
To abandon the individual is to turn away from Divinity

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No matter how hard you try; the individual cannot be abandoned.

You are not here to escape individuality in the name of Divinity. You are here to embody the Divine by embracing your humanity. 

All is One and One is all.

All is God.

And life can suck sometimes. There is nothing "un-spiritual" about feeling that way. In fact; one of the most nobel things you can do is to actually have a bad day. Or a month. Or a year. Full immersion. Being with yourself through each and every moment of it. Not trying to hover above life just because you had a realization or two. Or because you heard somewhere that "it's all an illusion". That's half-assignment. Escapism. Denial. 

The biggest confusion stems from the idea, that you must get rid of something. That you are somehow less than the Divine until you do this or that. Erase the anomaly. Delete the error.

Call it ego, the devil or whatever... Either way, it's pure nonsense. There are no mistakes in Creation. Everything is meant to be exactly as it is. Nothing can ever be erased. Nothing can ever be denied or avoided. One can only delude themselves into believing so. The Universe is so loving it allows you to choose even that.


It lets you push as far as you can. As deep into the cold as you wish. All until you remember what this is all about. Until you remember you came here to guide, instead of escape or deny.

You are pure consciousness. The light of Divinity. Pure perfection. 

As whole as you can be.

You are not the one who's going through this. You are not the one on the spiritual journey. You are not going through an awakening.

The individual is.

The body is.

The nervous system.

The ego.

Which, of course, is also you. Divine perfection. It's just the aspect of you that is still in its dormant phase of incubation. Still asleep to its magnificence. Still waiting to be acknowledged, respected, honoured and loved unconditionally.

And it will wait forever. It will grow bigger and scream louder. All for you to notice it and truly step into your role as a loving, compassionate guide.

As the light that you are. The perfection that you are. The Infinite One that you are.

When consciousness awakens to itself it can seem as if it is being tricked back into sleep. Into Maya. Into illusion. Into the limitations of the individual self. So it resists the karmic return, thinking it signifies fall from grace. From heaven. When in fact it is only an invitation to be the guide, nurturer and caretaker of the individual. To escort it back into the light. Instead of hovering above it and dragging it around like a heavy burden.

That is True Divine orchestration. The full circle. 


Do not turn your back on yourself. Co-operation between the ego and the soul is the most beautiful, fulfilling experience. 

Show love to the individual. You'd be surprised how quickly the ego can get on board and surrender to the light. All it needs is your loving attention and care, as well as your permission to take the time it requires to heal and catch up with you; the light of Divinity.

Game on.


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24 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

And life can suck sometimes. There is nothing "un-spiritual" about feeling that way. In fact; one of the most nobel things you can do is to actually have a bad day. Or a month. Or a year. Full immersion. Being with yourself through each and every moment of it. Not trying to hover above life just because you had a realization or two. Or because you heard somewhere that "it's all an illusion". That's half-assignment. Escapism. Denial. 

Love this ❤️ 

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Your ego is just trying to distract you bud. This is a classic example of the cunningness of the ego. Of course it wants you to integrate it, its purpose is survival. It doesn't want you to see it for what it truly is and be deflated. I think you may be trying to avoid going through the difficult task of dropping the false sense of self by simply saying everything is divine. 

Mind means the conditioning.

The mind is greedy. Mind is greed.

You drop this mind, and sannyas happens.

A mechanical mind is an unconscious mind.

The mind always thinks of doing something.

All minds lead finally to misery, to suffering.

Awareness is beyond time and beyond mind.

Mind’s whole structure is based on confusion.

Mind has no joy — it is really a wound, very painful.

From mind to no-mind is the revolution of sannyas.

Mind is confusion. Mind is never clear. It cannot be.

mind is confusion; it is not that you are in confusion.

Your mind is your misery, your mind is your bondage.

The only security in existence is going beyond the mind.

As a servant, mind is beautiful. As a master, it is a monster.

Mind moves in time and consciousness lives in timelessness.

Your mind is time. And when times ceases, your mind ceases.

Mind is nothing but the process of the ego, the functioning of the ego.

Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness.

Awareness is not of the mind, awareness is something beyond the mind.

Meditation is the only magic that can help you to be free from the mind.

To abandon the mind and to live life spontaneously is what I call sannyas.

There is nothing like a silent mind. When silence is there, there is no mind.

The mind has given nothing but misery, suffering, torture and nightmares.

The ego, the calculating, cunning mind, is never compassionate, cannot be.

