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How And Why Is God Here In The First Place?

21 posts in this topic

54 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

God is everything but the concept. 

You help you get helped. 

You Love you get loved. 

You share you get. 

You Create you get. 

+ always Brings +

You are good you get good. 

Win win All the time that is Perfection of Imaginarium. ❤️

There is no loss with God there is no loss with Love. 

God and his Infinite intelligence. ♥️♣️Lucky ONE

If God is everything but the concept then he would not be Limitless.

With love you do lose

some get broken hearts some get killed by the stronger guy that likes her more than you and some Nations crumble because of a fine piece of pussy that convinced the emperor to do something bad.

And when you do good sometimes you get bad

And sometimes when you do bad you get good

life can be unfair but life can also be fair.

God is still a concept

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