
How to know that you are alive?

4 posts in this topic

nobody here expierence real death,
so it's just an assumption
there is no comparision
all we know is what we call "living",
but "There is nobody here doing the living; there is just
life appearing"

funny when I think of it in terms of programming,
cuz i see the analogy
although it might apears as something alive, there is nobody doing programing
- it just excuted set of instructions in the code, "there is just code appearing"
if we skip the design part, and just focus on it when it's already runned

Edited by OmniYoga

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I am watching - How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry

and Leo makes it a fundamental - a most certain thing
but why so? I don't get 
whats make it so certain?
why this ASSUMPTION came so easy?
how do you know you are actually alive?
what makes you thinking that?

if I would be superintelligence make a simulation and you were nothing more than a code
does it make you alive?
maybe you have never existed beyond this reality - and we don't know what is this reality
what is so unique in direct expierience? 
dreams are  direct expierience, but are they the Truth?

How the fuck do you know @Leo Gura ???

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during my today's  meditation i came up with other alternatives

#1 what if you're already dead and this is just rewind of your memory
#2 the universe is already ready cold and empty
and some super advanced civilization outside our own universe use some quantum technology to get a flashback of what had happned - but it has no real substance behind it what so ever?

how would you know are you really alive or not?

Edited by OmniYoga

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On 11/3/2019 at 11:03 AM, OmniYoga said:

How the fuck do you know @Leo Gura ???

If you understood how I knew, you'd have already finished the inquiry and be awake.

Hint: You will never find anything more fundamental than direct experience.

Any logic you conjure up to undermine direct experience is itself direct experience. This turns out to the key that unlocks Truth.

Your speculations about aliens and computer simulations is all less fundamental than direct experience. The more you theorize and speculate, the further you get from Truth.

See my video: What Is Actuality? if you want to save yourself a decade of wasted time.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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