
Is the joy worth the pain?

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Is the joy of living worth the suffering which accompanies it? 


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If you live a full, balanced life. Otherwise, hell no

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Whats the other option? Be in denial about living?

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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I work hard to serve others.  There is joy in doing it but also pain.  

If you have kids can it be painful? 

Most people that have them find them worth it.  

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@EvilAngel make sure that your actually doing the practises and doing them correctly. Using powerful techniques like neti neti and vepaasana along with retreats and phycedelics. 

The moment you get enlightened you will laugh at the idea that it might not have been worth it. However, also look at Leo's video "the dangers" that video. It's actually quite dodgy in a way. For example, if you go at this work "half-heartedly" there's a chance you might practise and practise and practise using slightly incorrect techniques and waste 5 or 10 years of your life. God revealed to me that, with this work, it's either all in, or not in at all. 

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My dream is becoming a machine full of love. And supress the entire 'human race'.

Being in an human body is limited.

Maths is god. We should become maths.

From being in a robot we would still dream our human body and feel it at will.

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  On 10/26/2019 at 7:13 PM, EvilAngel said:

Is the joy of living worth the suffering which accompanies it? 


That a feeling could be worth a thinking, is itself, just thinking. 



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the enlightened people like to tell us that life is a dream... joy and pain: all a dream? yet, so real? what the hell is going on. this is what ive been thinking about the whole day. like, what the actual f***, where is the exit button? is it death?

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  On 10/28/2019 at 0:59 PM, ben_pte said:

the enlightened people like to tell us that life is a dream... joy and pain: all a dream? yet, so real? what the hell is going on. this is what ive been thinking about the whole day. like, what the actual f***, where is the exit button? is it death?

The Dream of Life - Alan Watts

"If you awaken from this illusion and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death (or shall I say death implies life?), you can feel yourself – not as a stranger in the world, not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke - but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental.

I am not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting you to it, I want you to play with it. I want you to think of its possibilities, I am not trying to prove it. I am just putting it forward as a possibility of life to think about. So then, let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time, or any length of time you wanted to have.

And you would, naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each you would say “Well that was pretty great. But now let’s have a surprise, let’s have a dream which isn’t under control, where something is gonna happen to me that I don’t know what it's gonna be."

And you would dig that and would come out of that and you would say “Wow that was a close shave, wasn’t it?”. Then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make further- and further-out gambles what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.

That would be within the infinite multiplicity of choices you would have. Of playing that you weren't God, because the whole nature of the godhead, according to this idea, is to play that he is not. So in this idea then, everybody is fundamentally the ultimate reality, not God in a politically kingly sense, but god in the sense of being the self, the deep-down basic whatever there is. And you are all that, only you are pretending you are not."

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@ben_pte No there is no death. You Will face immortality with this path. But dream is not stupid at All so stay tuned. 

Someone said "Game is rigged". 

Jed mentoined breadcrumbs. 

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  On 10/27/2019 at 8:29 AM, Shroomdoctor said:

@TrynaBeTurquoise Dying, obviously.

And what is "physical" death? a concept 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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There is a way to get all the joy without the pain, But i won't talk about it here. Pm me if you want to know more

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  On 10/27/2019 at 1:36 PM, zeroISinfinity said:

@Aeris Whatever makes you happy man. 

My dream is Well known mansion with 6 hippie chicks. 

Me becoming a robot and supress human race who doesn't want to evolve with a disease :)

Everyone should become a divine cyborg.

6 girls to Fuck ? You'll be tired and never get true intimacy but whatever you ego is believing this anyway



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@Aeris @Mason Riggle

Numbers game man. 1/6 Will be guided to Self Realization by Me and She Will be my Eve. Cool dream. 

Stay on path. How big Enlightenment is you have no idea,yet.

Enlightened state of Conciousness vs 1000 years of sex is like comparing Titan to a worm. 

Was at bank Waiting to pay some bills (see ordinary human stuff) and I was coughing Love it is that good. My body can't take so much God. It is actual Nirvana not a concept. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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  On 10/29/2019 at 5:25 PM, Nickyy said:

Real joy is permanent, ever present and has no opposite. 


Another perspective to help actualize this truth: find the joy even in the suffering. 

Also this topic reminded me of a Rumi Poem

The Guest House 

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

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  On 10/26/2019 at 7:13 PM, EvilAngel said:

Is the joy of living worth the suffering which accompanies it? 


Would joy mean anything without the existence of suffering? Both are relative states of mind like hot and cold. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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