
Flu Shots-get in here and discuss

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It's that time of year I am being dogmatically "forced" to get a flu shot by everyone around me. Its like if you don't want to get one people are taken aback by it. If you try and research online, most of the websites that pop up will tell you why you "must" get one, but the vast majority seem to be tied in with pharmaceutical companies. I read that they are only around 40% effective and its possible to have a bad reaction from the ingredients being injected into your bloodstream. Plus the fact to get one (for me at least) I have to go to a dirty medical facility with all sorts of bacteria and viruses probably floating everywhere. Theres multiple instances of people I know telling me they felt like shit after they got one this year and even said it made them sick. But if you look this up online it will say its "impossible" for it do that to you.

I am a 24 year old male with a plant based diet, I don't eat any artificial processed crap, my diet consists of fruits, veggies (I eat kimchi almost every day), protein sources like eggs and salmon, exercise 5-6 days a week (weight training and cardio) and get 8 hours of sleep every night. Last year I did not get a shot and did not get the flu. I can see why more vulnerable populations should get a shot, but why would someone who takes care of their health more than 99% of americans need it? Another thing, if you don't get it you will get bashed because its also supposed to be for "herd immunity" as well and people will put you in the category of harming others.

Am i full of shit? Or is wanting some personal autonomy and not just giving in to the collective ego when they are programmed to think you "have to get something" the right move here?


"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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1 minute ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

Am i full of shit? Or is wanting some personal autonomy and not just giving in to the collective ego when they are programmed to think you "have to get something" the right move here?

You are right to do your own research fam. I see them as doing more harm that good for the individual. Here’s a list of questions you can research to make a more informed decision 

If you still believe the toxic poisons from hell known as "vaccines" have ANY merit whatsoever, I have 39 questions for you. Please answer them all (do your research) and get back to me. :)

1. Name 5 vaccine ingredients.
2. What is MRC-5?
3. What is WI-38?
4. What is vaccine court?
5. What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
6. What is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
7. How has the CDC schedule changed since 1986?
8. How much money has been paid out by vaccine injury court?
9. How many doses of how many vaccines are in the CDC schedule between birth and age 
10. Do vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue? If so, which vaccines? And how many aborted babies were needed before they found one with the virus necessary to create the vaccine?
11. Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey, pig, and human DNA?
12. What is an adjuvant?
13. What is an antigen?
14. Which arm of the immune system do vaccines stimulate?
15. Which arms of the immune system do natural diseases stimulate?
16. What is transverse myelitis?
17. What is encephalopathy?
18. What is the rate of autism in 2017, what was it in 2000? What was it in 1990?
19. What is glyphosate and is it in vaccines?
20. If your child is injured, who will take physical, emotional, and financial responsibility?
21. What was the Supreme Court’s statement on vaccines in 2011?
22. Can you provide a study showing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated health outcomes?
23. Can you show me a safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines?
24. What is shedding?
25. Do vaccines shed? Which vaccines can shed for up to 6 weeks?
26. Which vaccines are live virus vaccines?
27. What is the VICP?
28. What is SV40?
29. What is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)?
30. What is an acceptable amount of aluminum to ingest per day and how much is injected via the hep B vaccine on day one of life? 
31. Can someone who was vaccinated for pertussis still spread pertussis after being exposed to it? If so, for how long?
32. What is the death rate from measles in the US from 2005-2015? From the MMR vaccine in same time frame?
33. What does attenuated mean? 
34. Where can I find information about vaccines?
35. Are there vaccine consent forms?
36. Can the vial stopper cause allergic reaction?
37. Can there be serious reactions to vaccines?
38. What is NVIC?
39. Is there any compensation for physicians who have a certain percentage of their patients vaccinated?


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3 minutes ago, Shiva said:

Sorry, but what is a "flu shot"? Is that a thing in America?

Indeed and it’s “flu season” so everyone is urged to get their shots to “prevent” getting sick with the flu ?

haven’t gotten a flu shot in so many years, if someone really has a problem with it I’ll lie to their face because I know the cause of sickness/dis-ease 


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I like this post from one of my health groups on FB 

Mercury, Thimerosal, and aluminum are all neurotoxins found in vaccines. 

This world has become so out of balance, that sticking people in the arm with neurotoxins and chemicals, is the answer to avoid mysterious viruses and diseases!??? Really? This is a scam, and these vaccines are killing people and causing serious neurological problems in kids and adults that are exposed to them! 

This is a culture of brainwashing and fear! We need to get connected to nature again, and clean out our brains,because the brainwashing is so thick,nobody knows what a healthy diet, and what causes “diseases” to occur in the body. 

If you get sick allot, the answer is not a flue shot or vaccine, and those that are known to take these chemical neurotoxins, seem to get more sick, vs those that don’t ? clean out the terrain in the body, and the only way to strengthen the immune system, is to go after the very system that deals with that, and it’s interstitial fluid throughout the whole body, not just the gut, it’s the lymphatic system. 

If you clean out the sewer system in the human body, (lymphatic system) then you will be able to eliminate the pathogens, microbes, virals, etc. The body when it’s flowing  nice, because it’s not backed up with sewage terrain, excess fat, toxins, and parasitic activity, will detox out any “virus” that is talked about by these companies that push these flue shots and vaccines.

These vaccines contain mercury, Thimerosal, and aluminum!? So you want that in the body, because your buying into the fear of these bullshit viruses, or viruses possibly created in labs, so they can push the vaccine to “treat it” this is a lie, and it’s an evil lie that’s destroying our youth, and humanity all around the world! 

