
All kinds of realities exist, so there are some nasty worlds out there?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The cure to all this is to realize, "Oh yeah! I'm imagining all this and I have some say in what I would prefer to imagine."

If you don't like hell, then stop creating it!

Yet how accessible is this cure to some minds? Imagine a war veteran that had horrific experiences and now has severe recurring PTSD episodes. Is it fair to tell him that he is just imagining it and if he doesn't like the hell to stop creating it? Isn't that kinda like telling someone to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger and lift 400 lbs.?

I think this is one of the greatest potentials of psychedelic therapy - it can boost someone to Schwarzenegger levels in which they become empowered to stop creating it. 

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9 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Yet how accessible is this cure to some minds?

It is definitely not accessible to all minds. Consciousness is capable of getting itself stuck in cul de sacs, at least until death.

Think of a little child in a Nazi concentration camp being herded into a gas chamber. How free is that child to stop imagining the hell it is in? Not free at all.

But assuming decent environmental conditions and healthy brain neurology, you can direct your mind. Which is what all spiritual work is about in some sense.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness is capable of getting itself stuck in cul de sacs, at least until death.

@Leo Gura Is it possible to be stuck in a cul de sac for... ETERNITY? Since Reality is all powerful and everything is possible, then that can happen right?

Bro I’m starting to develop some of that nice stage blue fear of hell???

happy thoughts guys. Cmon, happy thoughts. Many many happy thoughts and visions of heaven. No hell for me sir, thanks?

Edited by blankisomeone

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18 minutes ago, blankisomeone said:

@Leo Gura Is it possible to be stuck in a cul de sac for... ETERNITY? Since Reality is all powerful and everything is possible, then that can happen right?

Some people I've spoken with say it is possible, but I'm doubtful it will truly be eternal. From what I understand, all dreams and all forms have a beginning and an end. The only truly eternal and changeless thing is the Godhead itself, which is Pure Infinite Love.

I don't believe that God can lock itself out of its own house permanently. That would be rather embarrassing and unGod-like, wouldn't it? ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Some people I've spoken with say it is possible

Fuck themmmmm??

they’re delusional!!!!!!!!! (lets hope so haha)

fuck this imma go to church and pray to jesus every sunday

Why doesn’t God just... STOP? Just stop, man. Be blissful forever. Stop creating and incarnating. Safer that way

Edited by blankisomeone

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35 minutes ago, blankisomeone said:

Safer that way

No self, no problem.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 9/1/2020 at 6:52 AM, blankisomeone said:

@Leo Gura Is it possible to be stuck in a cul de sac for... ETERNITY? Since Reality is all powerful and everything is possible, then that can happen right?

Bro I’m starting to develop some of that nice stage blue fear of hell???

happy thoughts guys. Cmon, happy thoughts. Many many happy thoughts and visions of heaven. No hell for me sir, thanks?

Dear blankisomeone: Don't worry,

From what I understand:

Any intense suffering / Joy after it reaches a certain threshold will inevitably turn into enlightenment. The pressure of too much pain will squeeze your mind in ways, which in some way will definitely lead to enlightenment. It is literally impossible to eternally suffer and not get enlightened. The only difference will be the different thresholds for different people. Remember Eckhart Tolle? This is why you may last much longer in a heaven. But, lasting much longer in a hell is practically impossible.

Infact, concentrating on intense pain as well as intense bliss / joy are listed as some of  the methods among 114 to get enlightened in "Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra".

Also, there are rituals to ensure the dead get into pleasant states of existence and do not enter into such unpleasant states. The best way to ensure this is to make them think about pleasant and lovable things during death. This may not be possible all the time. Thus, the rituals.



Also, the fact that Brahman/Infinite Consciousness being infinitely potent that it can also have people in eternal hells, suffering forever, can also be realized to be true. But, unless prompted by some agency which already is in existence like you or me, by imagining and meditation or by the dead people imagining such a reality like a dream due to previous tendencies will not create such a reality. Suppose lets imagine we created such a reality by wishing to see eternal hells with people suffering in them. What would happen then? 

This is what would happen:

Since every reality is like water seen in the mirage. Such realities like any other reality will appear to you initially, known only to you. The people you see in those hells suffering would have been projected within your own consciousness temporarily with make shift people with make shift stories about their past eternal actions and sufferings in make shift hells. If you ask them to tell their stories, they will tell some stories as if it had happened to them. But, all these stories will depend on the karmic and mental structure of you who is projecting them. Just like in dreams, based on our wakeful experiences, the dreams automatically constructs realities and make us experience them.

We also do not consciously control every aspect of it. It automatically happens based on our mental and karmic structure we posses.

Alternatively, If you are highly enlightened and and are very conscious; you may even have good control over such a projection. Being able to project exactly the way you want it to be. Those people who learn to lucid dream also control their dreams consciously.

These people being projected only because of  being prompted by your own intention and imagination to see such realities, these people do not posses any karma. As such, had no prior existence prior to you imagining them. They are practically without too much sense of a separate ego self. Just like an enlightened person loses the sense of self and feels like not existing, in a way; similarly these imaginary people are practically like enlightened, without any karma, only driven by the karma of the person projecting them through his imagination.