Just be choiceless. Don’t choose. Choice brings the mind in. Choice is mind.

You cannot predict a man who acts out of no-mind; only mind is predictable.

You have to put mind aside to become a witness, and obviously mind resists it.

Sannyas is real suicide, because it destroys the mind, it takes you beyond the mind.

Mind is always mediocre, mind is never intelligent — it cannot be by its very nature.

Meditation has nothing to do with mind; meditation simply means a state of no-mind.

If you really want to be living at the maximum, don’t listen to the duality of the mind.

When the mind stops there is no ego, when the mind is not functioning there is no ego.

Mind is fear. Mind is a coward and is always concerned about security, safety, certainty.

The mind is the by-product of fear, and because of the fear it goes on creating its own security.

The death of the mind will be life for you, and the life of the mind is nothing but death for you.

The mind has no inherent capacity for joy. The mind is the cause of all misery; it knows nothing of joy.

Mind is constantly asking, desiring, demanding and creating frustration because it lives in expectations.

Mind can never be happy. Mind is your accumulated discontent. Mind is your accumulated unhappy past.

Bring more awareness to your mind, otherwise you are always on the verge of going mad, of becoming mad.

Just remember that you are only a witness. The body is not you, the mind is not you. You are just a mirror.

Existence never yields to any of our demands. It is the demanding mind that has been creating all our misery.

Witness that you are not the body; witness that you are not the mind — this is the way to transcend body and mind.

A mind that is not meditative is bound to suffer in every situation: riches, poverty, failure or success, it makes no difference.

Mind never meets the truth, never encounters the truth. The ways of the mind and the ways of the truth are absolutely separate.

Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation means the mind has stopped. Just you are, pure consciousness, simple awareness.

Gautam Buddha has made it a meditation. He called it upeksha — indifference. Just be indifferent to the mind, and it won’t be a disturbance for long.

Meditation is not a question of effort because all effort is going to be through the mind, of the mind, by the mind. How can it take you beyond the mind?

The unknowable is not part of the mind. The unknowable is available to your being, to your consciousness, to the hidden sources of your life.

Mind means dissatisfaction, mind means complaints, mind means unfulfilled greed, mind means incomplete desire. Mind is by its very nature a beggar.

The mind lives through desires. The mind lives through greed, fear, jealousy, ambition. The mind distorts. Because of the motivations, the mind distorts.

Our mind is very tricky and cunning: it always throws the responsibility on somebody, on something; it never takes the responsibility on itself. YOU are the cause of suffering.

The day your mind is absolutely silent, with no disturbance, you have taken the first step that takes you to the temple of God. The temple of God is made of your consciousness.

All knowledge is of the past. Mind is always of the past. Consciousness is always of the present. A buddha helps you to become more conscious; he does not help you to become more knowledgeable.

The whole process of sannyas is getting rid of the mind. Mind consists of questions and answers. The moment you get rid of the mind, then only consciousness is left in its purity, with not even a ripple.

It is your identification with thoughts that is creating the confusion: it brings you down into the mind; otherwise your watcher is far above it. And to get centered in your watching is the only way for peace.

Your mind is never in the present, and time is always in the present; so time and mind never meet. This is the misery — that you are missing the train every moment; and you will go on missing your whole life.

Meditation is simply going beyond mind, beyond the functioning of the mind, beyond all the fetters of the mind, and just entering into this silence, unmoving, unwavering — just a pure awareness, a silent flame, a great joy.

Meditation is the state of no-mind. Not of a silent mind, not of a healthy mind, not of a concentrated mind, no. Meditation is the state of no-mind: no society within you, no conditioning within you. Just you, with your pure consciousness.

When the mind no longer manipulates you, when the mind no longer controls you, when the mind is just a mechanism — if you need, you use it, otherwise you put it aside — you are free of the mind, you have attained your own masterhood.

Use the mind, but don’t become it. Use it as you use other machines. Mind is a beautiful machine. If you can use it, it will serve you; if you cannot use it and it starts using you, it is destructive, it is dangerous. It is bound to take you into some trouble, into some calamity, into some suffering and misery, because a machine is a blind thing. It has no eyes, it has no insight. Mind cannot see; it can only go on repeating that which has been fed into it. It is like a computer; first you have to feed it.

Hope this helps my friend ❤ ❤!!

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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This it's a great understanding from Wayne Dyer of what the ego truly is.

