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Why is there resistance?

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I have been wanting to practice dancing for a few years now but for some reason my mind always comes up with excuses and reasons to put it off. I know there will be a pretty slow learning curve and I’ll probably get impatient when judging my progress but why does starting seem like such a big deal? Lol. I feel like it has something to do with my identity being challenged. Like I’m afraid to catch myself practicing and ask myself what the hell am I doing with my life lol. All I have to do is accept the resistance and do it anyway but my ego wants to figure out why the resistance is there so it can get rid of it. What’s the best strategy? Accept resistance and do it anyway? 

I feel like I should dance because I watch “les twins” videos online all the time and get inspired but I know it will take a lot of effort to get as good as I aspire to be.... thanks

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Don't push yourself too hard. Find ways to grow interest in it.

Try to foster love and interest in the long term. In the short term, increase awareness of resistance and use sedona method.

Increasing awareness and slowing down your thoughts and actions helps push through resistance.

Through increased awareness, you can figure out when to stop doing something so that you are not going to experience ego backlash and stop doing it consistently.

  • In the short term, increase awareness, slow down, and know when to stop. Prioritize consistency over quantity.
  • In the short term, momentum is more important than motivation. Build up momentum everyday and in the long term. Awareness and emotional labor are important for building up momentum.
  • In the long term, foster love and interest and passion. Passion will naturally increase quantity and quality of your practice.
Edited by CreamCat

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On 10/28/2019 at 1:02 AM, sausagehead said:

What’s the best strategy? Accept resistance and do it anyway?

Resistance is like a bully. It acts tough, but when you stand up to it, it quickly cowers down and leaves. That's why merely starting is half the battle. 

Resistance is a sure sign you're about to do something right. Because the person your ego is fighting to maintain IS NOT who you want to be. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Ever noticed that an elastic band resists the process of stretching itself ?

It does not want to stretch, and if you allow it, it will go back to being small.

Why is that?

It doesn't want to pop (fail).

Just like an elastic, we resist stretching ourselves because we fear that we might pop/fail.

So resistance arises due to fear of failure.

But the thing is, unlike an elastic band, whenever our comfort zone stretches and pops, it can heal itself together, and wherever it heals, it becomes stronger.

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"A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. "

Lao Tzu

Try to focus on the process . Enjoy the process . The growth and the failures. Often we get coguht up in the fears of failures on the path. They will be there, you can not deny them. But how can you develop without failures ? 

Take the step and enjoy the rest of the trip whatever may happen.

But one thing has to be always with you. Your absolute involvement.

Good luck :)

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