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Nak Khid

A Business man says he became Enlightened Spontaneously with no Spiritual Training

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We have two videos both the same account by the famous Jaggi Vasudev, now known as Sadguru in his own words. The top video is from his own website.
He says he had been a successful businessman He had no spiritual training, had not been thinking about spirituality and did not even know spiritual terms but one day  in 1982 he sat on a rock on a hill
and spontaneously became enlightened.

" The word “Sadhguru” is not a title. It is a description. Sadhguru means “uneducated Guru.” I am almost hundred percent spiritually uneducated. I don’t know any scriptures, I have not read the Vedas and I didn’t bother to read the Bhagavad Gita. I come only from my inner experience and the only thing I know for sure is this piece of life from its origin to its ultimate." --Sadguru 's website



After his schooling at Demonstration School and Mahajana Pre-University College, Mysore in 1973, he graduated from the University of Mysore with a bachelor's degree in English literature. During his college years, he developed an interest in travel and motorcycles. Motivated by his desire for 'purposeless travel', Sadhguru tried his hand at poultry farming to make some money. Later, he ventured into the construction business on his father's insistence that he do something more socially estimable with his life. Both his business ventures were successful, leading to a sense of fulfilment. But that was before he discovered his spirituality with an unsolicited meditative experience on top of Chamundi Hill in 1982.

Here are four others, some of whom also had similar experiences

Eckhart Tolle: 0 - 7:15
Adyashanti: 7:20 - 16:50
Mooji: 16:55 - 23:22
Rupert Spira: 23:25 - 28:00
Sadhguru: 28:02 - 32:22

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