
Can you actually control your subconscious mind?

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If its possible to do, are there any online resources/techniques that can help with that? this is something I'm interested in because I would like to tinker myself.

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Don't know if I'm allowed to market myself here, but I actually wrote a book on this exact subject:



And yes, it is possible. But If we wanna talk about from an existential level then No, you cannot control anything because there is no one in control. However, check out my book if you're interested, it's very simple and you can learn a lot from it! :-) 


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The best way I've found is to consciously brainwash yourself. That is, exposing yourself to people that has the kind of mindset that you want. For example, if I want to be more self-loving and authentic, I will spend some time finding the best books on self-love and authenticity. And after a couple of months of listening to these audio-books, it will be deeply ingrained in my psyche. I will start thinking like them, and over time, embody it. It's particularly powerful if you read / listen right before going to bed.

Another powerful method is to spend some time writing down the ideal worldview that you would like to have, and then read it each morning. Spend some time getting this down, and only pick those sentences that particularly elates you. It should be grounded in truth, and beauty.

Your subconscious is like a big, slow elephant. Changing its course requires repetition and consistency. But it's quite easy. You don't even have to think about the material you're ingesting, as all that stuff gets ingrained subconsciously.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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You can't control it, but you can control which programming it receives, after learning to live consciously.  It will be completely programmed out of your control since birth, and yes as @Commodent  mentioned, it takes repetition and consistency to change the programming.  Affirmations are great resources. Also who you spend your time with can make a large influence on your programming.  

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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In essence, the best way to program your subconscious mind (which is your Emotional Mind), you have to combine an idea (affirmation/vision/thought) with an emotion. If you do this, it's directly connected to your subconscious. Repeat this daily and it will be planted. There are greater details to it but that is the basics of it. For example, listen to an emotional song for you while visualizing a certain result you would like to achieve, every day... 

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@QandC And to deprogram your subconcious you seperate thought from the emotion?


There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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15 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@QandC And to deprogram your subconcious you seperate thought from the emotion?

You spend more time in solitude.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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You don't control anything. Just surrender to Truth. 

And anyway, like others said... take care what you consume. Purge all the nonsense you consume like social media, fast food, toxic conversations...

Let in the new, the fresh. Challenge your comfort zone.

Listen to new music, experiment with new books, start a new sport or athletic activity.

Consider subliminal messages, meditation, singing bowls...

I recommend Quadible Integrity and Subliminal Frequency Wizard from YouTube. Nothing else works for me.

Use mantra chants or listen to mantra chants.

Write out your thoughts. Change your thoughts. Be radically honest with yourself.

Take up hero's journey.....

Etc etc..



p.s. still dont know what you mean by controlling

i mean just wtf be present in the moment and command your mind to do things for you






Book recommendation: You Are The Placebo, by Joe Dispenza. This book might be what you are looking for!

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