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Are you totally sure there is only me and no other?

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After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. It also doesn't sound right, can it be that there is infinite absoluteness but also other infinite absoluteness.

It just is totally weird that it is just me here, that still seems like kind of an Identification too (me) having various personalities but always me.

Does the God modus have an identification, God= I am but God= I(dentity) as well?


Back to the topic, is it weird  to finally find out you are all alone, is it sad?

It is still weird that there is no other, it sounds somehow sad, don't know how God (nothingness) feels about it

Edited by Schahin

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The you that is sad is not alone, go make friends.

God cannot be alone, god is everything, including you.

57% paranoid

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13 minutes ago, Schahin said:

After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. 

Glimpses of nonduality are often contextualized as solipsism by the personal self. Solipsism is a cognitive construct - there is a prior to that construct. 

Solipsism is still dualistic. It sees others as unreal and it's self as real. Therefore thoughts like "i am all alone" arise. That is only a half-truth. If others are not real, that means that i am not real as well. This is the next step: to realize "i am not real". You keep using the terms "i" and "me" in a personal context. How can "i" be all alone if there is no "i"? There is no "i" to be all alone. 

Nonduality is much more radical. In nonduality ALL selves are nonexistent. Other selfs and my self do not exist. 

Cloaking a personal "me" as a transcendent "Me" is a sneaky trick of the ego. Remove the cloak and realize there is no "me". There is no point to all your questions because they all assume there is a thing called "me". Consider the following questions: How much money do I need to invest in feeding my unicorn? Where is the best place to train my baby unicorn to fly? How can I keep my unicorn in my yard? Won't it fly away? Do I need to get a licence to own a unicorn? I have two dogs that are very territorial - how can I protect my baby unicorn from my dogs? . . . We could go on and on and on. . . All of these questions are a waste of time because they all assume that a unicorn is real. . . The questions are a distraction - it is much more important to realize there is no unicorn. When one realizes there is no unicorn, all the unicorn questions dissolve. . . Similarly, these questions about "me" assume there is a "me". This is a distraction from realizing there is no me. Once this is realized, all the "me" questions dissolve. 

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Since “it” can’t be thought, daily meditation to no-mind is helpful. A good practice for you might be letting every thought go, not speaking on or acting on it. It’ll give you two dynamics to contrast. Between those two, most of the cup will be emptied. It might also be productive to talk through the fears & struggles of those. And lighten up, see the humor in stuff like this...“Are you totally sure there is only me and no other?”  I know it’s not funny now, but that could be revealing. 



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That is because you're struggling to accept a concept of something that you may or may not have experienced personally but it goes against reality. Yes I realize all the non duelist are going to bash me for this but I don't care. The world is not Duality the world is not non-duality it is the Third Way. No I will not tell you what that way is you have to find it yourself but accepting and believing non-duality is spiritual suicide not to mention the fact that we only exist because of duality so unless you've seen a baby bird get back in the shell and then crawl up the mama birds butt in order to be Unborn then there's probably no point in wanting to return to source and "becoming one" .


And even hypothetically speaking if non-duality were true it still would be pointless to even Ponder on it because the fact is you are in Duality right now in this realm that's how we exist so why would you make yourself/ God make you just for you to try to get back to the way you were before you were made it's kind of like quitting your job or holding your breath not only is it pointless but it's a waste of time and a bit of an insult to the higher power.

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Me/other is a duality.

Stop speculating and guessing, and actually look at that duality and realize it for what it is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You came to a wrong conclusion so keep integrating. Removing others is a type of duality in a sense because you didn't integrate the whole picture. All is one, everyone is a part of it. Put it in your own words, make your own sense out of and you'll get there! :)

Edited by JustThinkingAloud

I have an opinion on everything :D

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I am alone in the world. Whenever you see an I statement, know that you wrote it and that is how you know you are enlightened. That is the simplest test, I promise.

