
Fermented food

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Hello everyone!

I recently got acquainted with the world of fermented food and I am very enthusiastic about it. Probiotics seem to be very beneficial to our gut flora and the maintenance of the immunity system.

Yesterday I made sauerkraut. I loved it yet it is not totally ready. lol


What are your thoughts on fermented food? Is it part of your diet?



Thanks. Have a good day and take care of your body!xD

Edited by Kidorikko

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I love all fermented food. It's part of culture in my country (Poland), especially sauerkraut. I really feel it is good for my body. Even had some sour cucumbers today! But I personally believe only in these "naturally" fermented foods using only salt or just fermenting on it's own, no pickles for which you use sugar and vinegar. 
They are all beautifully tasty too all over the world - sauerkraut, cucumbers, kimchi, miso, kefir, nato, to name a few.

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31 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

I love all fermented food. It's part of culture in my country (Poland), especially sauerkraut. I really feel it is good for my body. Even had some sour cucumbers today! But I personally believe only in these "naturally" fermented foods using only salt or just fermenting on it's own, no pickles for which you use sugar and vinegar. 
They are all beautifully tasty too all over the world - sauerkraut, cucumbers, kimchi, miso, kefir, nato, to name a few.

Thank you for your post!

You talked about pickles, and I must say I love sunomonoxD, but yes, it is added sugar, which is a no if you are looking for healthy food.

I like the fact they go well with various other kinds of food, and especially alone. I ate my sauerkraut and did not feel the urge to mask its taste with another thing. I fully appreciated its crunchiness, juiciness, and sourness. It was a great experience. Not to say I'm boosting the benefits of cabbage eating it that way. This is a great stimulus for me to keep making fermented food!!

Edited by Kidorikko

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I don't know what sunomuno is, but I love the name so I will google that in a minute ;).
From my observation it is also nations who consume a lot of fermented food are long living nations. In Poland in times where they have been eating a lot of this, people were leaving pretty long, dying about 80 years old (if not killed during many wars which is even more impressive considering how much emotional stress people been through). 

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21 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

I don't know what sunomuno is, but I love the name so I will google that in a minute ;).
From my observation it is also nations who consume a lot of fermented food are long living nations. In Poland in times where they have been eating a lot of this, people were leaving pretty long, dying about 80 years old (if not killed during many wars which is even more impressive considering how much emotional stress people been through). 

Such a great observation! I just checked Okinawa diet and it has natto!!:P It is not even the core of their diet, but if you take into account a lifelong perspective, it has a great impact!



Edited by Kidorikko

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That is interesting, because in my previous post I did wanted to mention Japanese nation, because if I am not wrong they are one of the longest living nation at the moment, but I actually think there is so much more about their diet than only fermented foods. I did spent several weeks in Japan, their food is amazing :P. Not only in a taste side, but just makes you feel really good. I actually did brake my 5 days water fast couple of days ago with Japanese food (miso, rice, tofu).

Edited by wesyasz

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9 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

That is interesting, because in my previous post I did wanted to mention Japanese nation, because if I am not wrong they are one of the longest living nation at the moment, but I actually think there is so much more about their diet than only fermented foods. I did spent several weeks in Japan, their food is amazing :P. Not only in a taste side, but just makes you feel really good.

That's great!

Indeed. It is a good ideia to mimic Okinawa diet to improve health, but I never see people doing such a thing. Many cling to crazy diets when it's soooo easy to follow what is eaten in Okinawa. Almost everything they eat can be found everywhere. O.o



I actually did brake my 5 days water fast couple of days ago with Japanese food (miso, rice, tofu).


Could you elaborate about this water fasting?


OFF-TOPIC: I would be glad to visit Japan someday... maybe when I'm better at their language. I'm still N4, but no worry, no attachment. I enjoy the path and I don't know where it is going to take me to. lol

Do you appreciate Buddhism? Did you make a pilgramage to Shikoku 88 temples? xD It'd be my main desire If I visited Japan. Walking across the island, see all the history, being able to understand it deeply not just superficially...9_9



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1 hour ago, Kidorikko said:

Could you elaborate about this water fasting?

I have been just trying to improve my health by just drinking water for 5 days. I thought it's gonna help me with anxiety, but it don't feel it made a big difference so far. Maybe digestion/food is not the root of it, or maybe it wasn't enough. Will try dry fasting next time. I did it before but it was totally different circumstances in my life back then.

I actually did cycle-touring around Shikoku. It's beautiful. Seen a lot of people walking around, but I wasn't into spirituality back then. What a shame :). You should definitely go! You made me feel wanting to go there now too!

Edited by wesyasz

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18 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

I have been just trying to improve my health by just drinking water for 5 days. I thought it's gonna help me with anxiety, but it don't feel it made a big difference so far. Maybe digestion/food is not the root of it, or maybe it wasn't enough. Will try dry fasting next time. I did it before but it was totally different circumstances in my life back then.

I actually did cycle-touring around Shikoku. It's beautiful. Seen a lot of people walking around, but I wasn't into spirituality back then. What a shame :). You should definitely go! You made me feel wanting to go there now too!

Thank you for your participation. Have a good day!

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Okinawan diet is not even close to what it used to be anymore boys :D With more macdonalds and chicken nuggets in their diet, the rate of heart disease and cancer has actually increased.

For decades the age ratio has been declining, arteries have been clogging and people dying younger and younger. There are now far behind other, healthier prefectures. 

But the idea of the original Okinawan diet is absolutely brilliant, shame these places are nearly wiped out as all blue zones are declining. 

Edited by Michael569

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Okinawan diet is not even close to what it used to be anymore boys :D With more macdonalds and chicken nuggets in their diet, the rate of heart disease and cancer has actually increased.

For decades the age ratio has been declining, arteries have been clogging and people dying younger and younger. There are now far behind other, healthier prefectures. 

But the idea of the original Okinawan diet is absolutely brilliant, shame these places are nearly wiped out as all blue zones are declining. 

Such a pity.:/

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