
People Do Not Need Saving

19 posts in this topic

So, I wanted to share this idea with people. Maybe this will be a clarifying point for understanding cosmic divine love. 

And I know Leo has talked about this before a bit but I feel it is a great point. 

To think that when you tap into unconditional infinite love that you must save people is a misunderstanding. Once you realize ultimate True love you see that everyone is already is saved, that we are already in heaven. That nothing bad can really happen to anyone and that there is nothing really to worry about. 

So, there is no need to run out to the streets and try to preach and try to save people’s souls. 

You will see that they will get there when they are ready. 

I think what most wise spiritual teachers do is offer an invitation to begin the journey when people come to them. Meaning people will get there when they are ready. 

Now, what does this mean for society and dealing with people?  

Well, if you look at things in the short things look dismal. But if you understand reality to be deeply intelligent you will see that society is slowly reorganizing itself and going through the growing pains of evolving consciousness. So, you can view that as being done for you, through you. 

I can understand the feeling that you must share this spiritual love and try to liberate the people around you. But if you try most of them will reject you or call you crazy. Maybe some will listen but they will misunderstand and just adopt new beliefs about who they should be and see you now as a new parental figure. This really can take their power away. The only one that can liberate them is themselves (this does not mean that you can’t do anything for them, but it is not your responsibility). 

So, what are the practical things to take away from this? Have faith in the ground you walk on. Trust the evolutionary process. Don’t try to bend it to where it is not ready to go yet. Be gentle and find clever ways to help society forward. See also that people are God and they are powerful beings just like you on their own special particular journey. Study history and see that things just fall apart so new more highly consciousness things can take its place. 

I know this can be painful. I am writing this because I fell into this trap after some deep awakenings. I saw how much pain my family is in and tried to share some of this. My father called me insane, my mother just got angry at me, and my sister almost took me on as her spiritual guru and felt that she must measure up to this “loving standard” that I set. I also tried working with clients on this and many misunderstood and used it against themselves. 

So, what I do now is love silently and just honor people where they are at. I see them as God just doing what God wants to do. They are in no need of me and I am in no need of them. What binds us together is desire, and that is allowed to wither when it is ready. 

I hope I explained this well enough. And you can see that this takes a lot of pressure off of you and helps you ground yourself. 

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Each and every one of us is supported and guided by Source to be exactly where we need to be.

Lead by example. And people may recognise that guidance in themselves once again.
If not... Eventually they will. The game is rigged. ;)

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yes and no. You have to also realize some of the preaching IS things happening naturally, as long as there's no attachment to the outcome. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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People need to save themselves, you can help them, but only when they themselves have come to the point of needing help.

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@DoubleYou Exactly. The game is rigged. Everyone wins.......eventually. 

@seeking_brilliance  Yes, there is nuanced points with this. There will eventually be mainstream people talking about these things that will bring this to the public. And there will have to kind of a battle to get it out. But it is all part of the fun, all part of the game. It's like a cranky child that is being woken up to go to school. It might take a while. They will fight and resist. But eventually they will get up and begin a whole new day. 

@RawJudah I would say that people are already saved and they just need help remembering. People can help them wake up a bit but that final few steps into infinity have to be on their call. Or at least initiated by them.  You could give them a high powered psychedelic and they could deny or just not understand what just happened and what they became conscious of. I guess more of our role is to help them make sense of what happened and usher them into deeper levels. 

I have written this post because of my recent "social awakening". Where I kind went from seeing people as helpless to seeing people as more of a collective organism. Though if we want to engage in efforts to awaken humanity it is not because we are helpless, but because the potential is inside us. The salvation is here. The consciousness is here. The love is here. It's more of slowly shifting the collective consciousness into this. 

This is why it is important to do what is in your heart. You can see that as your divine guidance. It is part of the whole system acting on this to evolve humanity. Done through you by you. 

No one is in control. Have faith. Buckle up. It's goona be one hell of a ride. 

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Well done thank you for the post! 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@lukej great post - great points i have seen this in my own experience as well.

Of course you can still teach spirituality after awakening but only to those already willing to learn that come to you.  You shouldn't go to them or it will corrupt Truth and turn it into devilry.  The snake will eat its own tail.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@lukej But a lot of great things actually come out of being more forceful than what you're currently doing. Bernie Sanders is an example, other political figures too.

Gandhi was more forceful than that. So was Martin Luther King. They forged change by making people aware of the current situation they are in and communicated a really inspiring vision for how to move forward.

What happened with your family could of been the result of a communication issue, or 'teaching' them something which is above their head.

At the same time I have noticed that some people will never change even if they have a radical psychedelic experience. Some people are really locked into their current paradigm and will take 1000 life times before they even consider changing it feels like.

So I don't think its as black and white as 'just let them come'. There is value in being a bit assertive, and sometimes its necessary to uphold justice. But sometimes people are extremely stubborn and you certainly cannot change everyone, no matter how good of a teacher you are or how powerful their psychedelic experience is. 