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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When you kill your “ego”, you kill yourself. It keeps you alive! It’s a very necessary part of you whatever you want to call it: ego, mind, brain, conscious, unconscious, subconscious, thoughts, feelings, personality, devil, saint, god etc. It’s all you, you’re one with it and you need to take care of it. It’s as important as your body, you need to keep it healthy. When you feed it on bs, it will give bs back.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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This is a great video!!

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I absolutely adore individuality.  There's enough to keep one entertained for eternity. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Your ego is just trying to distract you bud. 

This is heart-centered consciousness speaking. Not the ego. The ego is fully submitted, surrendered and dedicated to service to the Divine.

8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:


Mind means the conditioning.

The mind is greedy. Mind is greed.


All minds lead finally to misery, to suffering.


Notice your judgment and resistance towards the mind. Which is you, really. No matter how hard you try to deny it and declare the transcendence of it. There are no enemies. There are only allies in disguise. Not recognizing them and how they are here to assist you is what causes suffering. There is nothing wrong with the mind. It cannot be abandoned.

8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Meditation is the state of no-mind. Not of a silent mind, not of a healthy mind, not of a concentrated mind, no. Meditation is the state of no-mind: no society within you, no conditioning within you. Just you, with your pure consciousness.



Pure, loving consciousness will always commit to life. 


10 hours ago, VeganAwake said:


Hope this helps my friend ❤ ❤!!

I appreciate your effort, but your perspective seems rather limiting to me. It is one of exclusion, rather than inclusion. Which is not the path I'm walking. Though I certainly remember going through that phase.

Thank you, much love.

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@ivankiss if you have personally deflated your ego and it doesn't run the show anymore that's great, but I wouldn't go around telling people to integrate their ego. You're going to confuse a lot of people and possibly do damage. 

The ego is a dysfunctional survival mechanism. You don't make the ego into an enemy or a friend, you just see it for what it is. It was there to keep you alive but in this day and age we need to start pulling the other direction towards Unity not individuality.

When there is an actual cessation of the self structure in Samadhi there is no egoic, no self, no duality yet there is still the I am, annata or no self. In that emptiness is the dawn of prajna or wisdom- the understanding that the immanent self is far beyond the play of duality, beyond the entire continuum. The immanent self is timeless, unchanging, always now. 

The video I posted talks directly about that. Did you watch it?

 “Love is happy when it is able to give something. The ego is happy when it is able to take something.” Osho

I honestly love how passionate you are about helping people. I'm here to help also. Thank you my friend ❤ ❤

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

This is heart-centered consciousness speaking. Not the ego. The ego is fully submitted, surrendered and dedicated to service to the Divine.

Notice your judgment and resistance towards the mind. Which is you, really. No matter how hard you try to deny it and declare the transcendence of it. There are no enemies. There are only allies in disguise. Not recognizing them and how they are here to assist you is what causes suffering. There is nothing wrong with the mind. It cannot be abandoned.

Pure, loving consciousness will always commit to life. 


I appreciate your effort, but your perspective seems rather limiting to me. It is one of exclusion, rather than inclusion. Which is not the path I'm walking. Though I certainly remember going through that phase.

Thank you, much love.

8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

This is heart-centered consciousness speaking. Not the ego. The ego is fully submitted, surrendered and dedicated to service to the Divine.

Notice your judgment and resistance towards the mind. Which is you, really. No matter how hard you try to deny it and declare the transcendence of it. There are no enemies. There are only allies in disguise. Not recoI appreciate your effort, but your perspective seems rather limiting to me. It is one of exclusion, rather than inclusion. Which is not the path I'm walking. Though I certainly remember going through that phase.

Thank you, much love.

There are other paths, realizations and understandings so I understand what you are saying.

Osho talks about this inclusion you describe and I am familiar with it as well. Also Osho warns about the cunningness of the ego and cautions about the understanding that the ego is also divine. 

My biggest concern would be the confusion that it can cause people. Could teaching this method do more damage than good.

For example you might have to really work with someone close for them to understand this method. Especially if they have a very powerful sense of self(ego)

What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake In my opinion, spreading a message which encourages one to "kill" and get rid of their ego is far more dangerous. I've seen many loose touch with themselves, reality, and most importantly their hearts - due to misinterpretations of such guidelines. I was one of them, as well. And I went to the extremes. To the point where I dissolved the five human senses completely. There was constant dying, only. Actual, physical dying. It was not merely a conceptual death, or ego death. I experienced pain and terror unimaginable to a human being. My breath was taken away, body torn apart. And then there was nothing. And no notion of it. How I managed to reincarnate, materialize and ground myself back into physical form is a mystery. Magic. 

