
Are others real? How to find out?

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So I am creating this topic to drop the ideas about finding out if other people actually do exist or is it just projection of mind. 
The thing is - I do have many glimpses about the fact that this reality is not  what I thought for my whole life. Many of my thoughts materialized right in front of me in different forms or shapes. Many of them include what other people do or say. Obviously that cannot be proved scientifically, but my internal intuition is strong enough now to verify things for itself without need of validation by other people and I trust it.
Still - I can have my realization moments, where I can see things, especially from perspective when I think about it, they seem so obviously "unreal". But in the moment of actual interaction it feels so, so real, that I just simply cannot dismiss it!
Very simple things, like giving a hug to someone you really like and feeling this beautiful energy. I can question it all the time, but after that moment the only thing I can ask myself - how something I have just felt could be unreal?
My life has turned upside down and someone I'd trust with my life has failed terribly. That was trigger for investigation. How is this real? How is this possible? Is it actually real? Is this person actually real? Because in my intuition that I trust, things that are happening now including this person are actually not possible. Or rather I should say, I wouldn't thought it was possible. And I can think analytically at this very moment and I mostly can in the evenings or at night, but then overnight my state of mind which I often take for granted is usually gone and I wake up in the morning suffering thorough the day. Usually I need to brake a bit, cry over and then I can elevate my state of mind a bit to the point I can think more straight about things. Cacao helps in this occasion today, so I am probably writing too much. 
This is obviously pretty radical topic, because if others are not real there is no point in creating this topic, neither if others are real, because how could they prove that they actually exist? The only way would be to ask myself and find the answer within. But maybe this reality works even out of what I can think of? Maybe answer to inquiry can come in form of other person even though that person does not really exist?
Are people actually real or unreal when they do or say something what I have been exactly thinking of?
My point is - any ideas about "checking" if a person is actually real? Some sort of interaction play? Because when I am interacting with other people they seem so extremely real to me that I do not even have an inner desire to think otherwise than they are actually a real beings.

Edited by wesyasz

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I go by consistency and predictability. The more something is consistent and predictable, the closer to the truth it is.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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Just now, JustThinkingAloud said:

I go by consistency and predictability. The more something is consistent and predictable, the closer to the truth it is.

Well, I am not actually sure if that wouldn't be otherwise.
I am going to use a quote (roughly, I do not remember it that well) from "I origins" movie which suit what you have said very well:
If I will drop my phone and for hundred times it will hit the ground, but for one and only one time when I drop it, it will just stay levitating in the air, isn't it worth investigating?

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8 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

Well, I am not actually sure if that wouldn't be otherwise.
I am going to use a quote (roughly, I do not remember it that well) from "I origins" movie which suit what you have said very well:
If I will drop my phone and for hundred times it will hit the ground, but for one and only one time when I drop it, it will just stay levitating in the air, isn't it worth investigating?

This is why I said “closer to the truth”. That one occurrence of your phone levitating is an indication that you don’t know the whole truth and it needs more investigating. But you still are 99% correct based on those 99 instances when the phone hit the ground.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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Just now, Serotoninluv said:

How do you distinguish between real and unreal?

That is a very good question. I need time for it. But in order to others, real means that they are same entities like me. Unreal, that they are projections - more less.


Just now, ajasatya said:

They're real. They just don't have a separated self. Neither do you.

How come they do/say things which appear in my mind right before it happens? Or even in a long run, what my intuition (belief?) is telling my they are going to do.
Also, this is a statement. I'm rather looking for ideas to experience/find out for myself. 

Edited by wesyasz

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If I was to think logically if reality was a projection of your mind alone then you would be able to project a circumstance that would allow you to 100% without a doubt prove that others were not real. Should I say that you were the central processing unit to all of reality. Specially with you realizing more and more just how interconnected the mind is and how what we think can manifest into reality after the thoughts are had. But, simply put everyone is as real as you are. That bodes the question: What is real? Though, reality itself is largely an illusion, a dream, but if we know nothing but the illusion (at least from our human fractal of awareness) then the illusion itself becomes real to the perceiver. Reality seems so surreal because of how fluid, ever changing, and ever evolving it is. The intelligence behind the design is truly profound that in can implement and adapt to all the given variable and output a smooth experience for us all in such natural form where most don't notice the glitches unless they are looking. I struggled with this question for some time myself. But, I concluded if I am part of infinity and everything else I perceive within consciousness is part of infinity then it generates a paradox of a situation. One is I become the most important human in the universe, because if I was missing, infinity could not exist. Two everything has the same value as me so they are also the most important aspect in the universe. If all is equally important than all means nothing compared to the next. Everything is nothing. But we must look at the whole within a paradox, so everything is then One. If all is One then I'm as real as the rest of said One. So people are indeed very real.

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Thank you for your input!

Just now, Nos7algiK said:

manifest into reality after the thoughts are had

I am on the edge of believing rather than attraction and manifesting to actually creating.

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2 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

Thank you for your input!

I am on the edge of believing rather than attraction and manifesting to actually creating.

I think a good visualization of what is happening is the geometric shape of a torus. The shape that folds into itself and then expresses itself outward. You take in your reality, transmute it with variables inside your mind, output it to experience, input it, and repeat the motion. The more conscious we become of ourselves /reality itself the more we create our own paths. Other wise our sub-conscious mind takes over the creation process. Though, I can't fully give you the answer. I know the only moment that exists is the "now" and the "now" is being projected from us, so one would assume creating. At the same time our minds take in all the variables around us and output that into our world. On one hand it could be willpower that creates the aspects of reality that know are coming. On the other hand it could be the mind acting like a super computer taking in all the variables and computing some sort of quantum algorithm inside our minds in attempt to predict the "future" in some sort of highly evolved survival mechanic. Though what does knowing the future really do? We can't say we were right until the moment has passed for the future we saw. We can't avoid the future or else the future didn't come true in the first place. But, I suppose it does gives us more faith in our own intuition and believing in ourselves. 

