Byun Sean

The importance of a solid non dual theoretical foundation

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A few days ago, I realized that I am God and created the whole universe, and am completely alone in the universe since all my relationships were imaginary. I was playing hide and seek by myself.

The point of this comment though is that the realization took me by surprise. If I didn't have the theoretical foundation from studying nondual books and watching Leo of course, I feel like I would have misinterpreted the experience, filtered it through my existing worldview, and fallen back into the culturally adopted beliefs of my ego. But since I had this awareness, I instantly realized what was happening, that I'm not going insane and that I am God, let go of my current worldview and made the shift in my life to align my life with my new found realization.


I guess the whole point of this comment is that if you are pursuing awakening, studying all the various traditions and all aspects of nondual theory is sooooo important. I see so many people pursuing awakening that think "if i just sit on this cushion for 10,000 hours doing yoga or meditation without any theoretical foundation i'll get enlightened". If you think like this you will likely fail to awaken in my opinion.

Edited by Byun Sean

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Kid you have got a long way to go on the path of understanding before you will have any wisdom to share with the world

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I agree.

Last week I had a shroom trip and on the peak of the experience I realized who I am. I would call it micro-awakening since it lasted just during the peak. But the thing is - before the trip I was watching a lot of non-dual videos. 

It's so easy to misinterpret the experience. So, theory is important. But it doesn't mean that practice is not. This is the game of personal balance. It differs from individual to individual and from the phase of life the individual in. 

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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8 hours ago, Byun Sean said:

A few days ago, I realized that I am God and created the whole universe, and am completely alone in the universe since all my relationships were imaginary. I was playing hide and seek by myself.

The point of this comment though is that the realization took me by surprise. If I didn't have the theoretical foundation from studying nondual books and watching Leo of course, I feel like I would have misinterpreted the experience, filtered it through my existing worldview, and fallen back into the culturally adopted beliefs of my ego. But since I had this awareness, I instantly realized what was happening, that I'm not going insane and that I am God, let go of my current worldview and made the shift in my life to align my life with my new found realization.


I guess the whole point of this comment is that if you are pursuing awakening, studying all the various traditions and all aspects of nondual theory is sooooo important. I see so many people pursuing awakening that think "if i just sit on this cushion for 10,000 hours doing yoga or meditation without any theoretical foundation i'll get enlightened". If you think like this you will likely fail to awaken in my opinion.

So why make this thread if you're all alone in the universe? Who are you addressing? I am not meaning this in any condescending or obtuse tone, I'm just trying to form my own theoretical foundation by looking at other people's experiences of nonduality. 

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun i think you already know.  He is alone from the Absolute perspective.   That is non-dual.  But when he posts this he is in duality.  He is being the perspective of his finite ego.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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