
How do I see through illusion of complexity in any field?

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Let's say I want to build my body. As an amateur body builder, I have to chug through lots of misinformation to reach a simple training regimen that works reliably. A lot of misinformation gives you illusion of complexity.

I have to first overcome illusion of complexity.

Illusion of complexity applies to other fields such as art, engineering, science, math, chess, etc, ...

How do I overcome illusion of complexity fast? I've thought of a few ways.

  • Asking an expert who grew fast about a good training method so that I won't waste time on ineffective methods.
  • Searching the internet for one good material that teaches me good training methods.
  • ...
Edited by CreamCat

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As a personal trainer with years of experience I'll tell you: building your body can be extremely complex. Good workout programs are personalized, and they're based on your workout preferences and what you enjoy doing for sports or exercise (so that you stay consistent), your current level of fitness and creating a program that's not too challenging and not too easy, your individual health and wellness goals will determine what exercises are needed and how often you should workout, your genetics and body: what works best for you will not necessarily work well for others, if you have any health conditions your workout should avoid and/or try to build on the areas that are damaged, etc. Add on top of that all the other details and habits you could add to your life to build your body even more, including nutrition, sleep, slow cardio (walking, biking, hiking, swimming), and more.

Your ideas and techniques seem to be a good way to learn a good amount about a field very quickly. But you can't run away from complexity. Every atom in the universe is infinitely complex, and that's what makes life so beautiful. To try to run away from complexity and boil life down to a few "simple steps" is to completely ignore every intricate detail life has to offer. It will certainly make life simpler to think that complexity is an illusion, but don't be crying when life throws complex curveballs you never expected. 

All information is unapplied advice. It's all of our jobs to experiment and see what works best for us.

Hope this helps :)

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5 hours ago, Wyatt said:

Your ideas and techniques seem to be a good way to learn a good amount about a field very quickly.

A lot of complexity that you perceive is illusion created by tons of misinformation. The purpose is to minimize the amount of time I distract myself with misinformation and to learn a good amount of "relevant" basic fundamentals quickly.

I acknowledge that real complexity exists. I would tackle real complexity when it is not a distraction. Complexity can often become a huge distraction. As a beginner of anything, majoring in minor details is counter-productive.

By the way, I am learning the basics on Does it look good to you?

Edited by CreamCat

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I consider myself a fitness junkie and I mostly do bodyweight. Good reliable source is 


Check out the recommended program and just start experimenting is my advice.

my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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1 hour ago, modmyth said:

Find people/ sources that follow this principle of clarity, that is your best bet.

Yes. As simple as possible, yet as complex as it needs to be.

I want clarity.

Edited by CreamCat

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On 10/25/2019 at 7:24 PM, CreamCat said:

Let's say I want to build my body. As an amateur body builder, I have to chug through lots of misinformation to reach a simple training regimen that works reliably. A lot of misinformation gives you illusion of complexity.

Simply no longer label yourself as “a lot of misinformation”. Then there is no longer the “you” which was “given” the illusion. Without that, right now is perfect, it is enough.

I have to first overcome illusion of complexity.

Can not overcome what you are creating. You can create whatever you want though. 

Illusion of complexity applies to other fields such as art, engineering, science, math, chess, etc, ...

Nope, “it” only “applies” to “you”. :) It is the thinking, which is “””complex”””. (2 = complex, 2 = illusion)

How do I overcome illusion of complexity fast? I've thought of a few ways.

  • Asking an expert who grew fast about a good training method so that I won't waste time on ineffective methods.
  • Ya. Do that instead of thinking. 
  • Searching the internet for one good material that teaches me good training methods.
  • Yes. “Likes”, “votes”, “shares” - the cream has already been “risen to the top” for “you”. You’re that cream, his words are indeed true and wise; every song is written in a mirror. 

How do I see through illusion of complexity in any field? You’re the field which is creating ‘subject - object’, and as it you can ___________.



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18 hours ago, Nahm said:

How do I see through illusion of complexity in any field? You’re the field which is creating ‘subject - object’, and as it you can ___________.

I almost overlooked your annotations until I looked into the quote.

I wish you didn't put your annotations in the quote. You can instead make a quote for each part and place an annotation below each.

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