
To abandon the individual is to turn away from Divinity

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1 minute ago, VeganAwake said:

Is it true that one could integrate a really inflated and painful ego into everyday life which could be a catalyst to Awakening but I would rather just see the ego for what it is from the get-go and begin the dis identifying process.

Wouldn’t we all ?

it’s a unique process though dependent on so many factors knowingly/unknowingly accumulated and the “easy” way is usually just a trick of the mind so relinquishing control is bound by karma (action of the self), not exactly chosen as we’d like to assume 

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2 hours ago, DrewNows said:

Wouldn’t we all ?

it’s a unique process though dependent on so many factors knowingly/unknowingly accumulated and the “easy” way is usually just a trick of the mind so relinquishing control is bound by karma (action of the self), not exactly chosen as we’d like to assume 

Well I have already gone through this process that's why I'm speaking to it so passionately. ❤

This has been a common misconception that I've been reading about a lot lately in the New Age movement ..see what happens is people misunderstand the gurus and think they are saying they need to beat their ego into submission.(aka kill it) Understandably they don't agree with this method so their pendulum swings to the opposite side and they believe maybe we need to wine and dine and integrate the ego since its all divine.

They don't understand the ego is not part of the human experience. It is a mind made program that is running you. It is an illusory sense of self and you can't integrate something that's an illusion.

The only true obstacle to Enlightenment is ourselves. When we turn Enlightenment into a future event instead of something that can be realized now the ego has a Hay day with this because its survival depends on keeping this knowledge out of our grasp. The ego says seek but do not find.

I am simply a sign pointing. Have a good day my friend ❤ ❤



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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17 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

They don't understand the ego is not part of the human experience. It is a mind made program that is running you. It is an illusory sense of self and you can't integrate something that's an illusion.

This is duality. Your ego is you. It needs to be understood, integrated and aligned with nonduality. You can't have one without the other. If you ignore your ego, you're missing a part of the puzzle.


17 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

The only true obstacle to Enlightenment is ourselves. When we turn Enlightenment into a future event instead of something that can be realized now



17 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

the ego has a Hay day with this because its survival depends on keeping this knowledge out of our grasp. The ego says seek but do not find.

The "ego" loves being right and hates being wrong. Once you're open minded and accept that it's ok to be wrong because nobody's born knowing everything, we all learn through our mistakes then the whole new world opens up to you.

Edited by JustThinkingAloud

I have an opinion on everything :D

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The ego is the false sense of self that believes it's lacking and needs to seek outside of it's self for completion. The very definition of ego is duality. See one has to understand this before going any further or you'll just keep confusing yourself and going in circles.

You cannot integrate and align with something that's an illusion. You can have one without the other because one isint real.

Its like continuously being tricked by a mirage in the desert but then saying well I need to integrate this into my survival strategy because it's all a part of reality, but then being tricked over and over again by The Mirage. It doesn't make any sense.

This is quite literally the realization that comes with enlightenment.

Do you understand now. It's like telling a schizophrenic just to integrate and align with their hallucinations and delusions. It's not going to help them see the truth anytime soon!!


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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12 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

Its like continuously being tricked by a mirage in the desert but then saying well I need to integrate this into my survival strategy because it's all a part of reality, but then being tricked over and over again by The Mirage. It doesn't make any sense.


The Mirage is part of the reality, the secret is that you know it's a Mirage and not to get tricked by it and see past it.

I don't really want to get into arguments so whatever works for you it's fine, I'll read it and consider it but at this moment my view works for me the best. I'm just little bit worried for others that might misinterpret what "ego" is and kill it. :o

All the best on your journey :) :x

I have an opinion on everything :D

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@JustThinkingAloud  I'm also sorry if I made it sound like an argument I'm working on my social skills every post. ❤

It just seemed like this was a very large misunderstanding that could easily cause confusion and possibly damage.

With the ego you don't want to ignore or entertain you simply see it for what it is and it will fade into the nothingness where it came. This is the middle path ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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2 hours ago, VeganAwake said:



They don't understand the ego is not part of the human experience. It is a mind made program that is running you. It is an illusory sense of self and you can't integrate something that's an illusion.



Maybe this helps, maybe not;

But I see this like just a newly developed, spiritual ego ranting against and demonizing the old, "ordinary" ego. It's not actually transcended, just slightly altered. And it's all happening within one being. Within you. 

Just my opinion. Take it as you will.

It is not about "integrating the illusion", as you put it. When the ego is fully recognized and acknowledged it is allowed to serve its purpose. Its existence is validated, thus it becomes barely noticeable. Transparent. It merges with the light of Divinity and is seen as an inseparable extension of God. It does not get in the way or contradict anything, rather assists. It has its role and experience and is in alignment and harmony with All That Is.

This is how you're both the father and the son. Simultaneously.


Edited by ivankiss

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31 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Maybe this helps, maybe not;

But I see this like just a newly developed, spiritual ego ranting against and demonizing the old, "ordinary" ego. It's not actually transcended, just slightly altered. And it's all happening within one being. Within you. 

Just my opinion. Take it as you will.

It is not about "integrating the illusion", as you put it. When the ego is fully recognized and acknowledged it is allowed to serve its purpose. Its existence is validated, thus it becomes barely noticeable. Transparent. It merges with the light of Divinity and is seen as an inseparable extension of God. It does not get in the way or contradict anything, rather assists. It has its role and experience and is in alignment and harmony with All That Is.

This is how you're both the father and the son. Simultaneously.


Why does it have to be a father and a son? 

Why not God and it's slave?

Why not a Creator & it's creations? 

Have you aligned your will to God's Will? Or you're still following your Ego's will?

(You here is general)

But first, have you found God?..

You can only follow God's Will after you've found God. It can't be otherwise. What is God to you? 

