
Newbie To Business

6 posts in this topic

HEY! What's goin'on? (; my name is Ryan, I am 19.

I am wanting to start a business here that has no specific goal yet as I have the intuition that that'll develop with time with my creativity but I have set a foundation which is the website. would be great to get feedback on how my site looks so far + I made a couple of video uploads which I will link below (;

BUUUUT, what do you guys want from a service? or even merchandise product? I want to know what it is you value guys? or desire to be real?




here they are pals, video examples...enjoy!



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You don't need a website, just use youtube if you're doing only video. However you do need to know what you want to do. Even if it's not a full-blown life purpose, you still need to try to make a change in people, whatever that might be.

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"Now, I really here wanna get you back in touch with you're existential being of you're true nature. This is through contemplation, meditation, stratagies, mindsets to make you're life truly satisfying!" 

you're --> your 

stratagies --> strategies

These will help with being credible. 

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@Yukise99 Thanks! But no worries (: my website is not professionalized or launched yet, and won't be for a while, what is there now is a prototype of what will be written there eventually with website development. All spelling errors ect. will be taken care of on real launch : ) Appreciated though

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Yeah mastery of the English language can help out a lot in your business. Neither of us want to lose a client over something spellcheck could have fixed. How are you coming to terms with your business? Any new plans or realization or things you need to work on? 

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