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The More you Grow The Better You're Able to Manipulate.

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I really hope that Leo makes an episode just entirely about this. Please let him know too if you feel the same.

The more I grow, The more I seek enlightenment is really the more I get humble, mesmerized and at one with infinity. I see people clear as water now. Of course, I have much to learn still, but this is really becoming a theme.

The more people grow, the more they are able to surrender into self-bias and fake reality.

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Your growth will be very limited if you maintain a need to manipulate.

Manipulation is done out of fear, and fear is lack of consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But Leo @Leo Gura Is that really fear? Is manupulation really done out of fear? This question sounds simple but it isn't. You must know hundreds if not thousands of people that manipulate as soon as they grow. I'm trying to move forward.

Edited by Dantas

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Having known and encontered many dragons on this jorney, I feel that just surrending deeply doesn't solve it. It's always there. This work is so deep it changes you, it humbles you, it turns you out. How do does one stop manipulating? How does one stop this process? 

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There are many levels of growth. The highest levels cannot be reached while manipulating.

Most people never encounter this limit because they never grow that high.

Contemplate why you manipulate. And then surrender your need to stay alive or the need to meet any of your desires. Imagine a life where you stop caring what happens to you. Now manipulation has become unneccessary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Got it Leo @Leo Gura. There are many things that could be said. But got it. This is perhaps the best advice yet.

As long as I see myself as other, I will judge and I will need to manipulate. When I see it, it becomes unneccessary. I cannot half-ass reality. I have to go all in to surrender myself.

I cannot care/love the experience if I don't accept it. I have to let go of manipulating entirely to progress. 

Thanks. This really reminds of the Radical implications of reality episode. there's no way to progress from here mantaining my way of seeing two.

Edited by Dantas

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