The implication of this is huge. 

Edited by Angelite

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@Angelite There are no slaves if all is done willingly.

Alignment is all there is. Everything is perfectly aligned. Not recognizing that is what causes suffering. 

I, as an individual, still have much to learn, heal and improve.

Yes, I found God. 

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Yea, willingly or unwillingly. 

There is a slave, a lover, a transgressor, a rebellion. Or a fool~ Not a son though..

14 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Yes, I found God. 

What that God is, is crutial.

Some people worship their Ego. Thinking that it's God. Or creations. Thinking that it's God. When behind all those creations, there is a Creator who controls all. It does make a difference. 

I don't know what you've found. 

Edited by Angelite

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@Angelite God is regardless of us thinking about or knowing God. 

I've had experiences for which I have no explanations. Far beyond the realm of understanding.

And I'm fine with that.

What's most important is that I found infinite, unconditional love and my access is granted at all times :)


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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Maybe this helps, maybe not;

But I see this like just a newly developed, spiritual ego ranting against and demonizing the old, "ordinary" ego. It's not actually transcended, just slightly altered. And it's all happening within one being. Within you. 

Just my opinion. Take it as you will.

It is not about "integrating the illusion", as you put it. When the ego is fully recognized and acknowledged it is allowed to serve its purpose. Its existence is validated, thus it becomes barely noticeable. Transparent. It merges with the light of Divinity and is seen as an inseparable extension of God. It does not get in the way or contradict anything, rather assists. It has its role and experience and is in alignment and harmony with All That Is.

This is how you're both the father and the son. Simultaneously.


I'm just confused on what your stance is with the ego in general. You have mentioned transcending, merging and inclusion.. so which is your final answer.

I think you have tasted the honey and you can see what is possible.. I'm just confused on the recommendation of inclusion of the ego to the general public. I have never heard that before but you weren't the only one who said it so I guess it's pretty common on this forum I would imagine.

If you have found peace and happiness then you are home. Nothing else needs to happen ❤ ❤

Take care and nice talking with you!!







“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake What you transcend, you eventually come back to. And so everything is included. Full circle. That's the core of my original post. Think resurrection.

Hopefully that clarifies things. Surely it is confusing, because language. Also; my articulation could and will be improved, certainly.

If you are interested in similar teachings, I suggest you check out Matt Kahn. Perhaps his video titled "the end of inner conflict" would be suitable/relevant. I was highly inspired by it.

Thank you for this interaction, I enjoyed it a lot :) 



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@ivankiss @ivankiss Good for you, sounds like you've been on an inner journey recently and made progress. 

@VeganAwake How do you really know? You make a lot of finite statements, just wanted to point out. No one really knows, not even Leo.


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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Angelite God is regardless of us thinking about or knowing God. 

I've had experiences for which I have no explanations. Far beyond the realm of understanding.

And I'm fine with that.

What's most important is that I found infinite, unconditional love and my access is granted at all times :)


Now that someone had mentioned it, far beyond the realm of understanding. 

How can I speak of something which I don't understand? Neither relevant. 

But there is only one God. The Creator of you and me. The Creator of all creations. I worship that God. I take Him as my Protector. To protect me from the evil of His creations. And to show me His Way. Everything submit to Him. Willingly or unwillingly. The Creator of all creations. Which is not anything like creations.

When Allah says We .. it refers to His angels, his creations who follows by His instruct, the righteous beings from among man and other beings/creations..

Ego, is when you reject Truth. Including (rejecting) your body. God never allows you to kill yourself. He is the Most Loving & Most Merciful. Not your body, not your soul. But your evil commanding self. (That's what i'd call Ego)

When you try to be not in flow. Changing everything. 

Edited by Angelite

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@ivankiss  thank you!! I understand what you are saying. Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water after Enlightenment chop wood carry water.

In my experience though the egoic self agenda was completely seen through and the ignorance was dispelled. I could never go back to including it in my everyday life, because it(ego) was discovered to be an illusion, it was my false sense of self claiming to be my true self. The tricks of the ego were completely seen through.

When you peel off the layers of your false self, it untangles you from social conditioning and you snap out of The Matrix. The end result is seeing that your own mind(ego) was keeping you in this prison with the belief that something outside of you will complete you. 

This is a radical shift that completely changes your entire life. Of course you still have to work and carry on normal life but the resistance to what is has been dropped. This resistance is what causes suffering. That's why so many describe Enlightenment as the end of suffering.

Thank you for the conversation as well and many blessings to you my friend. ❤ ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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4 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:


@VeganAwake How do you really know? You make a lot of finite statements, just wanted to point out. No one really knows, not even Leo.



I'm not sure what you are referring to exactly, but everything I shared on here is from direct experience. 

❤ ❤ have a good day my friend!!

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Fear the Love of God, as it knows no mercy.


The Ultimate is suffering as much as it is joy. For the Ego talking of the Abyss is all fine and dandy, until the very moment the Abyss looks back at you.

This is the danger of the path. When there is no ability to fully and completely surrender the greatest suffering will follow. When the Abyss, the Love of God, is pulling the very fibre of your being apart, then any hesitation, any attachment, will result in Hell.


The Structure which structures itself cannot take Love that is so full and complete it would disintegrate all structure. This is the very reason why God forgets the the Acceptance of Suffering, the Illusion of all Duality. It is because in the Light of that Acceptance, there can be no Suffering, no Duality. The play of Maya requires for the Love of God to be veiled, hidden in the very essence of Being.

Edited by Scholar

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The ego is part of your being, appreciate it and see it for what it is. Only a spiritual ego wants to kill the ego which eventually leads to more suffering.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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"Realization is of the fact that you are not a person... Personal entity and enlightenment cannot go together." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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