I've never felt more grateful, ever. Grateful for the chance to be, to exist. To be conscious. To sense. To breathe.

Grateful that there is anything, at all.

Spend time trying to kill no more than you are ready to experience death and agony. 

Spend no time doing that, at all, if you seek liberation while still walking, talking and breathing.

Something tells me "coming back" as you is not guaranteed. I feel lucky, really. I could've reincarnated as a turtle. Or an ant. Perhaps another human being. Not knowing a thing about what happened. Having no awareness of the transition, or any memory of my life as Ivan.

God is not to be messed with.

The real danger in doing this work is not being rooted in heart through each and every moment of the journey. 

When heart-centered consciousness acts as a guide, a mentor and a compassionate companion towards the ego, there is no reason for any outbursts, destructive behaviours and harmful tendencies. The ego is acknowledged and so it accepts its role as a carrier of light, a vehicle for Divinity and a fateful servant. There is no more conflict between duality and non-duality. Both interplay.

God is realized.

Infinity is.

I am not trying to say that there is no possibility for this path, this approach, to lead one to confusion and leave them with a misunderstanding. That can surely happen. But I am certain it leaves much less room for any actual, life-threatening dangers.

No one should be left traumatized or be paralyzed in pain in an attempt to realize their true nature. And the heart will always make sure that never happens.

Much love, friend.


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@VeganAwake What your're saying is reckless and dangerous advice. I do agree on your point to just see the ego as it is, but all of this demonizing the mind is a bunch of nonsense and not healthy. 

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@ivankiss  @nightrider1435

I understand what you are both saying...trust me. 

I was not saying to kill the ego nor was I saying to befriend it or make it an enemy. But to simply see it for what it is...an illusion... when the ignorance is dispelled the truth is all that remains:

The Ego is an effect. It arises from the belief in separation, and survives only by keeping this illusion going. The Ego will not be taken from you as long as you still have use for it; as long as you believe that the concepts of lack and separation are still of any benefit to you.

The ego is Duality and Duality is an illusion. There never was a separate self. Never has been never will be, your ego is literally what has created this separate false sense of self. 

The easiest way to identify the ego is its sense of lack, the ego always wants more... more money more power more love more of everything, to become more spiritual... it's never satisfied.

The ego does not want you to realize that you are already complete and perfect in every way. In fact the ego knows that if you realize this it will be the end of it.

This is why the ego is so cunning!!

This realization doesn't kill the ego, it simply deflates it...you see it's tricks and it can no longer keep you believing it is yourself.

Once the ego sees that you have outsmarted it, it sits with its nose in the corner and whimpers in time-out lol.

It's actually pretty funny when you see how cunning and clever it really is.

Thousands of years in the making it has gotten very sneaky.

I love you guys I hope this helps you or anyone else on their Journey ❤ ❤

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake I do like the perspective you’ve shared but ivan has an equally valid way at looking at experience. I actually love your seemingly contrasting view of ego but I like to get the ego onboard, it makes surrendering unavoidable 

@Surfingthewave nobody says anything, don’t believe anyone; explore, verify and question (yourself) until clarity is given ?

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@Surfingthewave Because it can. Sometimes it's just supposed to. It's a part of the journey. No matter how enlightened one is. As a matter of fact; the more enlightened one is the more ok it is to feel any which way. There is no resistance and neither is there denial. Life can do its thing. There is acknowledgment, appreciation and willingness to go through it all, experiencing everything at full capacity. Even suckyness.

Right now, I'm having a pretty sucky night. But somehow I'm also loving it.


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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

The more enlightened one  is the more ok it is to feel any which way. 

@DrewNows  @ivankiss 

Indeed. When we question, we question the (insert here________ ego/self/etc ) 

Word are just words, anyone can say anything.

Life doing it's thing Is life. The problem is we don't realise how lucky we are just to be experiencing life.

So to go back to the point of the thread if it's hot, be hot. 

If it's cold, be cold. 



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@DrewNows  Thank you for your comment!! Yes suffering is a catalyst for awakening but don't worry the ego is already onboard for 99.8%

I guess one could say that both are valid ways of experiencing life: One leads to integrating an illusory false sense of self into everyday life, and the other is a sign pointing to truth, to liberation, to enlightenment.

It is true that one could integrate a really inflated and painful ego into everyday life which could be a catalyst to Awakening, but I would rather just see the ego for what it is from the get-go and begin the dis identifying process.




Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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