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I did say follow what is in your heart. This is not a call to do nothing. And what Bernie, Martin, and Gandhi are doing is starting a societal cultural change that comes from a place of love. They are not directly trying to wake people up to higher spiritual reality. They did not bring people "salvation" they did/are bringing people into greater harmony and equality. You can think of them as great individual leaders or products of the desires of the collective conciouness for greater equality and harmony.    

Social equality and social harmony are not exactly the same as sharing and inspiring spiritual wisdom. I did not go to family and try to inspire them to care about equality for all. I came to them trying to tell them that they are modeled out of love and forgiveness, there is no death, and there is nothing to worry about. Which, in a lot of ways is a lot more radical than social and economic harmony and equality. 

The urge for social equality and harmony does come from higher conciouness. However, it still serves the need of survival for the collective human organism. 

What I am trying to say here is something subtle. I am not saying do not do anything. I am trying to help release the urgent fear, and the feeling of helplessness when trying to help people. This is why I say there is no "need". I did not say there is no desire. The energy of "needing to save the world" is a lot different than "wanting to help the world". One puts you in a panic, the other allows you to slow down and do things from a place of greater love and joy. From there you can use tactics to rally up people but in your heart, you will be calm and grounded and focused more on the change you want. 

Edited by lukej

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@lukej Can speak only from my experience but I never talk or have intention to speak with People, familly or anyone regarding Spirituality, Love, God whatever. Only here because there are really Awake People here Who can actually relate. 


Lets say there is full blown messiah mode. Probably Leo is in such because he accepted most likelly complete Source overtake. Me? I Just want Peace. 

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@zeroISinfinity I would be careful to assume where Leo is on his journey. I am very hesitant to call him anything like a messiah. 

Not because he has not reached high levels of conciouness. But on the basis of feeling "less" than him, and maybe giving your power away to him (which I am sure he would try to give back). I have much respect for him still. Simply because the techniques he has shared with me have worked in my own life. He was not my savior. It was my willingness to try out what he was talking about that was. Still, I am grateful for all the work he has done. He is not the second coming of Christ. He is a reminder that we are all Christ. 

I feel that this post that I have made was more to clear up ideas around what cosmic love looks like and how to love in the best way. This was not an invitation to not to care. I pray for the world every day. From the moment I wake up until I go to bed I am blessings everyone and everything. But not because I believe we are in Hell and need salvation. But because I want to be a reminder that we are in heaven and everything is going to be okay. I feel tremendous joy and love doing what I do. Which is contrary to the feeling that you might have when you feel that the world needs to be saved.  

That is also not demanding to feel no empathy or sympathy for other people. Many times I have cried for the pain of others. If I see someone who is suffering deeply as I walk down the street my heart feels with sorrow, I might shed a few tears, and wish them all the joy and love in the world. And that to me is a gift that they provide. Everyone is important and provides a tremendous gift just by their mere existence here. 

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This site is a cult, avoid it like the plague! Led by guru Leo, dodgy character and Brexiteer. Ooeerr misuss! 


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12 hours ago, lukej said:


I am trying to help release the urgent fear, and the feeling of helplessness when trying to help people. 

Yeah ok that didn't come across to me

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5 hours ago, Dinsdale said:

This site is a cult, avoid it like the plague! Led by guru Leo, dodgy character and Brexiteer. Ooeerr misuss! 


Ban please.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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@Wisebaxter I'm happy that this post helped you. 

@Dinsdale I think you might just be a troll. But that is fine. Do what you will. Say what you must. You had very little control into becoming who you are. But maybe you will see there is something bigger to be had here. Still, always think for yourself. But turn this analysis onto yourself. 


I don't think this post will make sense to a lot of people. I think you must be a certain point in the journey. It's about developing a healthy level of detachment. I had to almost lose my life several times to really understand this. At that point, you realize no one can save you emotionally but yourself.  

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@lukej @lukej It s ok man. ♥️

There is specific state of Conciousness I Just like to call it Messiah mode. 

No worry. 


Christ is within. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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1 hour ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@lukej @lukej It s ok man. ♥️

There is specific state of Conciousness I Just like to call it Messiah mode. 

No worry. 


Christ is within. 


@zeroISinfinity Messiah mode. Fuck yeah dude. 

I do a practice called 'becoming a sage.' I basically sit there and visualise what it would be like to be an enlightened master. This deep sense of peace and relaxation washes over me. A knowing smile starts to appear on my face. I swear that if you did this every day it would actually be a powerful tool for awakening. It's like you're identifying with the light, with God. You're moving yourself into that vibration and coming out of a sense of seperation and lack. It's badass. 

I'm gonna change the name of the practice to Messiah mode. I prefer that. 

Edited by Wisebaxter

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