I am so lonely in reality, there is only myself. It doesn't end. And that is terrifying, not liberating.

I just wanted to be a human, but this time I turned on the light in this body a little early. I don't know when I die, but I will probably come back here. I have a feeling I have been in this body for a while.

“It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent

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15 hours ago, Schahin said:

After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. It also doesn't sound right, can it be that there is infinite absoluteness but also other infinite absoluteness.

It just is totally weird that it is just me here, that still seems like kind of an Identification too (me) having various personalities but always me.

Does the God modus have an identification, God= I am but God= I(dentity) as well?


Back to the topic, is it weird  to finally find out you are all alone, is it sad?

It is still weird that there is no other, it sounds somehow sad, don't know how God (nothingness) feels about it

The general consensus I've seen is that god/consciousness experiences itself from innumerable imaginary perspectives or finite minds. The I am feeling is the godhead ln each of our experiences. In one of Leo's awakening videos he posed this as a possibility that god/consciousness can split itself into many dimensions, one of which is mine and one of which is yours.

I've got two theories

in each dimension, the experiencer is totally alone and other people in it are imaginary, and these dimensions don't overlap in any way

These dimensions do overlap and what you label as another person, cat bird etc is just the overlap point between your experience and theirs.

Just chucking theories around, can't say for sure at the moment what's true.


Put it this way, if all god can do is is limit itself into @Schahin and only Schahin, then it's not much of a god in my opinion.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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8 hours ago, Shaun said:


These dimensions do overlap and what you label as another person, cat bird etc is just the overlap point between your experience and theirs.


8 hours ago, Shaun said:


in each dimension, the experiencer is totally alone and other people in it are imaginary, and these dimensions don't overlap in any way


The aloneness is from the Godhead perspective.  God has its own perspective.  The giant Mind imagining this whole thing - including little you. And the giant Mind is You.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Yeah, Universal Mind you say. You always had lets say control over it. Should I really tell angels everything. This entire thing is of their own making. Don't Wish to spoil fun and they need to awaken to Love and Goodness first. 

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On 01/11/2019 at 9:43 PM, Schahin said:

After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. It also doesn't sound right, can it be that there is infinite absoluteness but also other infinite absoluteness.

It just is totally weird that it is just me here, that still seems like kind of an Identification too (me) having various personalities but always me.

Does the God modus have an identification, God= I am but God= I(dentity) as well?


Back to the topic, is it weird  to finally find out you are all alone, is it sad?

It is still weird that there is no other, it sounds somehow sad, don't know how God (nothingness) feels about it

Feels sad from the point of view of a self which believes it isn't alone.

It feels sad because you need to believe there is other people, otherwise it undermines your sense of reality and your belief that you exist as a separate self.

Now stop philosophising and just find the truth in your direct experience, don't believe anyone, it doesn't do anything to believe someone or yourself, you actually have to see it for real.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 11/1/2019 at 1:43 PM, Schahin said:

After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. It also doesn't sound right, can it be that there is infinite absoluteness but also other infinite absoluteness.

It just is totally weird that it is just me here, that still seems like kind of an Identification too (me) having various personalities but always me.

Does the God modus have an identification, God= I am but God= I(dentity) as well?


Back to the topic, is it weird  to finally find out you are all alone, is it sad?

It is still weird that there is no other, it sounds somehow sad, don't know how God (nothingness) feels about it

@Schahin Its paradoxical. Thats important to consider.

These are both true statements:

1. There is no separateness; there is only ONE

2. There is separateness within the ONE

You are me and also not me at the same time, depending on which "level" you are looking at it from.

Edited by Matt8800

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When the ego bound me is all alone that is loneliness. When the infinite I am all alone that is pure Bliss.

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Someone asked Nisargadhata Maraj a similar question, and here is the answer.

”It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see countless people. When I look beyond my mind, I see the witness. Beyond the witness is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.”?

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