
I'm 17 and have a purpose, but i'm not so sure

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The question really come down to what Leo has said in one of his last videos in the course: if you are young you should live your life and make a lot of different experiences. Now i feel kinda stuck. I mean now i have found a purpose in my life, i'm doing research about how to make my purpose real. The only things that i am unsure of is my medium and niche. What i should do? I am still too young and im fooling myself with all of this? I should just take it easily and live my life with the lessons i've learned? I don't have enough experience? I'm really confused.

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That's great that you have a purpose.

Make an educated guess what niche and medium would be great and go in that direction. It doesn't need to be a perfect idea. Maybe it will be a flop, but "what you don't like doing" is still a valuable piece of information.

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I dont know what your purpose is but at 17 I would start working on building skills you think you'll need for your LP.

Also enjoy your life and have as many new experiences as possible. You have so much time, dont take things to seriously and enjoy your youth!!

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At 17 it's awesome that you're questioning your life and its direction, but nobody in this thread will have the perfect answer for you. Confusion and curiosity of the unknown is a powerful force, and you'll be dealing with it your whole life, so start working with it! Your path will become more clear as you walk it.

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Hey I'm also 17. When Leo mentioned in the course that if you are young you might need more experience, i thought about it, and it clicked. I definitely think you should move towards what you have, even if you are unsure, in a way that gives you valuable life experience.  That's what I'm doing.

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@Cocolove I also had the feeling that it was the right thing to do when Leo told that. The problem came later, but now i think i can choose. Thanks a lot for your help!!

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