
To abandon the individual is to turn away from Divinity

58 posts in this topic


Nicely put. Thank you.


6 hours ago, Angelite said:


How can I speak of something which I don't understand? Neither relevant. 





I choose the language of love and compassion :) Also; poetry.

7 hours ago, Angelite said:



Ego, is when you reject Truth. Including (rejecting) your body. God never allows you to kill yourself. He is the Most Loving & Most Merciful. Not your body, not your soul. But your evil commanding self. (That's what i'd call Ego)


I often look at ego as a child playing on the playground, among all other kids. Sure they can get grumpy and even mean, but they're just innocent kids. They're learning. It would be ridiculous to call children immature and irresponsible, wouldn't it?

All they need is a patient, loving and wise caretaker, to watch over them and guide them in the right direction.

That is the role of awakened, heart-centered consciousness.

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28 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


I often look at ego as a child playing on the playground, among all other kids. Sure they can get grumpy and even mean, but they're just innocent kids. They're learning. It would be ridiculous to call children immature and irresponsible, wouldn't it?

All they need is a patient, loving and wise caretaker, to watch over them and guide them in the right direction.

That is the role of awakened, heart-centered consciousness.

A child being a child is not egoic. Who projects 'immature&irresponsible' to a child? Adults comparing themselves to a child?..

I use the word ego differently then.

Ego is when you know you're wrong but still defend your falsehood knowing that it's wrong. Just for ego sake. Not admitting your wrongs is Ego. Non ego is surrender. To Truth. 

Edited by Angelite

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Thank you for writing this. I'm sometimes overwhelmed by how there's so many people on this planet and they're all different. I used to get annoyed, now I'm in awe. I feel like we were all gifted a tool and we're learning to use it. You're given the limit of time, explore it. You're given your body, respect it. You're given your mind, enjoy it. And truth will take care of itself.

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This isn't directed at anyone this is just in general:

You're more than welcome to wine and dine, nurture and love the heck out of your ego with all the compassion in the world....❤

I am just pointing out that, that approach is not going to lead to enlightenment (especially since it's an illusory sense of self).

Enlightenment is not about attaining or adding something more to yourself, rather it's the dropping of the egoic self agenda altogether.

It's dropping the labels of the false self peeling the onion layers off and completely detaching from this false sense of self.

Most people are terrified of this Letting Go process. But when you understand your sense of self is an illusion it's easier to drop. We create layers upon layers a false beliefs about ourselves and then consider that to be our true self. 

When you shed the layers and realize you are nothing that you thought you were, you simultaneously realize you are everything. Your true self is found and you become aligned with Divine wisdom.

Nobody can enter the gateless gate so be nobody!!

What I have shared with you is from personal experience...I promise ❤ ❤

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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4 hours ago, Angelite said:

A child being a child is not egoic. Who projects 'immature&irresponsible' to a child? Adults comparing themselves to a child?..

I use the word ego differently then.

Ego is when you know you're wrong but still defend your falsehood knowing that it's wrong. Just for ego sake. Not admitting your wrongs is Ego. Non ego is surrender. To Truth. 

I think the more useful notion of Ego is attachment and identification, and in a metaphysical sense the Structure attempting to uphold it's Structure.


That way, all of existence is an extention of Ego, the very atoms which struggle not to fall apart into nothingness are in essence Egoic. Ego is not Good and Bad, however Ego is the attempt to hold onto Good and Bad.

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Do not underestimate the power of infinite, unconditional Love. Love is our transformer, Love is our liberator. 

Apply Love to Sadness; Sadness will dissolve.

Apply Love to Anger; Anger will dissolve.

Apply Love to Hurt; Hurt will dissolve.

Apply Love to Confusion; Confusion will dissolve.

Apply Love to Fear; Fear will dissolve.

Apply Love to Ego; Ego will dissolve.

Apply Love to everything; Nothing but Love will remain.

No realization will set you free. What you realize, you will inevitably wake up from. 

Only Love remains.

Love is Truth.

Love is Enlightenment.

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Allah's Love & Mercy do encompasses all..

6:54 And when those come to you who believe in Our verses, say, "Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed upon Himself mercy: that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance and then repents after that and corrects himself - indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Most Merciful."


Edited by Angelite

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Do not underestimate the power of infinite, unconditional Love. Love is our transformer, Love is our liberator. 

Apply Love to Sadness; Sadness will dissolve.

Apply Love to Anger; Anger will dissolve.

Apply Love to Hurt; Hurt will dissolve.

Apply Love to Confusion; Confusion will dissolve.

Apply Love to Fear; Fear will dissolve.

Apply Love to Ego; Ego will dissolve.

Apply Love to everything; Nothing but Love will remain.

No realization will set you free. What you realize, you will inevitably wake up from. 

Only Love remains.

Love is Truth.

Love is Enlightenment.

That's beautiful :x

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@ivankiss I read up a little bit on psychosis and what it's like going through it. 

I understand your post better now and I'm glad you are okay, that must have been a scary experience.

I can see why are you are so grateful for what life hands you in any regard.

I apologize for making everything about enlightenment. I should have taken the time to understand your experience Through Your Eyes.

Love of life is your enlightenment... I'm very happy for you have a good evening my friend ❤ ❤ ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 10/29/2019 at 9:57 AM, ivankiss said:

Maybe this helps, maybe not;

But I see this like just a newly developed, spiritual ego ranting against and demonizing the old, "ordinary" ego. It's not actually transcended, just slightly altered. And it's all happening within one being. Within you. 