These chemicals will damage the central, autonomic, and parasympathetic nervous system, leaving a person a vegetable, and we have these events taken place on recored after someone is administered this poison! the Hippocratic oath that every medical doctor takes says to administer no poison to their patients? But yet vaccines, flu shots, chemo and radiation is a chemical hit on the human organism? 

If you want to avoid this modality of insanity, then I highly recommend you get healthy, you clean out your body with living foods, you get your kidneys filtering, you de-worm yourself with nature’s medicine, fruits, vegetables, and herbs, you get rid of the viral loads (foreign proteins) fungus, biofilms, Mucoid plaque, synthetic sulfate residues,protein plaques, undigested fecal matter, and the acids and mucus that clog up the entire piping system (lymphatic system) in the human body, and your body will naturally protect you from these “evil mysterious diseases” that vaccines, and flue shots do nothing to fix, and treat anyways, because for one diseases are illusionary concepts for the AMA to push drugs, and to keep humanity in chains, and it’s simple to understand that if your body is clean and working on a energy that keeps it clean, (electromagnetic energy) from a diet and lifestyle of regenerative detoxification, your body will protect you from these foreign proteins, but you must go after the cause, and it’s not bad luck, it’s a sewer system backed up in the body full of acids and mucus, that allow these viruses and bacterium to take precedence that causes proliferation that damages cells, that creates dis-ease in the human body. 

Nature’s answer to protect the body and help the regeneration, and cleaning process to take place, is a diet of fresh raw fruit, and herbal botanicals, and if you don’t know about the healing powers of herbs, go do your research on them, it’s a quick google search, and a book at a library near you.

You need the electromagnetic energy and astringent properties of the fruit, to clean your lymphatic system, which takes up room in the majority of spaces in the human body, it’s the largest fluid in the body, and this sewer pipping system, is 4 times bigger then the blood system. You need energetics to move lymph to the kidneys, and you need to be on a diet that supports the kidneys, and fruits and herbs do that, and acid and mucus forming foods damage them. The kidneys are connected to the great lymphatic system, and they are the valve to remove metabolitic waste from the body (via urinary channel) fruits are electric, they are not acid ash forming, and mucus forming, they clean and repair damaged tissue, and they help the kidneys to filter! 

A diet of raw foods, and mainly the fruits is your best insurance plan, for keeping the body clean, and removing foreign proteins from the body that come into it, but chemicals and known carcinogens like Mercury, Thimerosal, and Aluminum damage the human body, they in no way protect it. 

If it was me I would never take a vaccine or flue shot, and any system that makes them mandatory, it would be better to move to another country that doesn’t push them on your children, then to run into the potential hell that these poisons can do, when they are injected in the human body!!!

Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, surrender to the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive! 

Written my Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

20 dollars off all 3 of my Iridology services (seasonal special) click on my website, and go to the service option if your interested in getting your eyes read, and work with a certified iridologist, and detoxification specialist. ??

If you have any questions just DM me on Facebook, or email me at ??


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@DrewNows We are taught in anatomy and physiology classes about antigens, antibodies, and the validity of the flu shot. And of course its all promoting it. The majority of online sources will promote the shot. So its hard to research from legitimate unbiased sources. Do you have any of these sources?

@Shiva Yes it just some american shit don't worry lol


"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise well I did watch some videos about “pro vaccine safety” they seem to be more neutral and informative, let me see what I can find 



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Its how they keep you under their control with chemical manipulation :P

You don't need any shots, you just need exposure to nature daily and consume fresh organic produce/whole foods and you will/should never get sick or the flu. I've returned to the natural way of life almost a decade or so now and haven't been doctors once since.



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7 hours ago, Shiva said:

Sorry, but what is a "flu shot"? Is that a thing in America?

? Meanwhile in India only shot we know 


Skip vaccines this season and find for yourself whether its need or not. Go for yoga and eat fruits and veg everything will be fine i havent had a fever in years (i had running nose). 

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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13 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

Another thing, if you don't get it you will get bashed because its also supposed to be for "herd immunity" as well and people will put you in the category of harming others.

Don't let the opinions of unconscious and weak minded influence you. Dare to be the one who says "fuck this " and reject the shot if it doesn't the right thing to be doing. 

There is the rationale of providing your body with the antigens of weakened pathogens so that is starts producing its own antibodies. I totally get this. But the fact that babies, kids of all ages and all people are getting injected without knowing anything about their genetics, intolerances, preferences, metabolic capacities and immune state frightens me. There are many many cases of severe reactions but you will mostly not hear about this. 

And then my main argument is that the human adaptive immunity (the T-cells and B-cells) once having created the antibodies have an immune memory that lasts several lifetimes. Why would we need to inject the same crap every year? The FLU viruses don't change every year and neither do the vaccines. This stinks of pure propaganda that earns trillions of dollars worldwide. Yet people still develop flu symptoms lol. 

There is a lot you can do to support your immune system with food, medicinal mushrooms and herbs, don't fall for the herd mentality but rather mock them getting ill while you the "untreated one" remains healthy ;)

Edited by Michael569

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@Michael569 Thanks for the response. I agree that its BS propaganda, I also hear the argument that the flu virus is “constantly changing” from year to year. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@TrynaBeTurquoise Dont quote me on this, but I think I heard someone say in an interview that flu shots are useless because they only protect you against the strain that is included in the vaccine. 

I didn't fact check this claim, but your post promoted my memory.  Maybe you can do some research? 

I haven't gotten a cold or flu for 4 years since I been eating healthy. I think it's wise to take vitamin d3 in the winter and vitamin c to bowel tollerance. Vitamin c at those doses is anti viral, anti bacterial and anti histamine and prevents the bugs from getting a foot hold in your body .

If you don't want to do vitamin c then make sure you're eating a lot of fruit which gives you at least 200mg of c per day. It's not ideal but it's more than most get.


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