must have the truth (Like Leo does).

If everybody can have it's own awakening, does all of this work make no sense?

But more interestingly, does this not prove that maybe there is nothing beyond nothingness and we all the meaning we give to certain experiences, are just, like somebody else pointed out, ego trips?

The idea that nothingness=Love or god is aware of himself can be false.

You can have the same awakening and realize that nothingness=Alien can't you?

It's just the ego interpreting it in a different way when it comes back.

Good luck finding the truth.


Exactly, thanks for saying that. It's better to think for yourself and important to be open minded instead of getting brainwashed and believing this teaching and taking it for granted complelety. In the end you are the only one who creates your reality. Believe whatever you want and it becomes YOUR TRUTH if you are totally convinced of it. Another, in turn, can live in a very different reality, so you should not brand that person directly. You recognize these people who claim to have THE TRUTH directly because they will always immediately contradict you and never consider other views. 

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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@arlin There are some nuggets in there about relative truth, yet imo the way you frame it sounds like a resistant ego trying to control the narrative the mind. 


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@arlin False.

You do not understand what Truth or awakening is.

How convenient for you to say it's all a wash. It isn't a wash if you do the work.

What you're doing is tricking yourself with armchair philosophy.

Thats a no true scotsmen.

Come on now Leo you know better then that .

You should know that every single person should have a different awakening in some varying amount because are exposure from birth and are bloodlines are all slightly different. 

Now do people experience the same kind of awakening?  Absolutely but unfortunately that is because of spiritual and mental planting .

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3 hours ago, arlin said:


What did you discover?


I appreciate it ahahah

I found the link to my specific bloodline instincts/ akashic records 

And gained a level of knowing that cant be explained with words unfortunately. 

And I was left in a world with zombie like people where I watch the waves of trends and beliefs and styles  sweep the world and see people fall for them and truly believe that it's there idea or finding and are being 100% honest. 

Its very disturbing. 

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If someone tells you there's a million dollars buried in your yard, is that Truth? Obviously, it is probably BS no matter how sincere or confident they seem. You may even convince yourself, in which case it's probably also self-delusional BS. But you should actually start digging anyway...

57% paranoid

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@arlin Whoever claims he has or knows the truth is still ignorant in duality. In Truth, there is no one who can have or know anything. And this is not a word game, it's the underlying kicker of the whole pursuit. Whoever has to teach something still has to learn something. And yet, I think it would be worthwhile for you to see what they are pointing to. BE what you are. Do the practices and drop all mental marathon about who's right or wrong.

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