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2 hours ago, wesyasz said:

So I am creating this topic to drop the ideas about finding out if other people actually do exist or is it just projection of mind. 
The thing is - I do have many glimpses about the fact that this reality is not  what I thought for my whole life. Many of my thoughts materialized right in front of me in different forms or shapes. Many of them include what other people do or say. Obviously that cannot be proved scientifically, but my internal intuition is strong enough now to verify things for itself without need of validation by other people and I trust it.

That is beautiful. 

Still - I can have my realization moments, where I can see things, especially from perspective when I think about it, they seem so obviously "unreal". But in the moment of actual interaction it feels so, so real, that I just simply cannot dismiss it!
Very simple things, like giving a hug to someone you really like and feeling this beautiful energy. I can question it all the time, but after that moment the only thing I can ask myself - how something I have just felt could be unreal?

Maybe what you feel is ‘more’ real than what you’re thinking, and the reconnection is the intuition. 

My life has turned upside down and someone I'd trust with my life has failed terribly. That was trigger for investigation. How is this real? How is this possible? Is it actually real? Is this person actually real? Because in my intuition that I trust, things that are happening now including this person are actually not possible. Or rather I should say, I wouldn't thought it was possible. And I can think analytically at this very moment and I mostly can in the evenings or at night, but then overnight my state of mind which I often take for granted is usually gone and I wake up in the morning suffering thorough the day.

Can’t create for anyone else. Same for them with you. When it most seems like that couldn’t possibly be the case, a major release & realization are sure to follow. 

Usually I need to brake a bit, cry over and then I can elevate my state of mind a bit to the point I can think more straight about things. Cacao helps in this occasion today, so I am probably writing too much. 
This is obviously pretty radical topic, because if others are not real there is no point in creating this topic, neither if others are real, because how could they prove that they actually exist?

All thinking is dualistic., has an opposite...real and unreal...self and other. These do collapse. 

The only way would be to ask myself and find the answer within.


But maybe this reality works even out of what I can think of? 

Very much so. 

Maybe answer to inquiry can come in form of other person even though that person does not really exist?

Yep. Except existence isn’t a duality, thinking. Reality Is like one total answer. 

Are people actually real or unreal when they do or say something what I have been exactly thinking of?

Same level of real or unreal you’re at, but you’re doing the work, and the light is wakin up. Illuminating some “ordinary” stuff. 

My point is - any ideas about "checking" if a person is actually real?

Yep, feelings. Check and see what the bottom is made of. 

Some sort of interaction play?

Yes and no. 

Because when I am interacting with other people they seem so extremely real to me that I do not even have an inner desire to think otherwise than they are actually a real beings.





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Thank you for this answer! I am on the state that I even take notes of all this weird staff happening in front of me and it's like I "know" that this reality is not what I have thought it is, but in the same like my mind cannot accept it and don't take it. Pulling back to what it knows for so many years, desperately trying to catch something to be back in the "old". Or like it cannot attain enough consciousness to "Know" (capital K) that reality is not what I thought it was. May be the fact that it doesn't know how to behave in this "new" so dismiss it.

Edited by wesyasz

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13 hours ago, ajasatya said:

@wesyasz They're real. They just don't have a separated self. Neither do you.


“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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15 hours ago, wesyasz said:

That is a very good question. I need time for it. But in order to others, real means that they are same entities like me. Unreal, that they are projections - more less.

Your question is "are others *real*"? So we would need to define what "real" is. If I asked "Are others tragluf?", we would first need to define what tragluf is before we can determine if others are tragluf.

You say that real means "they are the same entities like me" and unreal means "they are projections". How can we determine if another is a "same entity" or "projection"?

If we keep asking this question and dig deeper and deeper, we will end up in a relative circle. This is a good way to collapse a duality and realize there is no objective truth. Ultimately, real = unreal. You are creating relative distinctions. 

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@wesyasz What would qualify someone as real? Or unreal? Have you really investigated what these labels mean?

You want an external source to prove that something is "real," which that alone invites the question of what is "unreal." Let's say it's science. But notice that scientists can't actually prove that something is "real" because all the scientists verify their data through the only means they have, which is direct, subjective experience. And yet they are in denial that's what they are doing. Scientists created a system called mathematics, and they can prove that certain numbers or equations can work WITHIN that system. But they can't prove the system exists. In fact, it was created by humans. And if you dig deep enough, you'll realize that any "factual" or "real" system we take for granted has no ground whatsoever. The "real" is as groundless as the "unreal." At the end of the day, you are the sole authority over your existence. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Just now, LastThursday said:

Start with a simpler question. Ask yourself if you are real?

From where I am now, I'd say yes.
And as real, "same entity as me" I would define a physical body which has emotions, feelings and thinks for itself.

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10 hours ago, wesyasz said:

From where I am now, I'd say yes.
And as real, "same entity as me" I would define a physical body which has emotions, feelings and thinks for itself.

Then that's a good start to your answer. Everytime you get an answer, keep asking more questions.

The key insight to consider from the answer you gave me, is that other people are a kind of "copy" of you, so they must be real, because you also think you are real.

57% paranoid

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