Just my opinion. Take it as you will.

It is not about "integrating the illusion", as you put it. When the ego is fully recognized and acknowledged it is allowed to serve its purpose. Its existence is validated, thus it becomes barely noticeable. Transparent. It merges with the light of Divinity and is seen as an inseparable extension of God. It does not get in the way or contradict anything, rather assists. It has its role and experience and is in alignment and harmony with All That Is.

This is how you're both the father and the son. Simultaneously.


Integrating the ego sounds good. But according to Leo, to be God and remove evil, you need to be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.

And I have heard from a spiritual guru that down the spiritual path, when you encounter the infinite or God, you must let go of your ego, otherwise, you will get psychotic. It is too much for the ego to contain the infinite.

I don't know whether that is true. But it really seems pursuing enlightenment is confusing and dangerous. 


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On 10/27/2019 at 1:22 PM, ivankiss said:

No matter how hard you try; the individual cannot be abandoned.

You are not here to escape individuality in the name of Divinity. You are here to embody the Divine by embracing your humanity. 

All is One and One is all.

All is God.

And life can suck sometimes. There is nothing "un-spiritual" about feeling that way. In fact; one of the most nobel things you can do is to actually have a bad day. Or a month. Or a year. Full immersion. Being with yourself through each and every moment of it. Not trying to hover above life just because you had a realization or two. Or because you heard somewhere that "it's all an illusion". That's half-assignment. Escapism. Denial. 

The biggest confusion stems from the idea, that you must get rid of something. That you are somehow less than the Divine until you do this or that. Erase the anomaly. Delete the error.

Call it ego, the devil or whatever... Either way, it's pure nonsense. There are no mistakes in Creation. Everything is meant to be exactly as it is. Nothing can ever be erased. Nothing can ever be denied or avoided. One can only delude themselves into believing so. The Universe is so loving it allows you to choose even that.


It lets you push as far as you can. As deep into the cold as you wish. All until you remember what this is all about. Until you remember you came here to guide, instead of escape or deny.

You are pure consciousness. The light of Divinity. Pure perfection. 

As whole as you can be.

You are not the one who's going through this. You are not the one on the spiritual journey. You are not going through an awakening.

The individual is.

The body is.

The nervous system.

The ego.

Which, of course, is also you. Divine perfection. It's just the aspect of you that is still in its dormant phase of incubation. Still asleep to its magnificence. Still waiting to be acknowledged, respected, honoured and loved unconditionally.

And it will wait forever. It will grow bigger and scream louder. All for you to notice it and truly step into your role as a loving, compassionate guide.

As the light that you are. The perfection that you are. The Infinite One that you are.

When consciousness awakens to itself it can seem as if it is being tricked back into sleep. Into Maya. Into illusion. Into the limitations of the individual self. So it resists the karmic return, thinking it signifies fall from grace. From heaven. When in fact it is only an invitation to be the guide, nurturer and caretaker of the individual. To escort it back into the light. Instead of hovering above it and dragging it around like a heavy burden.

That is True Divine orchestration. The full circle. 


Do not turn your back on yourself. Co-operation between the ego and the soul is the most beautiful, fulfilling experience. 

Show love to the individual. You'd be surprised how quickly the ego can get on board and surrender to the light. All it needs is your loving attention and care, as well as your permission to take the time it requires to heal and catch up with you; the light of Divinity.

Game on.


Couldn't agree more

“It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent

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@jimwell Leo has a very masculine approach. It involves a lot of "I'm not this, I'm not that". 

It is all about transcendence.

The Divine feminine - which is the heart, is all about inclusion, unification and Love. Holding space for what is. Including the masculine.

No path is better or worse. It all comes down to what suits the seeker. But the integration of both sides is necessary. There must be a balance between the masculine and feminine.



Something all enlightened masters will agree on, is that the karmic return is inevitable. Meaning that one must come back to the body-mind complex "after" enlightenment.

The individual. The self.

It will be seen, understood and operated with in a completely new manner. But it cannot be left behind. 

That is the perfect circle.

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Keeping and living life of self is like pennies compared to True Existance of Real Self, limitless fortune. 

Dragon if not killed completelly Will find ways to haunt you down. 

Problem is that most beleive pennies are All they have/are. 

There never was an induvidual no matter how convincing that might appear. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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The egos mission statement: “I am incomplete” xD

Edited by DrewNows

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@zeroISinfinity If there never was an individual in the first place who are you in war with?

Who is the dragon that must be slayed? How can it hunt you down? 

What are you in conflict with? 

What is "The Real Self"? 

What is false?

Why are there two if there's clearly only One? Or none? 

Love does not kill. 

Love liberates.


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On 2.11.2019. at 7:36 PM, ivankiss said:

@zeroISinfinity If there never was an individual in the first place who are you in war with?

Who is the dragon that must be slayed? How can it hunt you down? 

What are you in conflict with? 

What is "The Real Self"? 

What is false?

Why are there two if there's clearly only One? Or none? 

Love does not kill. 

Love liberates.


Exactly. ♥️ See how it is Perfect. How does it felt. It felt like Truth. 

I love you. Pure Heart talk. ♥️

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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On 10/27/2019 at 1:22 PM, ivankiss said:

No matter how hard you try; the individual cannot be abandoned.

You are not here to escape individuality in the name of Divinity. You are here to embody the Divine by embracing your humanity. 

All is One and One is all.

All is God.....

You are pure consciousness. The light of Divinity. Pure perfection. 

As whole as you can be.




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