
Just an idea for the far future

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***WARNING!! this is in no way finished, all encompassing, or accurate. It is vague, written quickly from the head, poorly punctuated, rambling, and a plan probably doomed before it begins. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK :P )***

I believe the entire political system is wrong. Not a left vs. right problem, just a problem. A very long term (well after our lifetimes, lots of collective development needs to happen) goal I believe we should do, is move towards a smaller, accountable, federal government. This push to make everyone the same is doomed to failure because of human nature. Even in the garden of eden we differed. So I propose: we go back to a "states rights" mentality, with the federal government handling only the foreign, and border issues. With a drastically reduced capacity domestically, excluding disaster relief. I believe the budget should be two voted on (every presidential election)  percentages, one a national sales tax, the other on the business profits. I believe this will allow more freedom for the states peoples to experiment with different ideas for the future. Of course there will also be a small regulatory and enforcment portion, there will be a need for a central authority for... probably ever (o.O functional anarchy? could be an interesting idea for another time). Unfortunately military will probably need to be maintained as top class, depending, of course, on the global development in the interim years.

Domestically, we should improve our state governments by treating "them" as we are looking at the federal government today, the top level of government for the American people. Locally there already is more accountability and changes can be made on a smaller scale, with the reduction of Federal influence people will more easily see what is and is not working in government, and make changes faster. And allow the various pockets of society to "govern themselves" a bit more.

For the workers: I'm thinking something like a collection of unions. Just more expansive, stretching beyond state borders to cover entire industries. For example: a hypothetical plumbers only union, would be responsible for making sure they maintain an environment and system that will attract and train the next generation of plumbers, responsible for working with employers to keep the service affordable for everyone, while also being responsible for their members day to day survival (pay, food, housing, entertainment, however its agreed upon).

Businesses I believe will become more monopolistic (I don't think that's a word lol), more in the line of "too big to fail" and some things we think of as "government" should be operated more as a not for profit (or very little) such as the utilities. I know this is how things used to be and it went bad, this is also why unions and labor laws were enacted here.

 With that in mind, I believe the combination of the monopolies: trying to squeeze every bit of resource out of everything, unions: trying to take every resource they can from the monopolies for the people, and governments: trying to keep an honest, transparent, regulated playing field between them (acting as a kind of civilian oversight committee), will create a "web" that will ultimately be forced into a "checks and balances" system to maintain the health, happiness and safety of the people as much as possible, at least, more so than just greater federal control, in my opinion.

Anyways, just a random theory for a long ways away, feel free to comment, argue, ignore, expand, or whatever else on the idea if you wish. I hope you at least take a break from reality to live a fantasy now and then and expand your infinity. I hope you all find your way in this beautiful chaos :)

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