But, since these people have no prior knowledge about enlightenment and don't have too much ego, they hardly are aware of such things and do not have their own likes and dislikes. They are practically like children or somewhat like zombies. But, are very well capable of acting and behaving they way the person imagining them to be.

But, all of that would appear to you as very real(In a way, it really is). All those people and those hells and stories will only last as long as their projection lasts in your conciousness. Once the projection is over, everything is over. This is exactly what happens every night, even in our dreams. 

If such same imaginary projections happen to last for a while, either in mediation or in the minds of people who have died. Then those imaginary people on account of having repetitive experiences will start to develop a separate ego identity and will gain a strong separate individual presence and will go on reincarnating like any other egoic entity until spiritual wisdom dawns on them.


This is why I keep urging people to have enough theoretical knowledge before diving into it practically. So that you can avoid such unnecessary fears.

Please read this:

Death - An Inside Story: A book for all those who shall die - Book by Sadhguru:

Also Bhagavad Gita.

Edited by PopoyeSailor

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God can explore hell and enjoy it.

sick bastard ?

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If consciousness is love, why does the duality of fear/love exist?  

It may not be real in the absolute sense but relatively it is real.  This realness causes so much suffering. Why is it this way?

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8 hours ago, Trayambakam said:

If consciousness is love, why does the duality of fear/love exist?  

It may not be real in the absolute sense but relatively it is real.  This realness causes so much suffering. Why is it this way?

You don't need to be a some enlightened genius to understand this. You can get this right now.

Let's say you just had a baby and I presented you with a button to push. If you push this button, the baby will never experience fear or pain in its life. Would you push this button?

Well, if you do, your baby will be dead within 1 year as it breaks it skull on something.

How do you expect survival to happen if fear and pain aren't present?

If you want an organism to stay alive for 80 years, you better program it with many fears and pains.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't need to be a some enlightened genius to understand this. You can get this right now.

Let's say you just had a baby and I presented you with a button to push. If you push this button, the baby will never experience fear or pain in its life. Would you push this button?

Well, if you do, your baby will be dead within 1 year as it breaks it skull on something.

How do you expect survival to happen if fear and pain aren't present?

If you want an organism to stay alive for 80 years, you better program it with many fears and pains.

You could also create unbreakable bodies that just go off (shut down) at the 80 year mark.

Seems a little stupid to create a system that complex (survival) to then be limited by it (create fears and pains because if not due to the nature of survival the organism is not going to live very longer).

Why create survival in the first place? And not just unbreakable bodies in a chaos of creativity for infinity?


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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21 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

You could also create unbreakable bodies

The only unbreakable thing is formlessness.

Only a fool thinks he can out-design God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why didn't J K Rowling write Harry Potter into a perfectly good fantasy magical world? Why did she come up with Voldemort and Dementors and kill his parents off before the story even started? What a bitch! 

You love the drama. Only when you're on the side of good, fighting for good, for some purpose and some transformation with the greater goal of love and courage with friends at your side and amazing wise teachers who love you and want the best for you. 

Herein the hero's journey encompasses the journey of the failure and the villain. And the hero of course. 

Hero- here - there

There's no here or there. You're just fantasizing all of this out of your pure love and creativity for the story. 

And with that you can see why it's possible to have good and bad, right and wrong, love and hate, and yet. Not. Cause Voldemort ain't real. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The only unbreakable thing is formlessness.

Only a fool thinks he can out-design God.

Well. I'm God after all. I'm just trying to understand the why's of my design.

From my ego mind seems a quite flawed design. 

But if you say that survival is a necessary part of a perfect design...I'll open my mind to verify it and see if you are right. ?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The only unbreakable thing is formlessness.

Only a fool thinks he can out-design God.

   Hold my infinity gems.

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

You could also create unbreakable bodies that just go off (shut down) at the 80 year mark.

Seems a little stupid to create a system that complex (survival) to then be limited by it (create fears and pains because if not due to the nature of survival the organism is not going to live very longer).

Why create survival in the first place? And not just unbreakable bodies in a chaos of creativity for infinity?


Like Leo said, the only truly unbreakable thing is formlessness, however as an ever evolving species, we are constantly working towards greater thriving. So perhaps one day we will evolve ourselves to the point of having (virtually)unbreakable bodies that live indefinitely, or until entropy eventually does not allow us to maintain our form any longer.

Unless we destroy ourselves(which seems... likely), we may be able to create something of a heaven for ourselves in a distant future, where we never get sick, never age, are basically born enlightened, and where basically everyone always has all of their material needs met, and all there is to do is constantly create beauty, explore consciousness, explore the universe and maybe even other universes and dimensions and spread love for as long as we are alive. 

God creates and designs things within relative reality through evolution, so we have to take responsibility for our future by consciously evolving ourselves. We are God after all, so if we want that kind of reality, let’s create it. 

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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