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Age restriction?

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Have you guys (who run this forum) ever thought about age-restricting this forum? Or why would you/would you not do that? It seems like some of this information could be very scary or even traumatizing if accidentally read by kids who are too young to understand some of this. What measures are in place to prevent this from happening? Or is it a conscious decision to not do this at all? Just asking... I'm both curious and concerned.

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Honestly, the most dangerous thoughts happened to me spontaneously when I was a kid.

Also, if a youngster cares about reading more than 3 lines of text from this website, he's probably more advanced than most adults out there already.

unborn Truth

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50 minutes ago, Maarten said:

It seems like some of this information could be very scary or even traumatizing if accidentally read by kids who are too young to understand some of this. 

I don’t think the issue is not being able to understand it. If a normie visited a website for calculus professors, they won’t understand any of the calculus. There is no problem. . . The problem occurs when there is a misunderstanding. If a normie visits a calculus website and interprets the math to mean that an alien is stalking him, then that would be a problem.

A couple examples of misunderstandings on the forum that cause people problems: You create all of reality is misunderstood as solipsism. . . . There is no objective meaning is misunderstood as nihilism.

I would say that an adult would have much higher chance of misunderstanding problems than a child, because the adult as more filters through which misunderstanding would occur. For example, if we teach a child about nonduality and that we are all interconnected and One, it would not be traumatic to the child. Yet if we teach this to an adult, it can trigger a traumatic existential crisis since the adult has been highly conditioned into a self construct. They will be very threatened by nonduality because they want to protect their sense of self.

I would go one step further and say it’s actually beneficial to teach children about nonduality before they become fully conditioned into duality, separation and contraction into a personal self. This conditioning creates the suffering and trauma. As well, the de-conditioning can cause discomfort. Yet through it comes liberation and love. If children learn about nonduality before dualistic conditioning, it would be beneficial. This will be part of education in the future. As the average conscious level of society increases, parents that are self-actualized will naturally teach their children about constructs of self and nonduality. This will lead to healthier people and healthier societies.


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There is no practical way to verify anyone's age online.

Moreover, this is a public forum. If someone wants to view it, they cannot be stopped.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

I would say that an adult would have much higher chance of misunderstanding problems than a child, because the adult as more filters through which misunderstanding would occur. For example, if we teach a child about nonduality and that we are all interconnected and One, it would not be traumatic to the child. Yet if we teach this to an adult, it can trigger a traumatic existential crisis since the adult has been highly conditioned into a self construct. They will be very threatened by nonduality because they want to protect their sense of self.

I would go one step further and say it’s actually beneficial to teach children about nonduality before they become fully conditioned into duality, separation and contraction into a personal self. This conditioning creates the suffering and trauma. As well, the de-conditioning can cause discomfort. Yet through it comes liberation and love. If children learn about nonduality before dualistic conditioning, it would be beneficial. This will be part of education in the future. As the average conscious level of society increases, parents that are self-actualized will naturally teach their children about constructs of self and nonduality. This will lead to healthier people and healthier societies.


Very good point! It actually makes a lot of sense if you put it that way.


I didn't stop and consider that the things that traumatize us are the things that we start to consider are truths, but are actually lies we have been told as children, and that always happens because our parents aren't careful enough with us.

In which case, my point also still stands, but I guess Leo you're still right too that there might not be very good ways to "protect" any of this information from children. It might do some harm, but it will probably do more good than harm that it causes.


One thing that personally does kind of bother me is that some of the first YouTube videos you are posted are VERY crude (to say the least), and they are actually not very helpful to newcomers (in my opinion).


They are a bit of a kick under the but, while to some very low stages of consciousness (I actually encountered this forum when I was stuck in stage Beige for a large part believe it or not!) it can be very frustrating to hear about a guy talk about stage Orange ideals like hard work, when they have no one to care for them still. It can be more helpful (I think if the first thing they encounter is something encouraging, rather than something that advanced for their stage).


Just a thought, do with it as you please. I am not the boss of anybody. This game is not about me, you thought me that well enough at this point (or I guess I did).

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Also, yeah. I know. I can be a bit cocky/arrogant sometimes. I'm still working through some stage Beige-Red stuff. 'Scuse me for that. I'm not a parent yet (luckily), and I try to strategically keep my responsibilities small for now. I will try to not bother too many people on these forums (or outside of it), with my clumsy convictions and beliefs. Have a good day!

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26 minutes ago, Maarten said:

I'm not a parent yet (luckily)

Don't make a family. Spare yourself the trouble. I see little point in seemingly endless cycles of reproduction.

Making a family feels like a huge distraction. Divorce and divorce settlement will be an even bigger distraction that I would be wise to steer away from at the earliest opportunity which is now.

Remember lifestyle minimalism.

Edited by CreamCat

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17 hours ago, CreamCat said:

Don't make a family. Spare yourself the trouble. I see little point in seemingly endless cycles of reproduction.

Making a family feels like a huge distraction. Divorce and divorce settlement will be an even bigger distraction that I would be wise to steer away from at the earliest opportunity which is now.

Remember lifestyle minimalism.

Don't marry, but why not find your self a life long self actualizing partner? 
Raising a family might be a spiritual approach in many ways. 

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14 hours ago, LucyKid said:

why not find your self a life long self actualizing partner?

That partner can be a work partner instead of my romance partner.

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I imagine a woman is a great way to learn what it is like to at receive gentle feedback, and grumble at one another. And when you are both happy, you can exchange sweet and encouraging words. When you are sad, you can be compassionate for one another. When you are afraid, you can be firm with one another, or help one another figure things out. I personally really want myself a good woman, because I would like to have a person to laugh with, rather than to drink all of the bitter wines of life completely by myself and "for myself". Could she take the bitterniss away? Loneliness really kills me sometimes. And I'd love to have a dance partner who hypnotizes me with her beauty, and kisses me to sleep.

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