
Not many people doing the work?

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What is the point of Leo telling us that not many people are doing this work? Awakening, meditation, life purpose, doing the emotionally difficult thing etc..

For me, I took that and made myself seem better or cooler or more well off because I was “doing the work”.

Maybe it’s to inspire us? 

Edited by Flowerfaeiry

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@Flowerfaeiry By default, this work is rare. How is someone supposed to know that they were put on this planet to raise their consciousness? 
Most people fall into the traps of culture and materialism so easily that they never get a breakthrough to see that there's more to life.

It's important for us to reflect on this and not take pursuing consciousness for granted (Which we do...) 

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While rare, I do believe as a percentage of the all, self awareness is growing. I consider us all teachers, as we move about the world our actions and reactions speak loudly about our path. More of us are speaking about this stuff and more people are sick of materialism as they get older and figure out there is no real joy in it, no end to that game, and no joy in that game leaves people wanting a new way. 

As an idea, I look at this way. Is the boy in second grade less than the kid in sixth grade? I am not better, no one is less. We are all on the same basic path. Some have noticed it, some have not. The second grader has no idea what algebra is, yet, though both are on the same path. Never begrudge anyone who is on the path, guide them as best you can, but don't judge them in anyway. You are judging yourself....were you not them at one time in your life? Was there a time when you were on the path and did not know it yet? Of course you were, or you wouldn't even be here. 

So in a way, we are in sixth grade, perhaps in front of the line. That does not make you better, it makes "offers you a responsibility" to help them that are behind you, following you up the path even if they don't know it yet.

I have brought some up the path, it feels good when someone gets it on their own and diverges from my path onto their own within the same awareness concept.

Perhaps the point of Leo saying things they way he does is to get you here? Or to make you think about it and make your own path about it. I don't think it is pure ego like it might sound. These things are often very hard to speak about. The ideas are so big that words fall very short and sometimes don't even exist. So we do the best with what we have to explain things to each other. Within the greater concepts the truth is found, not within one persons conceptual idea about the idea. Which is all any one of us really has to offer.

Play well my friends



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@Freedomesong I enjoyed this perspective and reading your response. Sometimes I get all hoity toity so to speak, when thinking about others who may not realize they are on a path, but that is empty and doesn't get me anywhere good. Thank you

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Its just the reality. 99% of people aren't even aware there is an alternative to being in a "physical reality" because thats how powerful the indoctrination of society is. Or how about realizing their separate self is just a belief. Its truly rare to get people thinking so existentially nowadays in an open minded way. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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