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Masters of Duality

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I am reffering to people who have mastered a certain craft, no matter what this might be, and they spend hours and hours devoting their life on their work needed to achieve this, Like C.Ronaldo is at soccer, or J.Bold at sprinting, or Eminem at Rap, or it could be anybody, but how could a person like that, given that he has to spend so much time on work, also do conscious work like meditation and all the other techniques, or even bothering to learn about what they are. What would happen if somebody of them was enlightened in top of his duality skills lets say. Is it even possible? Are there examples of enlightened people who do something else instead of the cliche "simple stuff". Someone enlightened who is competing profesionnaly at some area or something like that? 

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When you are Enlightened, whatever you do is masterful. Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.

Bruce Lee didn't master the art of movement and martial arts because he did a lot of physical practice, he's mind was awakened and martial arts was his "craft" his "focus" and an awakened mind masters things flawlessly.

Choose your craft, choose your mastery :)


Edited by pluto


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Yes you could master something like that and still get enlightened especially if you have become a master at an early age then you can start becoming enlightened

I can't give an example of someone who is enlightened and competing professionally, those people are a lot of times not diverse anyway

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@tenta Yes that makes complete sense, and maybe it is just too early for this to happen in our ages

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