
How to do healing?

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How to do healing? Via chanelling or via whatever it is done. Recommend me the resources about that please.

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12 hours ago, okulele said:

Via intention. Via imagination. Via faith.

Play with it.

Do you recommend any decent books about that? Those that talk about healing via "intention. Via imagination. Via faith.".

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Check out Noah Elkrief's recent videos. He talks about feeling your emotions and letting out the suffering. Great stuff imo because he's done a lot of self-work 

Creative visualization also works great. You envision who you want to be, and what you want, and consciously take steps towards that vision having faith in that vision. Check out Shakti Gawain's book on this 

Saying "I love you" to yourself when you are feeling hurt, and pain. This has worked from me and soothes the pain. In fact, it makes so that you don't even need other's love nearly as much, as you've provided it to yourself. I did it on accident and it works every time I remember to do it. 


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Does all that work? Is that proven somehow by some people?

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9 hours ago, rnd said:

Do you recommend any decent books about that? Those that talk about healing via "intention. Via imagination. Via faith.".

No, I'd recommend to go with what I told you. Try not to know how to do it and just experiment. You don't need to know how, really. Just heal.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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I am a Reiki master. 

The healing you speak of is done with intention. A quieting of your mind, ego, and an allowing of energy to move from you to others or back to you in a circle. 

Try some kriya yoga, and or Kundalini yoga, the kind that move energy around. Play with Chakra's and see if you can while meditating spin them faster with your mind. Be slightly careful or at least ready for something to happen to you, you will feel it clearly when it starts up and won't have to question its validity any longer. This might take you a month of practice, be patient.

I use Qi-Gong to "warm up" and I speak a light language now that helps power me up to heal others. To heal myself I do the same thing but I visually, in my mind with my eyes closed, pull in energy from above, it comes to me from the top of my head into my body like smoke, slowly it comes and fills me until I am ready to use it. I then direct the energy to a specific spot on my body, say my lower back, with the intent that it caries the healing power of love in it. Like a bong hit caries the thc, this energy caries love, healing love. 

Additionally, there is a place in the astral realm that is called the "Healing Temple," while falling asleep ask your soul to take you there tonight. I go often, perhaps once a week. If you learn to lucid dream you can control and even remember being there. If you can astral project, and you can learn how if you want, you can go at will and heal yourself.

I hope I am not breaking any rules, I did read them, by posting this video. I have no connection to this guy, but he does it correctly so I used it as an example.  There are many teachers on line who you can groc some process from until you find one that works for you. 


Play well my friends


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14 hours ago, rnd said:



Does all that work? Is that proven somehow by some people?

Yep I was talking from my own self discovery 

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On 23/10/2019 at 1:54 PM, okulele said:

No, I'd recommend to go with what I told you. Try not to know how to do it and just experiment. You don't need to know how, really. Just heal.

I'm "just healing" now. It doesn't work. That's it. What's next?

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7 hours ago, rnd said:

I'm "just healing" now. It doesn't work. That's it. What's next?

It's about faith. It's about knowonh for sure that you can do it and 'just doing it'.

If for some reason you cannot do it now, you can read about it, do vizualization and that might help you. But in the end, all that stuff will only bring you to the faith of "smiply healing".


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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On 10/22/2019 at 8:24 AM, rnd said:

How to do healing? Via chanelling or via whatever it is done. Recommend me the resources about that please.

@rnd Ill give an example on how one can use spirits for healing:

Ive had sleeping issues at night and energy issues during the day for as long as I can remember. Ive tried everything over the years but thought I would try a different approach. I gave some offerings (candle, incense and cup of water) to healing spirits, called them in and asked them to disclose to me what my problem was so that I could try to fix it. Im not able to see and hear spirits much but my significant other is a very gifted clairvoyant. When I ask spirits questions, I tell them that if I cant hear them, to go tell my significant other and she will tell me. I dont tell her that a message might be coming her way because I dont want to prompt her. She was totally unaware that I had contacted the healing spirits.

The next day, I simply mentioned that I need to figure out my sleeping issues. She suddenly said that she was receiving a message that there was a problem with my hypothalamus and that I needed to research it. When I looked it up, I found that it is a part of the brain that is responsible for telling our bodies to sleep at night and produce energy during the day.
I found that Western medicine is ineffective with treating hypothalamic dysfunction but there is strong evidence that traditional Chinese medicine is extremely effective.

Im seeing a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner next week. I love my spirit allies :)

There are also methods where one can breathe in energy/chi and move the energy out of the hands with the exhale while infusing it with gratitude and intention to heal. (gratitude is a very powerful energy to heal with). I like the Taoist micro cosmic orbit meditation for building up your chi and etheric subtle body. This is a very powerful method I have a lot of success with also.

Disclosure: I regularly give offerings to spirits when i dont need something to build that relationship with them so I can call them in for the help when I do need something. Giving gifts only when someone wants to ask for something works the same with spirits as with people.

Edited by Matt8800

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15 hours ago, okulele said:

It's about faith. It's about knowonh for sure that you can do it and 'just doing it'.

If for some reason you cannot do it now, you can read about it, do vizualization and that might help you. But in the end, all that stuff will only bring you to the faith of "smiply healing".


You won't explain me that here in 2 or 20 sentences. That's why I asked you for a book recommended. But you keep saying "just heal, it's easy"

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2 hours ago, rnd said:


You won't explain me that here in 2 or 20 sentences. That's why I asked you for a book recommended. But you keep saying "just heal, it's easy"

Consider that much more knowledge might not be helpful. You don't neccecerily need words, you need consciousness. Wherever consciousness "appears", healing follows.

One great book on healing is - Letting Go by David R Hawkins.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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On 10/23/2019 at 7:47 AM, d0ornokey said:


Saying "I love you" to yourself when you are feeling hurt, and pain. This has worked from me and soothes the pain. In fact, it makes so that you don't even need other's love nearly as much, as you've provided it to yourself. I did it on accident and it works every time I remember to do it. 


Hey, and did this work from the start for you, saying "I love you" to yourself? Its difficult to take in or maybe believe for most people I think.

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